Quick question guys.
My IELTS is tomorrow morning. Honestly I don't feel prepared, and I'm a native English speaker

My test was supposed to be on May 23rd. On Friday, IELTS reps called me that they have to switch me because of overbooking. It was either May1st, 3rd or sometime in June. I was scared that June was too far and May 1st was literally the next day. So I opted for the 3rd (Tomorrow) I'm freaking out because I don't have enough time to prepare

What is the lowest score to be eligible to apply for the TR to PR program. I saw online it says:
- Have attained a level of proficiency of at least benchmark 5 in either official language for each of the four language skill areas, as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens. This must be demonstrated by the results of an evaluation by an organization or institution designated by the Minister for the purpose of evaluating language proficiency under subsection 74(3) of the Regulations; and the evaluation must be less than two (2) years old when the permanent residence application is received;
Honestly, I don't feel like I'm getting a band 7 or 8 or 9. Maybe I'll feel less pressure and do better tomorrow. But if I get a Band 5 or 6, can I still apply?
I'm just preparing myself incase I don't get a good score in the test LOL
Please advise