Hi Rumaan
No I have not arrived in Canada yet, unfortunately I am still waiting on AEO from BC too.. I hope we both get some news soon! What job will you be doing as that may give an indication of your NOC submitted. Maybe we should keep in touch as we applied for AEO at similar time?
Hi awai ali
Congrats on your AEO

Where was your AEO processed? I hope your application is going well and you hear good news soon.
I have applied under showroom Manager, last week my employer had a second interview, now he is telling that we are waiting for the decision.
it can happen anytime.
one of my cousin applied in Oct too, in feb he got refusal, and now again he is in que. That means that in 3-4 months time is approximate to get any news if employer is timely responding.
Any way lets pray for each other..