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Whats New in Canada-Update on CA


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Canada: Home Ownership May Fall More Than Expected

Precipitous Decline: A report researched by two researchers from the UCLA was tabled yesterday at the Mortgage Bankers Association [MBA] which revealed that the homeownership rate has touched the rock-bottom and the situation could deteriorate further by another one to two percentage points. The research clarified that demographics irrespective of present boom in the housing sector favored a decline in house ownership. The funding of the research was through MBA.

Future Prospects: The CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon suggested that in future, the Bank could move out of the business of mortgage ownership. At an earnings conference call, Dimon mentioned that their bank may originate, securitize, service, but would not possess any mortgages. They would not own consumer assets. He mentioned that it could take eight years to arrive at a decision on this issue till the rules of mortgage business are set.

It is amply clear from Dimon’s point of view that the mortgage lending business does not appear to be prosperous. However, the rigid and strict underwriting norms have generated the most risk-free fresh mortgages in a short time. In fact, Dimon takes reference to the risk retention and securitization rules being adhered to while negotiations are on. These risk-laden rules would obviously render the mortgage business less lucrative for bankers to come up and possess mortgages since they could mandate holding on up to 5 percent of the risk on some loans. It would be tough for Americans to get loans or obtain refinance options that would have a reducing impact on the overall business prospects.

New Rules And Regulations: Besides the new regulations, Dimon does not prophesy return of investors to the mortgage market. There are several federal regulators and politicians dependent on this mortgage business. This type of market will return only when the investors arrive at a standpoint that mortgages would once again turn out to be the best bet. It is here where the report of the MBA fits in. There is an ongoing debate amongst lawmakers on the issue of taking apart Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the underlying assumption lies in the fact that both could easily be replaced by a stronger investor market.

Market Assumptions During The Decade: As per the report of the researchers, during the decade between 2000 and 2009, there was an increase in the rate of one point percentage in the home ownership. If it not been for the transition in accessing home ownership by smoother credit facilities and transformations in the socio-economic conditions, the rates would have gone down during the first five years, rather than registering an increase. A phenomenal increase in the rate of home ownership appeared during the boom, which was considerably high among youngsters below the age of thirty who were willing to face an excessive risk on the unpredictable mortgage products. It is essentially because of the perceptible alterations in the socio-demographic composition and the economical attributes. The researchers omitted from their report the most important transition in the attitudes of people towards home ownership. On an average, an American felt renting to be better idea than owning a house which resulted in an upsurge in the rental business across the country.

Speculations On The Market: Speculation is rife that the home ownership market through the country would make a recovery, however for certain reasons, policy makers and federal regulators consider that it would turn back the clock to the period before the housing boom. However, if there are no changes to the employment, earnings and other socio-economic attributes in the future, there are chances that there may be another decline in cities and territories where the prices were most flimsy during the last decade.


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Canada’s Strategies Against Skill Crisis

Ottawa: As a part of the concentrated efforts of the Canadian Government against skill crisis, a website will be launched very soon that will help Canadians recognize what sectors of the economy are the most likely to produce jobs and how they would help in job growth of the existing employees in years to come.

What Is Required: Diane Finley, the Human Resource Ministers addressed a press conference on Wednesday stating that the website intends to inform the potential employees the skill they require to be hired and the existing employees how to better their skills in order to boast a better CV in years to come. “The economy has from quite some time been extremely dynamic and requires only the most sought after skills to be satisfied”, she added.

Labor Shortage: Ever since the world has gone into recession, numerous industries have faced labor shortage. They just couldn’t find adequate skills that can help them deal with such economic tensions. She said, “We want to deal with this skill crisis in all ways possible.” She further added to her statements, “We have to work carefully with the private sector as they are the one boosting the demand and can see it approaching.”

How Will It Work: The intended websites will let job seekers know the hottest prospect for openings. In such a case, students can make a comprehensive plan regarding what they wish to do ahead and plan accordingly. E.g. if nursing is selected then it will let job seekers know that over the next 7 years about 161,705 openings will be available. Plus, it will also indicate that during that time how many will apply for those openings.

