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  1. T

    is my case strong enough to apply for refugees protection?

    What you are describing is the same for every single foreigner living in Saudi. There doesn't seem to be any persecution or infringement of rights here. Just because a country won't give you citizenship doesn't make you a refugee.
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    URGENT:My partner is 3-month pregnant & we want to shift to Canada(we're expats)

    Absolutely! And he had the most amazing mustache.
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    URGENT:My partner is 3-month pregnant & we want to shift to Canada(we're expats)

    So I recall watching an episode of Border Security in which the CBSA officials mentioned that Buskers do not require a work permit to perform in Canada. I did a quick Google search and came across this which confirms that fact...
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    It doesn't matter when the rule came into effect as all applicants are subject to the new rules. So, if you wife hasn't lived in the country for 183 days of each of the last four calendar years, then she is not eligible.
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    Will Bill C6 dead because of Monsef case?

    Multiple charter violating provisions? Unenforceable clauses? I'm not sure what bill you read, but not a single legal challenge has proven to be successful and the law(and its clauses) have been in effect now for about a year. So, all clauses are indeed being enforced. As for the bill being...
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    Will Bill C6 dead because of Monsef case?

    I'm not sure why you think C-24 was ill considered. It seems like the Canadian population was pleased with it, and even the Liberals appear to be using its provisions quite aggressively. Perhaps it may not have been in your favor, but it was hardly "ill considered". C6 on the other hand is...
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    newly resident want to sponsor parents

    She needs to first demonstrate that she has sufficient income to sponsor her parents, which requires 3 years of tax returns. Once she has those, she can apply to sponsor her parents.
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    BREAKING NEWS Bill C-6 finally passed in HoC, Now reading in Senate

    Sue based on what? People throw around lawsuit threats so frivolously. Are you going to sue the government for changing their laws? Good luck with that one. The laws were changed for a reason. The calendar year requirement was likely introduced becuase of the need to produce tax returns...
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    URGENT:My partner is 3-month pregnant & we want to shift to Canada(we're expats)

    you should also know that renewing and maintaining a valid health card is a "residential tie" that CRA does consider when determining whether you are a resident of Canada. for tax purposes.
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    Bill C-6, Bill C-24 and the Canadian Legal System

    Well, according to this (https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/after-green-card-granted/maintaining-permanent-residence), you could lose your green card if you: (a) move to another country; (b) stay out of the US for an extended period of time; (c) fail to file your US taxes. In comparison, you...
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    Bill C-6, Bill C-24 and the Canadian Legal System

    To be fair, the US residency rules are much stricter than Canada's, and US citizens are subject to global taxation. If you want to try and compare the two, then you have to consider all factors.
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    Bill C-6, Bill C-24 and the Canadian Legal System

    Canada's government will change the laws at will to protect its citizens. You must accept this becuase once you are a citizen, the laws can and will indeed be regularly amended to serve your interests. For all of those that feel like victims, look at what the government has done with regard to...
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    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    Yes, but he decided to turn it into a photo op. perhaps he should have spent that time preparing for the meeting instead. Then he may have actually had some answers for them.
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    Canada's Senate: Two hours a day, Three days a week (6hrs/week@$150k/yr)

    It's all politics at the end of the day. In the case of C6, numerous Senators clearly stated they didn't like the bill and would do whatever they could do delay or defeat it. It also doesn't help that the Minister of Immigration who helped draft the Bill hasn't been able to defend it. When...
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    Canada's Senate: Two hours a day, Three days a week (6hrs/week@$150k/yr)

    If you are out to find inefficiencies in the government, you will find a multitude of them that are greater in magnitude than the Senator salaries. Just look at the outrageous moving expenses that JT approves for his buddies, or the outrageous salaries that Wynne has paid her cronies for hardly...
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    Crossing US boarder after rejected PRTD

    If her PRTD has already been rejected, that means that her PR status is in the process of being revoked and the only chance of saving it is the appeal. You mother can no longer avail the loophole of taking her chances by crossing through a land border.
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    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    You sort of wonder why McCallum would bring a photographer with him. Can't he follow his boss' lead and just take a few selfies from his phone instead?
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    BREAKING NEWS Bill C-6 finally passed in HoC, Now reading in Senate

    Sounds like typical Liberal politics...Not sure why we want to change things, but if the Cons passed a law, it must automatically be wrong. He had the exact same answer when asked to justify his loosening of the language requirements. What a joke and what a waste of taxpayer money.
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    Humanitation & Compassionate Basis

    Sorry to hear about your loss. could you travel back home and then apply for a PRTD to return to Canada instead of waiting for your PR Card?
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    enquiry about immigration procedure for the entire family

    The refugee program is not an alternative to traditional immigration streams. It is intended for those people whose lives are in danger, and who actually need safe refuge.