hello everyone!!! thanks for all the positive posts, this truly is a family and the vibes in here today are amazing!!!!

really happy to read today!!! feels like home again
first....good news for us! hubby got his G1 and the ultra sound went well. There is 1 baby with 2 arms, 2 legs, a heart and a brain...yay! everything looks great. The technician said the baby is very active...baby was kicking and jumping around like crazy. I hope it doesn't stay that way or I'm in trouble lol it was just an initial IPS which is a pre-screening. The real ultra sound will come later....we are hoping to find out the sex of the baby then. Today we were just really excited and happy to see that the baby is normal and kicking. Now I can relax knowing the baby is ok.
can indy jam - congrats! any movement is always exciting, at least it was for me
soanxious - glad you and your son are settling in well and loving it! good luck on the job search
HF - I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Feeling less sick these days so I'm hoping the nausea is going away for good. My belly is growing so fast, it's unbelievable...oh well, that's what happens when you're pregnant. Glad your hubby got a day job, more time to spend with you
lady posh - love your positive spirit!
to the other highlyflavoured - I like you too
lonely wife - congrats on the tax refund! I am with Charlie....get that table lol
sorry if I missed anyone ... I'm sneaking on while hubby is watching tv lol ok ok....I put on dancing with the stars and hubby is not really thrilled lol