Well, there are a few things that seem to make a case go longer than the average 7 months time that we have been seeing lately... (even though on the offical immigration website it does state that the ave time is 15 months)
it has seemed that in the past when there is children involved (child being sponsored from Jamaica along with spouse) it is a slightly longer process. Especially when the child is not the child of the person sponsoring - in that case there needs to be letters from the other parent staying in JA stating that they give authority to allow the child to move country and more background checks need to be completed essentially adding more time to the case - espeically if not all documents were submitted in initial package
when the person being sponsored has lived / worked outside of Jamaica for more than 6 months - in that case they need to get police checks from all countries resided or worked in and in turn also makes for added background checks from the embassy which again, can legthen the process - espeically if not all docuements were submitted in initial package
when the person being sponsored medicals expire before the visa is issued. Medicals are valid for only 1 year since the date done. we cannot stress enough on this forum about doing medicals LAST before sending off application. A visa cannot be issued if the medicals are invalid.
If kingston does not feel like you have presented enough evidence they will ask for an interview, this most definetly adds more time onto your case.
The Immigration Officer that has your file (IO) everyone works differently and at different paces - many of used to think that we have the same IO working on our files because our files went the same way at the same times - total specualtion there.
Many people have had problems with file in kingston and they have given excuses such as, wanting to verify that the marriage certificate is legit, the medicals were not done proper by the DMP, letters and phone calls have been made to person being sponsored but that person being sponsored has claimed to never receive them (such as document request etc), Files have been misplaced or lost, calls being made to embassy from unknown people stating that the relationship is not legit and inturn tampering with the case.... dont mean to make you worry - but things do happen.
It seems that during the summer months Kingston slows down a bit also, the last while Kingston has been audited and since then they have really seemed to have stepped up their game so it will be interesting to see if this summer is the same. We blame that on summer holidays, short staff, a lot of holidays since they recognize both jamaican and canadian holidays.
I personally dont think that if the person being sponsored is employed or non-employed makes a difference - I guess it is all in eyes of the IO. Not sure on that, but a person who holds a job can look more "independant" in someones eyes i suppose. A long term job can never be a bad thing right?
I also dont think that age is a huge factor, we have had a few people on this forum with 15+ year difference both man being older and sponsoring a younger women, and women being older sponsoring a younger man and both have had no problems with being approved. I think if age is the only factor that the IO could pick on for being a possible reason for not being genuine then I dont think they have a good enough fight to call you in for an interview.
So far we have NOT ONE PERSON WHO HAS BEEN DENIED on this forum so far!! We have a great great success rate 100%. We have had a handful of interviews - but it seems that KNG always asks for an interview if they doubt anything and give you an X amount of time to present whatever documents or proof that is necessary.
Hope this helps... and please ask away any questions that you have. This is keeping me occupied while I wait for my little baby to bless me and hubby with her presense in 5 weeks! I am almost imobile