Regional Standpoint: Students and current employees will be provided details regarding the area that best suits their job requirements as the regional perspective is also taken into account. It will tell all users that in what parts of the country which worker have the best prospect of being hired in terms of skills and will also help in cozier relocation. She suggested that proper planning should be ahead of time and resources should be properly allocated.

Need of The Hour: Websites like these and other efforts are required to provide a source of livelihood. Canada’s labor market has gone through a slump itself and any job growth looked unlikely as governments reduced expenditure and recruiting. Only 10,000 workers were hired in June, a report of Statistics Canada revealed. This is an alarming statistic as 27,000 jobs were created in each of the preceding three months. Since the start of the year the efforts to combat recession have slowed down considerably.


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Ten-year multiple-entry visa: better use of government resources and easier travel to Canada

Toronto, July 20, 2011 — Improvements to make it easier to visit Canada are coming soon, announced the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. A new ten-year multiple-entry visa will make applying more efficient for applicants and better use government resources.

“More applications and higher expectations mean that Citizenship and Immigration Canada needs a more responsive and flexible processing system,” said Minister Kenney. “To achieve that, the Department is providing applicants and staff with the right tools to deliver on those expectations.”

Citizens of certain countries require a visa to come to Canada temporarily. Currently, the maximum validity period of a multiple-entry visa is five years. However, increasingly, countries are issuing passports which are valid for ten years. In light of this, CIC is changing its policy for visa issuance. Where applicants apply for multiple-entry visas, they may now be issued to the maximum validity according to the length of the passport validity (up to ten years, minus one month).

This practice, already recommended for parents and grandparents with sponsorships in process, may now be extended to other clientele, such as business visitors.

As Canada is becoming a preferred destination for visitors and business travellers alike, CIC continues to balance the need to facilitate this travel while responsibly managing our borders. We will increasingly focus attention on applications with the greatest potential for threat and vulnerability, while streamlining low risk cases. Further limitations on validity may apply on a case-by-case basis.

The ten-year visa will be an option available to more low-risk travellers who are citizens of visa-required countries. As of Monday, the technical changes needed to issue it were in place.

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Canada toughens stand on immigration

Canada, 21st July: Canada has announced its plans to revoke the citizenship of all those accused of using foul means to become Canada citizens.

Speaking about the issue, Canada immigration minister Jason Kenney said that as many 1,800 individuals who immigrated to Canada by abusing Canada immigration rules are going to lose their citizenship immediately.

Canada acts tough on those abusing the rules—Kenney said that majority of people admitted getting counseling from nearly four immigration advisors with regard to using bogus Canada residency proof in a bid to gain Canada citizenship.

Kenney maintained that the notice of revocation of their Canada citizenship have been either sent or will be sent shortly by Canada immigration department, CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada).

The motive of such notices is to inform all those wanting to misuse the rules of Canada immigration that the government will not tolerate abuse of Canada citizenship since its not for sale, he cautioned.

All such people will, however, be granted an opportunity to object the revocations in the government court, Kenney informed. Canada has revoked citizenship of just 66 individuals since the year 1867.

Majority of immigrants have not lived in Canada--Speaking at the Economic Club, Toronto, he added that all such immigrants are convinced to pay huge money to immigration advisors for getting bogus Canada citizenship.

As a rule, any person wanting to become Canada citizen must have spend a minimum of three years out o f four years in Canada.

However, Kenney expressed his sadness that many unscrupulous agents the world over give advice to immigrants on how to misuse Canada immigration rules to their advantage. However, most of such people have not lived in Canada at all and are mostly living overseas, he said.

Many such individuals getting fake documents to gain Canada citizenship hail from tax haven nations, he claimed. Hence, in order to get Canada citizenship, all those involved took the services of bogus immigration agents.

Such agents created fake Canada residency proof of such people to help them not just become Canada citizens but also gain right to subsidized tuition and health care even without staying in Canada and without making any contributions to the tax base of the nation, Kenney said.


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As Canada Immigration Queue Gets Longer and Tougher, Provincial Immigration Getting Popular

Introduction of Stricter Immigration Laws: It was towards end June, 2011 that Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism announced stricter measures to monitor a consistent check on the unstoppable flow of illegal immigrants into Canada. Armed with the powerful Bill C-35, the authorities would have the essential tools to curb migrant workers entering the country on an illegitimate basis through dubious immigrant consultants.

