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Whats New in Canada-Update on CA


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Cash and emotional preparation key to success for immigrants in Canada

Canada, 29th July: New immigrants coming to Canada must have cash and be ready to make sacrifices, reveals a latest Royal Bank poll.

Emotional preparedness vital to settlement in Canada--All newcomers must be emotionally prepared, if they want to settle in Canada, adds the advice from immigrants already settled in Canada.

In fact, emotional preparedness is, undoubtedly, the key to success for immigrants coming to Canada, reveals the survey involving around 58 percent of immigrants hailing from South Asia and China.

Immigrants must be mentally prepared to face financial problems awaiting them after immigrating to Canada, the poll suggests.

Hence, a minimum amount needed by them for day-to-day expenditure is around $15,000, says an immigrant from India, Ash Ghose. Ghose, armed with a degree in mechanical engineering from India, decided to come to Canada in the year 2004 and is now employed with RBC, Toronto.

When he came to Canada, he had just two suitcases and a couple of paintings with him. He admits that he started his life in Canada from a scratch and asserts the vital role of mental preparation for successful settlement in Canada.

Be ready for obstacles in a new nation—immigrants told--According to director of Multicultural Markets, RBC, Camon Mak, relocating to a new nation is a decision of lifetime and hence, one must be mentally prepared for the obstacles lying ahead.

This includes adjusting to a different culture. Most of new immigrants are prepared well for financial and physical changes coming after moving to a new nation, states Mak. However, getting connected with local community and having a support network can help a lot, he adds.

Efforts by immigrants in this regard before their arrival in Canada include doing online surveys to get a better idea about various aspects of life in Canada, reveal 47 percent of participants in the RBC poll.

Establishing contact with friends or relatives already settled in Canada and informing them of their imminent move can prove to be of great help for immigrants’ successful settlement in Canada. Newcomers can get help and advice from their friends/relatives regarding Canada’s way of life.

Language skills vital for integration--—Another surprise awaiting new immigrants is related to jobs in Canada. The fact is that although, immigrants do get jobs quite early, but these jobs are usually survival jobs and most of the immigrants tend to get stuck in such jobs.

Hence, in order to get the right type of jobs in Canada, new immigrants need to have appropriate language skills that are equivalent to the language skills of native Canadians.


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Ontario Supports Highly Skilled Immigrants

Not Just A Cordial Welcome: Ontario aims to help Canadian immigrants to build and operate their own professions as soon as they arrive in Canada. Internationally trained professionals will have better opportunities to practice their trade with better help from the government.

All Round Preparation of Ground: In a bid to improve access to the labour market and professions fairly, Ontario’s Fairness Commissioner aims to co-operate with the government, professional regulatory bodies and various other partners. He has set forth to do this via a plan which aims at the following.

Reviewing any proposed regulations before approval so as to maximize available opportunities for internationally trained professionals in the medical field immigrating to Ontario.

Review entry-to-practice requirements, which includes mandatory experience in Canada, which will help eliminate unnecessary barriers while protecting the quality in health care as well as other sectors.

Additionally, the province is also pushing efforts harder that will expand programs that are community based so that international medical students can immigrate to Canada under the Canadian International Graduates Visa. These programs will help the immigrants to Canada start their professions faster. In turn, residents of Ontario can therefore gain more and faster from the better facilies that can be provided in healthcare.

Growing Out Of Its Skin…Growing Independent: Renowned as the most multicultural province in Canada, it is now attempting to call on the federal government to give it more powers to independently assist immigrants who will contribute to the economy of the province in a more tangible way.

Initially Quebec after which Manitoba and British Columbia were given more resources and powers to support the settlement of immigrants in the respective provinces. Now Ontario too is seeking similar freehand and is applying to the federal government making a similar deal with them.

Dalton McGuinty, premier of Ontario said that they too need a fair deal with the federal government so that they can help newcomers to blend in and succeed which will help support a culturally strong, vibrant and diversely talented Ontario.

From a Haven to Eden: In a bid to further their warm welcome to skilled immigrants into Ontario, the province is planning to invest $8.8 million to renew around a dozen programs all around the province. Ontario already has many an impressive facts to their credit like more than sixty per cent of the adult new comers to the province are either educated or are trained upto the post secondary level.

