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IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi friends,
Kindly evaluate this essay and enlighten me on my mistakes. Thanks.

Some people argue that competitive sports are for bringing together different people and cultures others argue that these sports can cause problems and increase conflicts between nations. Discuss both point of views and give your opinion.

Competitive sports attract audience from different nations and cultures. While some believe that such occasions promote union of people from varying cultures, others fear escalation of tension between people from different countries. In my opinion, sports always spread love and brotherhood between people irrespective of their nationality.

Every year teams from different countries play competitive sports in global tournaments. The magnanimity of these games make people visit stadiums to watch them live .
Hopeandfaith has already done a good review but I have to point out one thing.

The word “magnanimity” Is wrong in the context. The word you’re looking for is magnitude.

Magnanimity means high minded or generous.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
All education (primary, secondary and further education) should be free to all people and paid and managed by the government.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Thus, his family will be further entangled into a virtuous cycle of poverty. .
Hopeandfaith has done an excellent review and has made very good points.

Just a point on this line. The word virtuous is wrong in this context. The word you’re looking for is vicious.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
A bunch of thanks. I'm really, well how all people who participate actively here, grateful with all your support and free guidance. If there is a life beyond this, definitely you would have a privilege place there. Thanks! That said, Yes of course, I'd like those suggestions, undoubtedly they would be of great help.
Thanks for the kind words. I hope you all score the bands you need and desire. That will be really satisfying and pleasing for me.

And who said the guidance is free?? The drinks are on you my friend if we ever meet in Canada :D:D
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Those who can not afford, due to the lack financial resources, the basis necessities of life such as a decent housing, quality food, proper health, etc., would inevitably end up committing petty crimes (shoplifting, break-in, assault, and the like) to cover up these essential needs and survive in this world.
I see you have added the word “decent” to your vocabulary. Well done mate!
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Akhil Soni

Star Member
Feb 9, 2018
Hopeandfaith has already done a good review but I have to point out one thing.

The word “magnanimity” Is wrong in the context. The word you’re looking for is magnitude.

Magnanimity means high minded or generous.
Yes you are right CANSHA. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.


Star Member
Jan 6, 2016
When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?
Support your answer with specific details.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

One of the most underestimated challenge in migrating to other country is adapting to the rituals of other culture. Many people do not realize the importance of cultural differences until they encounter any hard choices, which impacts the lifestyle of them and their family members. customs of any place are of utter importance and people cannot completely avoid them easily. Some people may comfortably adopt the customs of new country while other feel it very difficult to adjust with them, but in my opinion, a balanced approach the best way to survive in any nation.

There is a famous saying that ‘When you are in Rome, do as Romans do”. Many people believe in this philosophy and feel no hesitation in adopting the culture of host country. For instance. Liquor is forbidden in the religion of Islam, but it is widely consumed in the social gatherings of western countries. Some of the people coming from South Asian or Arab countries may have problem with that, but most of them do not hesitate to drink them once they have moved to western countries. They believe that inability to drink it makes them socially outcast and they cannot mingle with locals without loosening up over the drink. Hence, it is necessary for them if they want to progress socially and professionally.

On the other hand, a lot of Asians and Arabs never involve in activities conflicting with the religious values, practiced strictly in their hometowns. Rather, they setup a protection mechanism for themselves and their kids to avoid adopting such habits. For example, they arrange meetups of local like-minded people regularly to save their families from isolation and promote socialization with the right people. This enables them to develop a cosmos of their own, where they can live like their hometown.

However, I believe, a balanced approach is the best option to prosper in such circumstances. We should follow the local customs as long as they are not conflicting with one’s religious values. It is not necessary to meet locals in bars, one can socialize with them in sports clubs, fitness clubs or educational institutions. Therefore an opportunity is always there for whoever tries to identify it.

In brief, I would like to modify the famous Roman quotation as “ When you are Rome, do as Romans do, as long as it is not conflicting with your religious values”. We should compromise on all other customs to accommodate cultural differences except religion, which will be unacceptable by our God and loved ones.


Star Member
Jan 6, 2016
Hopeandfaith has done an excellent review and has made very good points.

Just a point on this line. The word virtuous is wrong in this context. The word you’re looking for is vicious.

ohhh shooot.. I spoiled everything with one word.. haven't used it for quite a while


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there.

Write a letter to someone you know who live there. In your letter

· ask them for help finding accommodation

· tell them where you would like to live

· tell them the type of place you are looking for
Dear Wilson,

Hope you are doing what? (good / great / fine / well). I am delighted to inform you that I will be moving to your town next month for work purpose. I need your advice to settle their there (avoid these mistakes) smoothly and find out an affordable accommodation, as I have never been to your city before.

I am particularly looking to find (see correct here no out after find) a two bed apartment on rent near down town (downtown is a single word) area, so that I can easily commute to work. Moreover, it would be great, if it has some fitness and sports facilities nearby, so that I can work out in the evenings. Likewise, rent will be an important factor in choosing the place, as I am not willing to pay anything more than a $1000 per day/week/month/year?
I hope you can find out such a place for me in due time. I hope you can help me find such a place. Ask for help else it feels like you're ordering him to find a place :D
Looking forward to have a great time with you.


All good. I think you're set for Task 1.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?
Support your answer with specific details.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
One of the most underestimated challenge in migrating to other country is adapting to the rituals of other culture. Good line but not sure about the word rituals. It is not wrong but I would probably just say .. adapting to the culture.
Many people do not realize the importance of cultural differences until they encounter any hard choices, which impacts impact (choices is plural and hence verb needs to be for a plural and hence impact and not impacts) the lifestyle of them and their family members. impacts their and their family members lifestyle.
customs (Need C capital) of any place are of utter importance and people cannot completely avoid them easily. Some people may comfortably adopt the customs of new country while other feel find it very difficult to adjust with them, but in my opinion, a balanced approach is the best way to survive in any nation.
Overall good intro!

