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Whats New in Canada-Update on CA


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High Ranks for Canada in Quality Of Life Index

Immigration Relief – Minister Kenney acknowledging the Vancouver Board of Trade stated:“Immigration has always been an important part of the Canadian story. It has been a sustaining feature of Canada’s history and continues to play an important role in building our country.”

He further announced that "Input is being sought from all the key stakeholders. Even the members of Canadian public are being consult in order to establish the most appropriate level of immigration in the future: “Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is in the middle of consulting with Canadians on… how many people we invite to immigrate to Canada, and who are they? We’re also looking for feedback on how we can better manage the system to make it more efficient.”

OECD Ranks – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has given healthy scores to Canada in the category of best quality of life among industrialized countries despite their recession hit phase. They are placed second in the ranks, which is led by Australia. Canada scored substantially in sectors such as housing, education, and health and life contentment.

Competition – Canada was competing with 34 other countries. The OECD, the biggest economic and social policy organization that is financially supported by its members, conducted The Better Life Initiative survey merely to provide an indicator of a country’s success beyond its growth rate figures and related stats.

Satisfaction With Life – A vast, vast majority of Canadians expressed about their satisfaction with the life they are living. The vast majority constituted for a staggering 78%, which is a lot better then OCED’s overall average of 59%. Even though Australia is ranked top as a whole, but it lagged behind Canada in this respect. As compared to Canada, only 75% of Australians feel content with the kinds of lives they are living.

Average Income – Further states revealed that a household was earning USD 27,015 on average, in Canada in 2008 against what the OCED found (USD$22,284). Furthermore, it was revealed that almost 72% of the population between the ages of 15 to 64 had paid livelihood, whereas the same is the rest of the OECD countries is an average 65%. Results for Australia were more or less the same — $27,039 US, the average household income and 72% of paid employees of the specified age bracket.

Female Potency – A whopping 71% of Canadian mothers are working following their kids begin school as compared to the 66% mothers in rest of the OECD nations, revealed some more states by the OECD. According to these reports, it is clear the women in Canada are successfully able to balance their domestic and professional lives. Australia is at par with Canada in this respect as 71% of mothers in the former too are working.

Other Measures – Furthermore, 87% of Canadian students have a high school certificate, or the equivalent, where as the same (on average) for OCED nations are 73%. The topper was less than the general mean with only 70% of its citizens attaining this qualification. Average life of a Canadian is 80.7 year, the where as the overall OECD average was 79. The toppers had a better average life span of 81.5 years bettered only by Japan with 82.7 years.

Immigration Ways -

Business Immigration Program somehow grants immigrants the adequate company endeavor or managerial opportunity that they want to experience.
It is through the VIP entry or program that the economic immigrants are granted permanent residency in a shorter period of time.
Its counterpart in Quebec has been called the Immigrant Investor Program.
Family class Both the citizens as well as the permanent residents of Canada are authorized to sponsor any loved ones members who live outside of Canada. This way, they can support their dearest family members immigrate to Canada by way of the restrictions and guidelines set in a particular Government system.
“We intend to welcome a record number of provincial nominees this year,” Minister Kenney announced. “In 2011, we plan to admit about 40,000 immigrants in the provincial nominee category, five times more than the 8,000 welcomed in 2005. The previous high was 36,428 provincial nominees in 2010.”


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Project to allure foreign families to work in B.C.

Canada, 17th August: An increased number of family members of temporary immigrant workers in British Columbia will be provided opportunity to get jobs here due to the launch of a new pilot project.

Work opportunities await in B.C.--Information about this new immigrant project was revealed by British Columbia Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation Pat Bell, and Canada immigration and citizenship minister Jason Kenney.

Kenney stated that this is a move by Canada to make the nation more welcoming for families of temporary foreign workers coming to Canada for working here.

Meanwhile, the aim is to ascertain the advantages of enabling immigration of foreign families of temporary foreign workers who have been selected due to their respective specific skill-sets, Kenney further informed.

Canada temporary foreign work visa-- Foreigners coming to Canada as temporary foreign workers are allowed to live and work in Canada in case the concerned employer or employers in Canada do not find Canadian citizens or Canada permanent residents with requisite qualifications or skills for getting jobs here.

On the other hand, those with an open Canada work permit can work with any employer in Canada.