Some of the province’s Bridge Training programs receive partial support from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). A Bridge Training program helps a newcomer into Canada to get their requisite certification or licensing so that working in Ontario is not a hassle.

There are around thirty-five different fields where the administration of Ontario has a Bridge Training Program ranging from accountancy to tourism and veterinary medicine, etc.


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High Health Care Costs in Canada - A Big Cause of Worry for Illegal Immigrants

Canadian economy although extremely stable in most aspects, is fighting the demon of forever rising medical costs along with home prices as observed by experts. Health care in Canada is administered through a system largely funded by the public.

Canadian Medical Association and provincial governments have recognized that their medical care system is no longer sustainable and needs to be stabilized to prevent it from crashing down.

Problems that Persist:
Ironically, Canada devotes the largest share of its economy to health care but even so, Canadians are on the lower rungs of the ladder when compared to services received by people in other countries. Although most hospitals are government owned, they lack sufficient medico- technological equipments like CT scanners and MRI machines.
As many as 6.6% of locals inland of the Maple leaf complain of not getting access to a doctor and this further increases waiting times for treatment . In 1993, the median wait period was 9.3 weeks but has now risen to more than 19 weeks.

In order to provide better services to the people, authorities are left with no choice but to invest more in technology and infrastructure as well as hiring medicos in larger numbers which will push the Canadians towards higher taxes.

Worst affected will be the illegal immigrants who will run into a lot of trouble with the authorities and given their lower earning potential, they will be left with no means to look for other options of health care in the light of costs directed skywards.
What went wrong?

OECD has pointed out that there is a lot that is inconsistent about the country’s healthcare system. Inefficiency breeds rampant in the scheme of things because Canadians do not have to pay anything for core services. As such, the medical traffic is enormous, and therefore, quality health checkups are not possible.

Moreover, all the hospitals are government run and therefore on the same pedestal, thus mellowing down the extremely necessary factor of competition. In such a case, the hospitals and medical professionals do not see any incentive to improve their services.
Another factor contributing to the ricocheting costs is that of deteriorating mental strength, a commonplace problem faced by people given the stressful circumstances we live in. Nowadays, self injury cases are unfortunately more common among Canadians than strokes and other physical disorders as observed by CIHI.

Damage Control: OECD has advised Canada to revaluate their health care system and trash out the demons before the system is totally and irreversibly crippled. It has been suggested that the Canada Health Act is liberally reviewed and modified. 2014 is when the federal-provincial funding expires and now is the perfect time for the government to take into account the bigger picture and rethink its strategies.


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Canada Immigration: Bracing to Welcome More Than Double the Immigrants

Welcoming More into the Fold:
Canada is bracing itself to welcome more than double the immigrants that it has in the recent past. It will admit a record number of 40,000 immigrants said Jason Kenney, the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. This is being done through the Provincial Nominee Program. This number is five times more than what was seen in 2006.

Importance of Looking Outward:
The highest number admitted before this influx was 36,428 in 2010. Kenney said that the government recognizes the importance of nominee programs for spreading out the benefits that accrue from immigration throughout the country. Provinces and territories are allowed to seek migrants who match the skills that they need for their jurisdiction.
Conventionally, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver have attracted the most number of skilled immigrants coming into Canada. However, according to the government, the top three provinces that attract the Provincial Nominees are Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Because of the provincial Nominee Program, more than a fourth of the economic immigrants accepted as permanent residents of Canada are destined for provinces other than Ontario, British Columbia or Quebec as compared to just 11 per cent in 1997.

“We understand the desire of provinces and territories to identify their own economic immigrants and that is why we have continued to increase our projected admissions for nominees each year,” said Kenney. He also said that they are committed to working with the provincial partners to improve the design, integrity and the selection standards as well as the management of the nominee programs.

Better Way In For Skilled Labor:
The Provincial Nominee Program is a good way to get more skilled workers into the country since it is faster than the normal procedure. One an average, applications are processed within a period of 12 months. Also federal skilled worker applications take a similar amount of time to be processed. In fact, Provincial Nominee Programs will be discussed at this month’s cross-Canada consultations that will discuss the level and the mix of the program.