There is a famous saying that ‘When you are in Rome, do as Romans do”. Many people believe in this philosophy and feel no hesitation in adopting the culture of the host country. For instance. Liquor is forbidden in the religion of Islam, but it is widely consumed in the social gatherings of western countries. Some of the people coming from South Asian or Arab countries may have problem with that, but most of them do not hesitate to drink them once they have moved to western countries. They believe that inability to drink it makes them socially outcast and they cannot mingle with locals without loosening up over the a drink. Hence, it is necessary for them if they want to progress socially and professionally.

On the other hand, a lot of Asians and Arabs never involve in activities conflicting with the religious values, practiced strictly in their hometowns. home countries. Rather, they setup a protection mechanism for themselves and their kids to avoid adopting such habits. For example, they arrange meetups of local like-minded people regularly to save their families from isolation and promote socialization with the right people their own ethnic group. This enables them to develop a cosmos of their own, where they can live like their hometown. home country

However, I believe, a balanced approach is the best option to prosper in such circumstances. We should follow the local customs as long as they are not conflicting with one’s religious values. It is not necessary to meet locals in bars, one can socialize with them in sports clubs, fitness clubs or educational institutions. Therefore an opportunity is always there for whoever tries to identify it.

In brief, in conclusion I would like to modify the famous Roman quotation as “ When you are Rome, do as Romans do, as long as it is not conflicting with your religious values”. We should compromise on all other customs to accommodate cultural differences except religion, which will be unacceptable by our God and loved ones.
Good essay. Your point of view is clear and flows nicely. Conclusion is also good. Overall, you're moving towards a 7+ band. On a good exam day you can hope to get 8 also.


Star Member
Aug 29, 2017
Hi friends, I would be highly obliged, if someone can review my essay and provide the feedback comments.


Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

Which viewpoint do you agree with?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Advertising influence our shopping to a large extent. There is a group of people who believe that advertisement leads to a wasteful buying while the other group of people says that advertisements help them to be aware of the new products in the market that can lead us to a better life. In this essay, we will argue that advertisement is helpful but we need to be very conscious while making a buying decision based on the advertisement.

The Advertising industry is getting very professional. While planning an advertisement campaign, they understand the psychology and buying habits of their target customers. Accordingly, the product is presented in such a manner that the target customers are tempted to buy it. In addition, these advertising agencies target the customer those can be influenced easily like children and ladies. Sometimes these advertisements are presented far from reality.

In spite of all this, advertisements are very useful to us in multiple ways. Advertisement helps us to be aware of the new products introduced in the market. Moreover, the same product is offered by multiple companies. These companies present the salient features of their product through advertising., assisting us in comparing the product and deciding the most suitable product that serves our purpose. In addition, advertising also let us know about the offers and discounts. Thereby, helping us in saving the money by availing these discounts.

In this essay, we discussed that advertisements are very useful, provided we are very prudent while making the buying decisions based on the advertisements. Advertisements can definitely assist in making our life easy by creating awareness of the new products.
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi friends, I would be highly obliged, if someone can review my essay and provide the feedback comments.


Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

Which viewpoint do you agree with?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Advertising influence influences our shopping to a large extent. There is a group of people who believe that advertisement leads to a wasteful buying while the other group of people says that advertisements help them to be aware of the new products in the market that can lead us to a better life.
In this essay, we will argue that advertisement is helpful but we need to be very conscious while making a buying decision based on the advertisement.
Something for you to consider and research on Internet on high band essays. Personally, I would want to avoid language like we will argue in formal essay. I'm not sure if it is considered wrong. My suggestion is just review some high band essays online and see if those instructors ever use such language in their essays. If the answer is yes, then ignore this and move on. If the answer is no, then may be learn a different way of saying this.
Decent intro.

The Advertising industry is getting very professional. While planning an advertisement campaign, they understand the psychology and buying habits of their target customers. Good
Accordingly, the product is presented in such a manner that the target customers are tempted to buy it. Good
In addition, these advertising agencies target the customer those can be influenced easily like children and ladies. If possible keep arguments gender neutral

Sometimes these advertisements are presented far from reality. Somehow this line seems hanging.
Overall I liked this paragraph. The ideas are clear. The flow is good. Very nice!

In spite of all this, advertisements are very useful to us in multiple ways. Advertisement helps us to be aware of the new products introduced in the market. Moreover, the same product is offered by multiple companies. These companies present the salient features of their product through advertising., assisting us in comparing the product and deciding the most suitable product that serves our purpose. In addition, advertising also let us know about the offers and discounts. Thereby, helping us in saving the money by availing these discounts.

In this essay, we discussed that advertisements are very useful, provided we are very prudent while making the buying decisions based on the advertisements. Advertisements can definitely assist in making our life easy by creating awareness of the new products.
Same thing on conclusion. I'm not entirely sure of the language in first line.

Overall, I liked the essay. I think both the middle paragraphs very good. There are no visible English or Grammar issues also. You definitely can score a high band. If you like, consider the suggestions made.

All the best!


Star Member
Aug 29, 2017
Decent intro.

Overall I liked this paragraph. The ideas are clear. The flow is good. Very nice!


Same thing on conclusion. I'm not entirely sure of the language in first line.

Overall, I liked the essay. I think both the middle paragraphs very good. There are no visible English or Grammar issues also. You definitely can score a high band. If you like, consider the suggestions made.

All the best!
Thanks a lot for your feedback comments... I will surely consider your suggestions.