Prior to the new Canada immigration rule coming into effect from 15th August onwards, an open Canada work permit for working in B.C. was available only to the common-law partners or spouses of temporary foreign workers having jobs in the capacity of professional, managerial or skilled trades.

The new policy will include working age dependents, spouses and common law partners of almost all the temporary foreign workers, including workers engaged in jobs requiring low skill sets, for working in B.C.

One million jobs in B.C. by 2020—The fact that British Columbia will have around one million new jobs by the year 2020 is a good point to cheer about for aspiring immigrants wanting to move to Canada. And for filling up these jobs in B.C., foreign workers will be needed to meet the shortage of skilled workers, claimed Bell.

Foreign workers play a vital role for the economic development of each region of Canada and hence, Canada will work towards more and more immigrants possessing skills in great demand in Canada, Kenney stated.

The move by B.C. to provide opportunity to working age dependents and spouses of temporary foreign workers to get jobs in this Canadian province will not only provide the much needed relief to businesses of B.C but also prove beneficial for the economic growth of B.C and Canada, Bell further maintained.


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No record of visitors overstaying temporary Canada visas

Canada, 17th August: Canada does not have any official record of a large number of foreigners coming to Canada on temporary visas but staying in Canada permanently, the federal government revelation states.

An official spokesperson of CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) said that currently, there is no system record-keeping of departure of visitors from Canada.

Aspiring immigrants pay the price for federal government’s fault— No exact figures are available for the number of foreign visitors overstaying their Canada temporary visas. Moreover, the government does not keep information about the nations from which foreign visitors hail.

And this is a major loophole in Canadian policy makers, feels Kevin Lamoureuxm a Winnipeg North MP, keeping in view the latest technologies.

The fault of federal government seems to be proving taxing for many relatives of immigrants hailing from the Philippines and India wanting to come to Canada for meeting their families or relatives living in Canada.

Many times, applicants for Canada visas are told of rejection of their applications because Canada visa officials feel the applicant might not leave Canada after expiry of their Canada visas.

But there is no logic in this Canada immigration ruling, argues Auryn Goze from Winnipeg, whose brother was denied to visit her for attending her son’s marriage this month.

This is despite the fact that her brother had left Canada before expiry of his Canada visa during his last Canada visit, Goze adds.

No wonder, Lamourex has launched a national campaign calling for immediate reforms in Canada immigration rules since he also feels that federal government’s lackluster attitude is keeping many families apart without any reason.

And this is a big shock and surprise because decisions of the government of Canada are not based on any facts, adds Lamourex.

CIC reviews immigration rules at regular intervals—spokesperson maintains--Meanwhile, Canada immigration department maintains that immigration laws are reviewed at regular intervals.

According to the official spokesperson of CIC, the department acts on a case-to-case basis for maintaining a proper balance between allowing visitors to Canada while ensuring safety of the nation.

Among the factors considered while accepting or rejecting Canada visa of any applicant are asylum claims, immigration violation rates, removal by any nation, or integrity of vital travel papers, she further maintained.


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News Release

Credential recognition services for applicants improved

Ottawa, August 18, 2011 — The Government of Canada expanded the key role it plays in helping foreign trained skilled workers succeed in Canada.

The Foreign Credentials Referral Office’s (FCRO) annual report, released today, highlights the important achievements made by Citizenship and Immigration (CIC), Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) and Health Canada, who work in partnership with provinces and territories and other key stakeholders to help foreign trained workers with the foreign credential recognition processes.

“We want newcomers to be able to use their skills as soon as possible in Canada and work to their full potential,” said Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. “It’s good for them and good for the Canadian economy.”

The Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications met its commitment in 2010 to let foreign skilled workers in eight targeted occupations know within a year of applying whether their credentials are recognized or what additional courses they would need to take to have their credentials recognized. The Framework, led by HRSDC, is a Government of Canada project in partnership with the provinces and territories.

"Foreign-trained workers make an important contribution to Canada’s labour market and economy. That’s why Canada’s Economic Action Plan invested $50 million to work with partners to improve foreign credential recognition," said Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development. "Our government is helping newcomers find meaningful work that contributes to Canada’s overall prosperity.”

In 2010, the Government of Canada, with the Association of Community Colleges, expanded the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP) to serve not only Federal Skilled Workers but also Provincial Nominees, and their spouses and working-age dependents with two-day orientation sessions on Canadian culture, the labour market and foreign credential recognition processes. The overseas courses better prepare skilled immigrants to integrate more quickly into the Canadian labour market and society.

