With all empathy, it's not a competition and it's not a zero-sum game

Given you've been waiting so long and have even got your MP involved, you've done all you can.
This will not be easy to hear, but I would say please stop comparing your timeline with anyone else's. You're only torturing yourself and for
nothing. This is true for everyone but especially true for you given they've for some reason decided to do things differently on your application. May I ask if you're from HK, like your wife? I've read they sometimes scrutinize applicants from certain parts of the world more carefully although I have read that in context of people from war-torn countries. If not your country of origin, it could be a whole range of variables on your application like the outland spousal sponsorship, or that you left Canada for a while before you came back, your work history etc. I'm not saying it's warranted, mind you. That's not for me to say. What I
am trying to say is that you're as much in the dark as anyone but the officers examining your file at IRCC. And that you can analyze it all to hell and back and not be any the wiser. But most importantly, I think it's worth noting that all that self-flagellation will change absolutely
As long as you've done all you can (and clearly you have), you should let things be (again, I know this will be hard to read and it's certainly easier to say for someone not in your shoes – but I'd argue that's precisely the point.. if I were in your shoes, it would help me to hear an unbiased third-party observer's perspective). If I were you, I'd get off this forum and come back once in a month. Same deal for checking the tracker. Get busy with other parts of your life. Order the gcms notes once a month if it helps you cope better. Your job as this point should be to not torture yourself over this through random speculation and stack-ranking against others when every case is as unique as the individual making the application. And here is a true statement that no one can deny: with every day that goes by, you're a day closer to getting your citizenship.