Hi experts
i need your help

i received 3 letters and i don`t understand why. Maybe you can help. One moment: Warsaw received my application, but when i passed Bio manager propose me stick visa in Kiev. so now i correct understand that my appl go from Warsaw to Kiev???!!!
My lettters (in gckey and ecas no news):
1) Visa application, tracking ID No.XXXXX is under process at the IRCC Office. Please note this is an auto generated e.mail. Please do NOT reply to this email. - last letter
2) Visa application, tracking ID No. XXXXXX has been received at the Kyiv OC VAC on 2019-12-23 06:18:00 AM GMT Standard Time and is on transit to the IRCC Office in Kyiv OC ,for processing. Please note this is an auto generated e.mail. Please do NOT reply to this email.-
it`s AOR2 ???? - second letter
3) Visa application, tracking ID No. XXXXXXXX The envelope for the decision on the results of your visa that has been processed has been received at the Canadian Visa Application Center at Kyiv OC, on the date. We will then send this to the Canadian Visa Application Center Kyiv OC. Please note that this is an automated email. Please DO NOT reply to this email. - first letter