The program is showing success. By September 2010, nearly 13,000 applicants had registered for CIIP services and over 9,100 had completed the two-day course. Among the CIIP graduates who had arrived in Canada, 70 per cent said they found employment despite the economic downturn.

Other key developments this past year included:

The Federal Internship for Newcomers program gave 65 interns, more than double the number in 2009, key Canadian work experience in 11 government departments.
In B.C. the Physician Integration Project, funded, in part, through Health Canada’s Internationally Educated Health Professionals Initiative, was revised to better support international medical graduates as they integrate into the B.C. workforce.
The Working in Canada website (www.workingincanada.gc.ca) was upgraded to provide information on licensing and certification requirements for various professions, which are steps applicants can begin while still overseas.
The Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) provides information, path-finding and referral services to internationally trained workers both in Canada and overseas and collaborates with federal partners and other stakeholders to improve foreign credential recognition processes.

To read the Government of Canada 2010 Progress Report on Foreign Credential Recognition, go to: www.credentials.gc.ca


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Immigration, retirement will change Canada’s labor growth

Canada, 19th August: Labor force of Canada is going to depict a different outlook in the next two decades, findings of a report by Statistics Canada show.

The employment scenario of Canada will change, thanks to the increasing number of baby boomers and immigrants.

Immigrants to replace baby boomers in Canada workforce in next twenty years--It is being indicated that as more and more Canadian workers reach retirement age, they will be replaced by immigrants.

Growth of Canadian labor force will come to almost a halt, due to increasing number of retirements among the Canadians, the report asserts. This is going to bring up the age of Canadian labor force in the coming two decades.

The only blessing will be the increasing influx of immigrants in Canada, the report further claims.

The fact that majority of new immigrants coming to Canada are below 40 years and are also successful in finding jobs here at the earliest will help in slowing down the ageing of Canada’s labor force, the detailed analysis released by Statistics Canada shows.

By the year 2031, around one out of four workers in Manitoba will be born outside Canada showing an increase from the ratio of one in six in the year 2006. Between the years 2006 and 2010, the annual growth rate of Canada labor force hovered around 1.4 percent.

However, it is being estimated that the growth rate for labor force of Canada is likely to fall down to 1 percent by the next five years period. This is going to be the result of exit of more and more baby boomers from the work force of Canada.

That is not all. The expansion rate of Canada workforce is further going to decline between 0.2 percent and 0.7 percent in the years 2021 to 2026.

Other changes predicted in Canada’s labor force--Participation rate of Canada’s workforce will also witness a decline from the current rate of 67 percent to stay between 59.7 percent and 62.6 percent in the next two decades due to growing life expectancy, fertility rate falling below the replacement rate and increasing ageing baby boomers.

However, number of people aged 15 and above joining workforce of Canada will increase from 18.5 million in the year 2010 to 22.5 million by the year 2031, the report states.

According to a policy and labor expert with University of Saskatchewan, Rose Olfert, retiring baby boomers exiting Canada labor force will result in creating a vacuum of skills and experience on the newcomers joining the workforce. This will put educated and skilled workforce at a premium, he added.


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News Release

Canada’s New Refugee Determination System to Start in June 2012

Ottawa, August 19, 2011 — The Balanced Refugee Reform Act will come into force on June 29, 2012, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.

By law, the new refugee determination system comes into force 24 months after royal assent, which was received on June 29, 2010.

For more information on the new asylum system, visit the CIC website.

Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CitImmCanada.

For further information (media only), please contact:

Candice Malcolm
Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Building a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) strengthens Canada’s economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping ensure Canadian safety and security while managing one of the largest and most generous immigration programs in the world.


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Pre-arrival Canada immigrant projects increases job prospects

Canada, 20th August: An initiative by Canada government to assist skilled newcomers taste success in faster recognition of their foreign credentials leading to success in Canada job market has led to a stupendous increase in the jobs rate for new immigrants.

Seeing the success this initiative in Hong Kong, Manila and New Delhi, Canada immigration department has announced the facility of new centers in Punjab, Gujarat and Beijing for preparing new immigrants wanting to come to Canada for better job prospects.

What is Canadian Immigration Integration Project—Canadian Immigration Integration Project (CIIP) aims to significantly increase the employment opportunities for aspirants wanting to move to Canada and work there. The program was launched by federal government nearly four years ago and has got a terrific success rate in terms of employment rate for new immigrants.