Ignorance WAS Bliss:
In fact, it has come to light that many of the applicants who do not qualify for the Federal Skilled Workers Program can actually qualify for the Provincial Nominee Program. That is because although the federal skilled workers program requires applicants who have skilled work experience only, the Provincial Nominee Program can also accept those candidates that have worked in a semi skilled position. For them to qualify for some of the PNP, expatriate workers must first obtain a job offer from a Canadian employer after which he can apply for a Temporary Work Permit. However, before that permit can be applied for, the Canadian employer who desires to employ the foreign worker has to apply for and should be granted a positive Labor Market Opinion (LMO)


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News Release

Come to Canada Wizard working its magic

Ottawa, August 5, 2011 — Prospective immigrants and visitors to Canada now have a new interactive web tool at their fingertips to help them determine if they are eligible to come to Canada.

Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today the launch of the Come to Canada Wizard.

“We understand that our application processes can be complex, but this new tool is a major service improvement,” said Minister Kenney. “The Wizard will make it easier for potential immigrants and visitors to navigate the application process.”

“The Wizard should also reduce applicants’ reliance on immigration consultants and hopefully will make the Department more efficient by decreasing calls to our Call Centre,” Minister Kenney added.

The Wizard simplifies the application process by matching applicants with the federal immigration option that best suits their specific circumstances. The Wizard does this by asking applicants a series of questions and, based on the answers, it provides the best options for them.

The Wizard leads applicants to a results page that breaks down the application steps and provides instructions and forms.

To view the Wizard, go to www.cic.gc.ca/cometocanada.

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US Debt May Lead To Still Fewer Jobs In Canada. Immigrants May Be Affected The Most

The world’s largest economy, USA is currently looking at a debt crisis. Surprising many but not expert researchers, Washington is under tremendous pressure to pay up all of its bills. Unfortunately, around August 10, as predicted by Barclays Capital, the treasury will have run out of cash. This is creating furor in the House of Representatives, with debates to raise the borrowing limit of the country. This financial meltdown is likely to take Canada in its clutches.

What To Expect If The Deal Isn’t Struck: If the ceiling is not raised, the Feds will have to cut their expenses by 40%, affecting day to day activities of the government. In addition, if USA defaults on loan payments, this could have serious repercussions on global economy because more than 20% of world GDP comes from America.
Also, the credit ratings of US will go down and this could send interest rates spiraling, further slowing down the obstacle ridden growth the country has been attempting since the great recession of2007.

Opposing the idea of upping the debt limit is the fact that this is just a way to delay the impending and inevitable credit catastrophe because ultimately, it will just widen the deficit gap which the country must close up before too long.

Neighbors Voice Their Concerns:
Canada is especially anxious over the financial debt crisis taking hold of their Southern neighbors. It is speculated that any damages incurred by USA in the coming days will eventually trickle down to Canada, their largest business partner and ultimately affect the whole world over time.

Owner of Fairmount books in Canada, Cutler says about the situation, "You're the elephant and we're the mouse: when you roll over we can get crushed." It takes no rocket science to understand that if Americans suffer a debt crisis, it would not leave Canada unscathed. Toronto Stock Exchange dropped down by 450 points, closing at the month’s lowest index amid talks of debt ceiling.

Avery Shenfield, chief economist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce reiterates that while there is a widespread pride in Canada’s financial policies and decisions, the country cannot pretend to be unaffected by their neighbors woes. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty observed that while Canada is well on its way to a balanced budget by 2014 unlike USA and most European countries, it might still end up bearing the brunt of debt saddled business partners in these countries.

Canadian experts opine that in the worst case scenario, one in five jobs in Canada will suffer and this would affect immigrants in major ways because most of them are employed in industries deeply involved in trades and collaborations with USA. In addition, immigrants are likely to lose their jobs given protectionist views of the Canadian community.


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CIBC poll finds 72 per cent of Canadians in debt, 4 in 10 say it hinders goals
By The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – 4 hours ago

TORONTO - About 72 per cent of Canadians say they're holding some form of debt, according to a new poll by CIBC. The bank found that of those debtholders, four in 10 say their current debt level is an obstacle to reaching future financial goals.

Broken down by age, the survey found that 35- to 44-year-old Canadians are most likely to hold various forms of debt, with 89 per cent of that group saying they hold at least one form of debt. Those aged both 18 to 24, and 65 or older, were least likely to have debt.

By region, the survey found that more Albertans are carrying debt, with 77 per cent of respondents in the province having at least some. British Columbia has the lowest levels of debt in all of the provinces.