Strengths of the Bill C-35 and Implications: The Bill C-35 promulgates imposition of strong regulations on consultants who charge exorbitant fee for providing immigrant advice or misrepresenting. The Immigrant Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council [ICCRC], a recently constituted body are the authorized representatives to carry on business for a reasonable fee or any other consideration at any phase of application processing.

There is also a provision for levying massive penalties on unauthorized representatives that would deter their already flourishing business. However, consultants who are presently members of the erstwhile CSIC or Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants could register with the ICCRC. As per Minister Kenney, the ICCRC is totally committed, accountable and transparent along with good governance with a goal to safeguard the interests of consumers. The efforts of the ICCRC, supported by the recently announced legislation would serve the people well and improve the integrity of the immigration laws.

Preference for Provincial Nominee Program: The most preferential routes for fulfilling the objective of acquiring permanent residency in Canada is through the Provincial Nominee Program. It is considerably easier and perfectly legal. In case an applicant desires to apply under the Provincial Nominee Program category, he should ensure that he makes a request for a Letter of Support through the relative Provincial Nominee process, even if there is ample time for the expiration of the work permit. It would make doubly sure that the applicant can apply for an extension of the temporary work permit without bothering about the processing time of the Citizens Immigration Canada [CIC]. A person who has already been working in Canada on a temporary work permit can avail of this unique program as he is entitled to do so due to his capability of contributing towards the economy of the country. He possesses the resilience and adaptability to mingle in the Canadian society and establish himself as a permanent resident.

However, it is essential for such applicants to get themselves a nomination from the state and town where they want to settle down. The Letter of Support forms an authentic and official document proving the acceptance by the state of the applicant as a potential immigrant, prior to his applying for permanent residency with the CIC.

Immigrants as Potential Contributors: There is no doubt that a country like Canada requires substantially more immigrants for sustenance of its economy and the increase of immigrants would serve well to offset the balance of the aging population of the country. Canada is already facing an acute shortage of trained manpower, which could be supplemented through skilled workers.


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Immigration makes Saskatoon fastest growing Canadian city

Canada, 22nd July: Saskatoon has become the fastest growing city of Canada, thanks to the high rates of immigration, reveal latest Statistics Canada figures.

Western Canada is quite different from eastern provinces in the sense that while the former is home to young and fast-growing population, latter’s population growth is quite slow, reveals the latest report from Statistics Canada depicting demographic trends.

Fastest population growth in Saskatoon-- According to a senior analyst of agency’s demography division, Anne Milan, things happening in Saskatchewan are quite interesting. The growth rate of population in Saskatoon between 1st July, 2009 and 30th June, 2010 happens to be 27.7 per 1,000 persons.

This resulted in addition of 7,200 to the population of the city(265,300), Statistics Canada adds. While Saskatoon leads the way in being the fastest growing city, Vancouver and Regina follow by having a growth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 each in the same time period.

Toronto came fourth while Calgary, Moncton, N B, Edmonton, Ottawa-Gatineau and Winnipeg followed in the list of fastest growing cities of Canada.

Immigration a major factor behind population growth of Saskatoon—Statistics Canada clearly maintains the role of immigration in the population growth of Saskatoon. As per the figures, almost fifty percent of the increase in population is due to immigration.

And this is due to the fact that this Canadian province is aware of the significance of immigration, states Linda West, an immigration advisor with Actyl Immigration, Regina. A total of 3,300 immigrants came to Saskatoon resulting in increasing the population. Rate of immigration in this city is greater than that of other Canadian cities including Ontario, Hamilton and Quebec.

High rates of immigration also increased population growth in other cities of Canada too. Immigration is also playing a leading role in driving the population growth not only in Saskatoon but also in Toronto. Consider for instance, population growth in Toronto which was mainly stimulated due to the immigrants hailing from South Asian nations.

It is being estimated that the population of Toronto is likely to increase three times by the year 2031. And the number of immigrants is going to touch the mark of 2.1 million out of which around 1.1 million are likely to be from China, Statistics Canada has projected.


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Review Temporary Foreign Workers Program-Alberta Immigration Minister

Canada, 24th July: Alberta immigration minster Thomas Lukaszuk has stated that the federal government must reconsider changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers Program.