It is a two-day program including personal counseling sessions and a group session for polishing skills of immigrants to find relative jobs in Canada. The immigrant initiative by Canada immigration will also be available in the UK by the end of this year.

Best part of this immigrant initiative by Canada immigration department –CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) – is that the program is available to potential immigrants right in their native nations even before they have actually moved to Canada. This is to ensure better jobs for immigrants after their arrival in Canada.

Better employment rate for immigrants attending CIIP-- As per the latest figures, as many as 62 percent of newcomers participating in this pre-arrival orientation program got jobs within six months of their arrival in Canada.

Number of newcomers getting jobs within first six months of arriving in Canada before the launch of CIIP was 44 percent, the official figures reveal. Around 13,000 skilled newcomers had taken part in this immigrant program by September 2010.

This new pre-arrival Canada immigrant program thus paves the way for successful settlement of immigrants coming in Canada. It significantly reduce the percentage of newcomers arriving in Canada oblivious of the job requirements here.

The government has set aside $4.5 million to this immigrant pilot project. The report states that the CIIP not only increases the economic results for new immigrants but also enables employers get access to this vital employment workforce resource.


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Canadian Balanced Refugee Reform Act to come into effect in June 2012

Canada, 23rd August: Canada’s Balanced Refugee Reform Act is going to be effective in June 2012, Canadian immigration minister Jason Kenney has revealed.

It is being claimed introduction of the new refugee reform act will bring desired improvements in the immigration system of Canada, especially in the asylum system of this nation.

Canada Balanced Refugee Reform Act-- The Balanced Refugee Reform Act titled Bill C-11 was approved by Canada in June this year through the joint efforts of Canadian parties.

Giving details about the new reform in Canada refugee system, Kenney stated that it is going to make Canada’s refugee system among the best in the world apart from bringing in efficiency and efficacy in the system while ensuring timely removal of asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected by Canada immigration department.

Although, the changes to the Canadian asylum system will become effective from 29th June, 2012 onwards, changes to the temporary resident permit, compassionate and humanitarian provisions have already become effective.

One of the main aims of this act is to provide security to the victims of persecution and torture while ensuring a fair hearing to all eligible asylum seekers based on their personal situation, added Kenney.

Dual advantages of Canada’s new Balanced Refugee Reform Act—With Balanced Refugee Reform Act coming into force in Canada, taxpayers will be benefited by getting savings to the tune of $1.8 billion over the period of five years due to the fact that Canada will no longer allow failed asylum claimants to stay here.

On the other hand, the new act will also prove beneficial for the failed asylum claimants since they will have the facility of new Refugee Appeal Division which gives consideration to appeal based on facts, Kenney informed.

The two groups likely to benefit from the reforms introduced in the refugee system of Canada, namely Bill C-11, will be gays, dissidents and lesbians forced to leave Iran and refugees hailing from Iran currently fleeing persecution, Canada immigration minster Kenney has revealed.

In summer this year, Minister Kenney is going to call on community groups to provide assistance to several victims of persecution from violence taking place in Iraq along with dissidents and gays hailing from Iran.


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Canada immigration chooses CSC for Canada visa services

Canada, 24th August: Computer Sciences Canada Inc. has been selected by Canada immigration department for handling Canada visa services from Latin America.

This has been revealed by Canada immigration department- CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada).

As per the announcement by the CIC, a two-year contract has been signed with CSC (Computer Sciences Canada Inc.), a subsidiary of CSC, for extending administrative services for facilitating submission of Canada visa applications from Latin America residents.

CSC expresses happiness for providing visa services to CIC—President of Canada operations for NPS(North American Public Sector) of CSC, Charlie Whelan expressed happiness for getting the opportunity to assist Canada visa services.

Whelan further asserted that their Canada visa application centers will work towards ensuring efficiency while providing best onsite client services.

The aim of CSC will be to eliminate any unnecessary backlogs leading to delays in the processing of Canada visa applications at Canada visa office of CIC, he further maintained.

Canada visa application centers in 15 countries--As per the agreement between CSC and CIC, the former will operate Canada Visa Application Centers in 15 nations throughout Latin America. All these visa application centers will be entrusted with handling applications for Canada temporary resident visas from Latin America residents.