CP, 2011
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Apr 7, 2011
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In year(s) of 2007 - 2008- 2009 during USA crisis & bad economy time, CIC get chance to attrack high qualified people from the USA, thats the H1B holders. during this period lots of H1B holders move to Alberta on Alberta PNP special reservation only for H1B holders.

So, don'tworry and don't compare your application process with this crisis. USA crisis is not new & not depend on Canada immigration systems but look (CIC) canada got benefits in past during the worst economy of the USA during in year 2007 to 2009.



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again economy is so bad in usa


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Newcomers still welcome in Canada-Survey

Canada, 9th August: Nearly fifty percent Canadians are of the view that Canadian government must prioritize immigrants with high skills or educational qualifications.

This has been revealed in the global survey by Ipsos undertaken recently.

Immigrants considered a burden by Canadians--According to the international survey findings, the percentage of Canadians having positive view towards immigrants is barely thirty nine percent.

Immigration is considered a strain on the public services by nearly 56 percent of Canadians, the findings show. Percentage of Canadians showing neutral attitude towards immigration was stated to be 26 percent.

Around thirty-five percent stated immigration as negative for the nation.

Immigrants’ positive contribution to Canada economy—The truth is that immigrants are not a burden on Canadian economy, asserts an immigration and pluralism expert in University of Toronto, Jeffrey Reitz. Rather, immigrants assist Canadians in paying up for public services, adds Reitz.

He was quoted saying that immigrants use less public services than Canadian-natives, hence making positive contributions towards Canada economy, he informs. Majority of survey respondents say Canada government must focus on allowing immigrants possessing higher skill-sets or higher educational levels to help the nation.

And the reason seems obvious to director of Chinese Canadian National Council, Victor Wong who says that immigrants with high education or skills is likely to be more mobile as compared to other immigrants.

The reason why immigrants tend to be less reliant on social services in Canada is due to the fact that they possess strong sense of self-reliance, he adds.

So, they are less inclined to become a burden, he assets, while quoting the incidence of less popularity of day program for seniors hailing from China.

Education levels affect respondents’ attitudes—Wide difference could be seen in the attitudes of Canadian survey respondents and this is largely due to differences in education levels.

Nearly 60 percent of Canadians with high education levels considered immigration as positive for Canada, while the percentage of their counterparts with same education levels from nations including Australia, Saudi Arabia and India was 51 percent, 47 percent and 43 percent respectively.

Survey results are not surprising keeping in view the economic and social turmoil being witnessed in many nations included in the global survey, states vice president of Ipsos, John Wright. The survey comprised 17,601 from 23 nations.


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New Canadian immigrants have better heart health

Canada, 10th August: New immigrants coming to Canada seem to show better heart health as compared to those who have stayed in Canada for a period extending 15 years or more.

This has been revealed by the findings of a latest study undertaken by ICES(Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences).

The study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology is based on the data of Canadian community health studies between the years 1996 and 2007.

Worse heart-ailments in long-term residents than new immigrants—The research shows that staying for a long duration in Ontario does increase the risk of heart problem among Canadians as compared to their new immigrant counterparts.

According to lead investigator of the study and a doctoral fellow at ICES, Maria Chiu, recent immigrants fare better in terms of heart health over the long-term Canadian residents. Moreover, the ratio of decline of cardiovascular health varies from one ethnic group to other, adds Chiu.

Immigrants of Chinese origin staying for long time in Canada seem to have a noticeable higher risk of developing heart ailments, the study reiterates.

For long, physicians have pointed out that the longer the stay of immigrants in western nations including Canada, the higher is the rate of deterioration of their health, adds Chiu.

Led by a team of co-authors, Chiu analyzed the rate of prevalence of various risk factors resulting in cardiovascular disease among immigrants staying in Canada for more than 15 years and compared it with the risk found in those living less than 15 years in Canada.

The findings assert that compared to new immigrants coming to Canada, those living in Canada for more than 15 years or even more showed a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular problem, high blood pressure, obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Obesity increases risk for cardiovascular disease among long-term Canadian residents—Another factor brought forth by this new study is that obesity seems to be a major factor behind higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease among long term residents in Canada, especially those of Chinese origin. Chinese are getting over-weight placing them at higher risk of diabetes with longer stay in Canada.

