All they are looking 4 is genuine relationship .And how we prove it? it's up to us. YES doing just a court marriage for them is a BIG TIME doubtful thing. But proving ceremonies later should be well justified as to why we did it late in a LOE letter of Explanation and then it will be fine. But try to do all of it and then Sponsor her. Some ppl sponsor 1st then do ceremonial thing , it is risky u may PRESS LIKE button

if it is all helpful
Also whatever we do, should not do FOR THEM but should be done honestly for ourselves. Photos should speak out the story NOT taken for them but in real sense for our own love etc.. Same applies to letters OR chats all done in reality NOT just to show them. Copies of chat sessions, phone records
be4/after marriage will be required too. Shopping receipts of anything U give to wife be4/after marriage should be attached too. Visits to her and your side relatives say 1 or 2 pics are a must too.
So far in 2-3 years of our relations .>I have spent many LAkhs Rs.. visited her twice, honeymoon at awell known hill station 10 days, marriage Hall , drinks, taxies, court BRIBEs were too much just to get a marriage CERT 20,000, air tickets, scooty, U name it expenses are sky HIGH It includes monthly support as my wife lost her job due to COVID , rent, clothing all I am sending LIST goes on and on >>>>>>.