In addition, the centers will also accept travel document and permit applications from Latin America residents wanting to travel to Canada. CSC is already providing visa services to Mexico residents since the year 2009 under a similar contract with Canada immigration department CIC.

Information services will be provided by Computer Sciences Canada for various Canada visa applicants through contact centers as well as web sites. The new services will become available in September this year.

Currently, CSC provides services in nearly 100 nations and in 20 different languages. CSC has successfully provided efficient visa services to around 40 million visa applicants and scheduled around 20 million appointments since its inception way back in 2000.

It is recognized as a leading name in extending technological business services and solutions the world over and has around 93,000 workers on its roll with an annual revenue of $16.2 billion for the year ending 1st July, 2011.


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Welcoming highly educated immigrants- a good economic policy

Canada, 26th August: Allowing immigrants with good qualification is a good strategy for the growth of a nation’s economy and Quebec government needs to follow this.

This is keeping in view the fact that just like any other advanced economy, Quebec is facing the challenges of demographic declines leading to acute shortage of required workforce.

The scenario is going to worsen as the population of this Canadian province reaches old age.

Need for boosting Quebec immigration--Several business groups in Quebec say rather than cutting down annual immigration intake in Quebec, focus should be on allowing more immigrants into this Canadian province.

The provincial government must chalk out ways to increase immigration levels in Quebec to deal with the problem of scarcity of qualified and skilled workers here. It may be worth considerable that government of Quebec intends to cut immigration levels by around eight percent by 2015 from the current immigration levels.

And this has naturally invoked serious concerns from several business groups of Quebec. Hence, they have urged Quebec government to work towards improving the scene in the economy by lifting the limits on new immigrant arrivals in Quebec.

The current proportion of immigration in Quebec is only 19 percent of the total Canada immigration although Quebec has 23 percent of nation’s population, as per figures for the year 2010.

Quebec witnessed arrival of 11.6 percent of total temporary foreign workers arriving in Canada last year while Quebec accounted for 15 percent of total foreigners coming to Canada for studying here.

Quebec must improve job prospects for immigrants—Currently, the employment scene for new arrivals in Quebec is not very encouraging. And this is due to two factors, namely, delay in recognition of foreign credentials and poor work experience.

And the onus lies on not just the provincial government but also on Quebec employers for enabling new immigrants get integrated successfully into their new workplace easily.

President of Conseil du patronat, Yves Thomas feels need of the hour is to attract immigrant investors and skilled immigrant workers in Quebec.

Moreover, the province should work towards fast recognition of foreign credentials of immigrants to help them get jobs in accordance with their acquired qualifications, skills and work experience.

Government must reconsider its plans to cut its annual immigration rate and focus on increasing immigration levels at least for the next decade or so. Only then can Quebec cope up with exit of ageing baby boomers from the workforce.


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Consequences of entering Canada unlawfully

Canada, 29th August: Immigrating to Canada by abusing Canada immigration rules could land you in big trouble.

Many a times, it has been seen that due to long procedures of immigrating to Canada or any other nation, aspiring immigrants try using unlawful ways of immigration.

The question that often pops up in many minds is that do the aspiring immigrants using unlawful means of immigration know their fate once they cross the borders?

Well, the fact is that all aspiring immigrants entering nations like Canada, US or any other nation are simply unaware of the results of entering by playing with immigration laws.

And, in a hurry, they try to head towards their desired foreign destinations before realizing the harsh results of such steps.

Consequences of entering foreign destinations using foul ways—

Entering Canada unlawfully—Canada immigration department-CIC(Citizenship and Immigration Canada)- and CBSA(Canada Border Services Agency) has the authority to issue removal letter to anyone caught sneaking through Canada borders and issue arrest warrants in case the person does not leave the nation voluntarily.

As per the latest figures, around 180,000 immigrants in Canada are facing imminent removal from Canada immigration department since they entered fraudulent ways to get Canada permanent residency and Canada citizenship.

Abusing US immigration laws--Crossing the US borders unlawfully could spell big trouble for anyone entering the United States for studying, working or for anything else.

Individuals might not get caught at the US borders and may be successful in crossing over through unlawful ways, but doing so will make them ineligible for getting US Green Card, the legal requirement for any immigrant wanting to stay in the US legally for more than 15 years. Anyone caught staying as undocumented immigrant is at the risk of facing imminent deportation any time from the US.

