100%! One has to figure out which part of life is something they'll find it hard to solve - downpayment for a house or a job - if one can sort those two, nothing to worry about. And, both are largely fixable for non entry level folks in tech or management.It has been same as always. Move to Canada with a job and you will do great. Trying to get a job here without having the mythical Canadian experience will lead to nothing but heartache.
Btw, lack of Canadian experience can be solved by networking, contract jobs pre-landing, advisory roles, etc. I know a Director from McKinsey from EU who was being turned down in Canada for lack of "Canadian exp" even for very junior roles(e.g. Associate), but at the same time I know folks who were Assistant Managers in companies like McKinsey who landed a Strategy Lead roles with higher pay in Canada. The difference was, one relied on "spray and pray", the other one saw each position as a unique opportunity and leveraged mentors, did coffee-chats, etc.
For ambitious entry level folks, getting a mentor is extremely helpful. It requires a bit of time pre-landing though, which right now is super rare to see within our immigrant cohorts.