There are lot of grievances against BLS Toronto, just look at the posts in this forum itself and it speaks volume
One of the most common concern is forcing people to pay for the courier services even if somebody doesn't want it.I have heard a recent case where the lady at counter # 3 (BLS Toronto) said due to pandemic, pick up service is not available and he was forced to pay $65 courier charges for an OCI application. This is gross and extortion, some people who vehemently opposes this courier services are allowed to pick up their documents though.
While applying for OCI and passport surrender together, I don't understand why they charge 3x courier charges, the oci booklet,indian passport, surrender certificate and the original document can be couriered in the same single package. Also, retention of one original document is another means to extort money, in BLS website it clearly says that originals are not required to be submitted along with the application for Toronto jurisdiction, it should however be brought for verification only. I have read in one post in this thread itself, where the person did not carry original COPR, and they kept his original citizenship certificate. Isn't it grotesque? They did it just to extort money in the name of courier charges. While BLS Brampton doesn't retain any original, don't really understand why BLS Toronto has a different set of rules, both locations are in Ontario itself.
This malpractices are ongoing and we need to raise our voice to stop it. One option is to file a class action lawsuit against BLS Toronto for extortion in the name of courier charges,if anybody reading this post knows the process, would request to provide some pointers. We can also collectively submit a complaint in a small claims court, unless no action is taken by suffering public, these kind of malpractices would continue. Another option is to write to MEA, but not sure how seriously it would be taken, and I am sure people might have already tried this escalation path.
But I must also say that the behaviour of their staff at Toronto location has improved compared to 5 years ago, but extortion in the name of courier charges continues....