Immigrating to nations like Saudi Arabia or Iran through unlawful way is equally risky.

Follow legal immigration process--Hence, the best option for all desirous of immigrating to any foreign destinations is to exercise patience and follow the legal immigration route in order to secure their way to their desired nation.

Only this can ensure them not only in getting a safe route for immigration but also enjoy various benefits while staying in the selected nation.


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CIC Announces: Only 700 Federal Investor Applications

ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS – Jason Kenney, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister announced that Canada is regulating on the number of requests from economic immigrants to decrease the backlog and perk up the time spent on application processing and at the same time confirming that it caters to the needs of the country’s labor market.

INFLUENCE – In effect since July 2011, the modification will influence new aspirants to the categories of federal - Entrepreneur programs, Immigrant Investor and Skilled Worker. The modifications however, will not influence the amount of permanent resident admittances this year in any of the categories specified. Kenny stated that Government has always been receiving applications that have surpassed the recently decided ceiling. “This ceiling is imperative since long waiting times are to be dealt with”, he added.

PREVIOUS EFFORTS – In November 2008, the government originally adopted measures to discover for dispensation those federal skilled worker submissions specific to Canada’s labor requirements, for example candidates with agreed employment offers from Canadian companies or with practice in a job in great demand. In June last year, the government unveiled a revised catalog of 29 precedence jobs and initiated a worldwide ceiling of 20,000 for federal skilled workers, with a sub-cap of 1,000 in every occupation.

700 ONLY – The Minister is now instating for a ceiling of 700 on new federal investor submissions. While previous year, CIC brought about changes that generated the least net value and investment needs, it persists to entertain requests over and above what is necessary. A twelve-monthly ceiling on new submissions will permit for movement on backlog lessening at the same time as guaranteeing that the Department has an ample degree of new files that can help fulfill its commitments.

PROVISIONAL SUSPENSION – The Minister is working on a provisional suspension on new federal entrepreneur applications as well. Wait times for this agenda at present can be stretch as long as eight years in a few visa offices. With finishing accepting fresh applications on or after July 1, the government will avert additional dispensation holdups. The federal Entrepreneur Program will go through an assessment in the months to come to make certain that Canada is in a better position to draw and keep hold of pioneering industrialists.

THE EFFECT – As this ceiling was brought about in November 2008, the backlog of the period before that year for federal skilled worker aspirants has reduced by half the amount. Additionally, precedence applications are being assessed in duration of months instead of years, which was quite prevalent before 2008. The CIC website will be revised on July 1, 2011, through information on application needs and modus operandi for influenced agendas.


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CIC: Citizenship Revocations to Be Altered; Fraud Dealings Aimed

RESIDENCY CANCELLATION – The Canadian Government is embarking on a clear out to cancel the residency of up to 1,800 residents who have been proven for their illegitimate status. Jason Kenney, the Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism declared for the latest information of the clear out drive that is undertaken at the centre.

NOT FOR SALE – Minister Jason Kenney has asserted that people like these shouldn’t be taking the law lightly. “Canadian citizenship is not for sale – not at all. There are a number people hailing for various parts of the world do not hesitate in making a mockery of our ingenuousness and always misunderstand the true value of being a Canadian. We assure that all those who used illegitimate measures to obtain citizenship, will be dealt with severely,” he added.

REVOCATIONS – CIC, Citizenship and Immigration Canada will be raising the number of revocations it tracks due to its continuing examinations into citizenship hoax in the country. Up to now, just about 1,800 people would have obtained their residency illegally, a lot of by availing the services of fake and hoax consultants to feign their legitimate status in Canada. These bogus consultants have minted a lot of money by misguiding visa aspirants.

DEFEDING THE LEGITIMATE – Jason Kenney revealed that the country saw 143,535 new people migration in 2010. Of course, the main chunk of these new Canadians was honest and legitimate immigrants. “Our aim is also to defend the legitimate and honest new citizens gearing ourselves up against all those undocumented citizens who abuse the value of being a Canadian by obtaining it unlawfully,” Jason Kenney added.

MEASURES – CIC is adding to the supplies needed to fight citizenship deceit in the year gone by. Several of the people under probing are alleged of turning to consultants to wrongly set up proof of residence in Canada, even though they stay overseas for virtually all of the time. Families might pay $25,000 for 4 to5 years just for fake residence. Citizenship dupe is a worldwide dilemma. 60 different countries have reported such cases in large numbers.