And this is due to indulgence in western diet which is not considered the healthiest. And bad eating habits are increasing health risks among ethnic group immigrants in Canada.

Need for responsive attitude—The study findings highlight the need for becoming responsive to the health-care requirements of immigrants belonging to different ethnic communities in Canada and to develop appropriate prevention steps for controlling higher rates of cardiovascular diseases.


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$5 million investment in new immigrant small businesses by Nova Scotia$5 million investment in new immigrant small businesses by Nova Scotia

Canada, 12th August: Nova Scotia is going to become a hot destination for foreign entrepreneurs wanting to settle here, thanks to a investment stimulus by the province for immigrants.

A new immigrant initiative named New Immigrant Small Business Loan Financing Pilot Scheme will be provided with $5 million funding for helping the newcomers in Nova Scotia.

Investment to create new jobs in Nova Scotia—Funding to the tune of $5 million in immigrant program in Nova Scotia will help in creation of new jobs in this Canadian province and will help in attracting a good number of immigrants wanting to set up businesses and live here with their families.

In addition to the $5 million funding for New Immigrant Small Businesses by Nova Scotia, an additional funding of $3 million will be provided, stated Percy Paris, Economic, Rural Development and Tourism Minister. The pilot scheme for immigrants will also be provided an extension of three-years.

Immigrant Small Business Loan Scheme—This immigrant program is a joint collaborative effort of the Government of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council, local credit unions, Credit Union Central of Nova Scotia, Office of Immigration and the Department of Economic and Rural Development The immigrant initiative established in the year 2009 is an extension of the earlier scheme named Small Business Financing Program.

The pilot project is meant for helping newcomers wanting to begin, buy or expand a small business in Nova Scotia.

The program has helped in creation of nearly 50 jobs since its inception around two years ago.

Who is eligible under the New Immigrant Small Business program—This immigrant initiative by Nova Scotia enables any immigrant to borrow an amount extending up to $150,000 for setting up of any business in this Canadian province.

However, the immigrants must have stayed in Nova Scotia for less than five years period. Giving details about the new immigrant program in Nova Scotia, Mr. Paris said its sole aim is to create more jobs in Nova Scotia and to help the economy grow.

Moreover, the program also aids immigration aims of alluring and retaining immigrants possessing skills in great demand in this Canadian province, he asserted. Acting immigration minster Maureen MacDonald also expressed her views that extension of this immigrant program will help increased number of immigrants set-up businesses in Canada.


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News Release

Pilot project to attract more working families to B.C.

Victoria, August 12, 2011 — Family members of most temporary foreign workers in British Columbia will be able to work for any employer in the province, thanks to a pilot project launched today.

The announcement was made by Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney and British Columbia Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation Pat Bell.

“Since I became Minister, I have heard from workers, employers, labour advocates and others who have asked me to make Canada more welcoming for working families coming to Canada as temporary residents,” said Minister Kenney. “With this pilot project, we will examine the benefits of allowing family members of temporary foreign workers to work while they are here with a principal applicant who has been hired because of his or her skills.”

In general, temporary foreign workers come to Canada to meet the needs of a specific employer who has been unable to find citizens or permanent residents for the available jobs. An open work permit, however, allows the holder to accept any job with any employer.

Previously, only spouses and common-law partners of temporary foreign workers employed in a managerial, professional or skilled trades job have been eligible to obtain an open work permit in British Columbia. Starting August 15, spouses, common-law partners and working-age dependants of most temporary foreign workers will be eligible, including many workers in occupations that require lower levels of formal training.

“More than a million jobs will open up in B.C. by 2020, and we will need foreign workers to help meet the skills shortages our businesses are already beginning to face,” said Minister Bell. “Giving more spouses and working-aged children of temporary foreign workers the chance to take jobs will support local businesses, while contributing to local, regional and provincial economic growth.”

Up to 1,800 open work permits will be available under the pilot project, which will end on February 15, 2013.

“Nearly 32,000 temporary foreign workers made the transition to permanent status in 2010, and of those, almost 2,300 chose to immigrate permanently to BC,” Minister Kenney noted. “We understand the important role that foreign workers have in every region of the country and we will continue to look at ways to attract workers who have the skills we need now and into the future.”

British Columbia’s shared role in immigration was cemented in April 2010 with the signing of the Canada-British Columbia Immigration Agreement.

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