CROOKED CONSULTANTS – The Canadian government is embarking on a concentrated effort to nab consultants who play a significant part in the whole dupe. Initially brought in as the Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act, Bill C-35 was brought in by June 30 of this year. The Act enforces fines on illegal agents who offer, or propose to provide, counsel or representation for a charge at some phase of an immigration request or procedure.


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News Release

CIC launches online consultation on immigration levels and mix

Ottawa, August 29, 2011 — Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney today launched online consultations on the appropriate level of immigration and the most suitable mix between economic, family class and protected persons.

Immigration has been a sustaining feature of Canada’s history and continues to play an important role in building our country. Canada has one of the highest per capita rates of permanent immigration in the world—roughly 0.8% in recent years—and has welcomed 3.5 million immigrants in the last 15 years.

“The online consultation provides an important opportunity to gather input from stakeholders and the public on key questions facing CIC,” said Minister Kenney. “This is also a chance to highlight some of the considerations and difficult choices involved in managing a global immigration system.”

In planning for the total number of people to admit as permanent residents, CIC not only balances immigration objectives but also considers several other factors, including broader government commitments, input from provinces and territories, and current and future economic conditions. The Department must also consider its ability to process applications in a timely manner, as well as the capacity of communities to welcome newcomers.

The questionnaire is a key component of the cross-country consultations Minister Kenney and his parliamentary secretaries are currently leading on immigration levels and mix. In July, the Minister consulted with stakeholders in Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto. This month, parliamentary secretaries Rick Dykstra and Chungsen Leung held round tables in Mississauga, Scarborough and London. Additional sessions may be planned in the coming weeks and months.

Thus far, the majority of stakeholders present at the consultation sessions expressed a fairly positive view of the current immigration system. They have identified immigration as a critical way to meet labour market needs, citing economic factors as among the most important considerations when establishing immigration levels, followed by integration concerns. Participants have also highlighted the importance of family reunification and the need to address wait times in the parent and grandparent stream.

More than 1,600 people have already signed up to complete the questionnaire. It is available at the following link: www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultations/index.asp.

A report on the consultations, including the online questionnaire, will be available on the CIC website in the fall of 2011 or winter 2012.

Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CitImmCanada.

For further information (media only), please contact:

Candice Malcolm
Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada


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Cut Quebec immigration levels-Legault

Canada, 30th August: Quebec must plan of cutting back its immigration levels for the next two years, states co-president of Coalition for Quebec’s Future, Francois Legault.

Reduce immigration in Quebec to promote French--Laying bare the recently formed group’s policy on immigration and culture, Legault said Quebec needs to limit the annual intake of immigrants until it has sufficient resources for teaching French language to new immigrants in a proper manner.

This former Parti Quebecois minister has unveiled the new recommendations on immigration in Quebec at a time when several employer lobby groups have been urging for an increase in the immigration levels to tackle an imminent shortage of workforce as baby boomers reach retirement.

If newcomers arriving in Quebec do not learn French and integrate into province’s workplace, this would result in jeopardizing the survival of French language in the long term, states Charles Sirois, a businessman who is the co-chairman of the coalition along with Legault.

High joblessness among immigrants in Quebec--Quebec needs to take this step immediately, warned Legault before reporters. Seeing the rising rate of unemployment among newcomers in Quebec, this is a crucial step for solving the problem.

The rising rate of joblessness in Quebec for new immigrants is nearly double the unemployment rate for Quebecers.

So, this is neither good for immigrants nor for Quebec, asserted Legault. According to official data, the total number of immigrants coming to Quebec last year was 54,000. And seeing a difficulty in successful integration of new immigrants in Quebec, the province has taken a good step in reducing the annual intake of immigrants to 50,000 by the year 2015.

Double resources before inviting immigrants in Quebec—The Immigration Ministry must double the resources for implementing new steps to enable successful integration of new immigrants into Quebec’s way of life, states Legault.

The move is likely to cost the province around $125. Moreover, all businesses in Quebec must be asked to increase service in French while Quebecers must assert for services in French, the coalition suggests.

Legault has stated of ready to devote a decade to politics in a bid to bring desired improvisations in Quebec.

In 2009, he had quite the PQ. If, at all, he forms any political party in Quebec, his aim would be to bring the above mentioned necessary changes in Quebec, he affirmed.