The minister also asserted on the need for keeping foreign workers in Alberta who have proved their skills here and help them become permanent workers in Alberta.

Changes in temporary foreign workers rules—The good part--The federal government had introduced tougher rules in April this year for temporary foreign workers coming to Canada in a bid to offer them protection against misuse by employers in Canada.

This includes tougher penalties on employers not fulfilling Alberta wage requirements along with strict assessment of offers of jobs in Alberta. Any employer in Alberta failing to abide by the conditions with regard to working, jobs and wages will be banned from recruiting temporary foreign workers in Canada for a period of two-years.

The negative aspect of changes--However, changes introduced by Canada also mean all temporary foreign workers must leave Canada after completion of four years stay here. Moreover, all such temporary workers cannot make application for coming to Canada to work here before the expiry of another four years.

And this rule seems to be bothering many including Alberta immigration minister Lukaszuk.

The solution suggested by Alberta immigration minster--The minister asserts that the limit of four-years for stay of temporary foreign workers in Canada is going to toughen Canada’s position in the international market with regard to growing demand for immigrant workers.

Lukaszuk says that such an immigrant program for temporary foreign workers is not only costly but also smacks of inefficiency.

Hence, there is a need for making the program for flexible for enabling temporary foreign workers become permanent and also help them bring their families along with them.

Only then can Canada solve its looming shortage of workers and enable the economy grow.

Temporary Foreign Workers Program--Initially introduced by Canada government in 1973, Temporary Foreign Workers Program was aimed to allow immigrants possessing high-skills to come to Alberta. However, certain changes were introduced to this program in 2002.

Canada has, presently, around 360,000 temporary foreign workers. The figures of temporary foreign workers coming to Canada witnessed an increase to 251,235 in the year 2008 from 101,259 in the year 2002.


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Immigration makes Saskatoon fastest growing Canadian city

Canada, 22nd July: Saskatoon has become the fastest growing city of Canada, thanks to the high rates of immigration, reveal latest Statistics Canada figures.

Western Canada is quite different from eastern provinces in the sense that while the former is home to young and fast-growing population, latter’s population growth is quite slow, reveals the latest report from Statistics Canada depicting demographic trends.

Fastest population growth in Saskatoon-- According to a senior analyst of agency’s demography division, Anne Milan, things happening in Saskatchewan are quite interesting. The growth rate of population in Saskatoon between 1st July, 2009 and 30th June, 2010 happens to be 27.7 per 1,000 persons.

This resulted in addition of 7,200 to the population of the city(265,300), Statistics Canada adds. While Saskatoon leads the way in being the fastest growing city, Vancouver and Regina follow by having a growth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 each in the same time period.

Toronto came fourth while Calgary, Moncton, N B, Edmonton, Ottawa-Gatineau and Winnipeg followed in the list of fastest growing cities of Canada.

Immigration a major factor behind population growth of Saskatoon—Statistics Canada clearly maintains the role of immigration in the population growth of Saskatoon. As per the figures, almost fifty percent of the increase in population is due to immigration.

And this is due to the fact that this Canadian province is aware of the significance of immigration, states Linda West, an immigration advisor with Actyl Immigration, Regina. A total of 3,300 immigrants came to Saskatoon resulting in increasing the population. Rate of immigration in this city is greater than that of other Canadian cities including Ontario, Hamilton and Quebec.

High rates of immigration also increased population growth in other cities of Canada too. Immigration is also playing a leading role in driving the population growth not only in Saskatoon but also in Toronto. Consider for instance, population growth in Toronto which was mainly stimulated due to the immigrants hailing from South Asian nations.

It is being estimated that the population of Toronto is likely to increase three times by the year 2031. And the number of immigrants is going to touch the mark of 2.1 million out of which around 1.1 million are likely to be from China, Statistics Canada has projected.


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CIC Overburdened: No More Immigration Applications

Obvious Backlog Since Years: It is evident that Canada could soon put a halt to the number of immigrants it allows to enter the country as workers in various categories. The reason for the move may be accredited to the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are willing to move to Canada and already there is a huge backlog of applications.

Federal Minister for immigration, Jason Kenney told an audience when addressing them at the Armenian Community Center in Montreal that one of the main challenges that his Ministry is facing at the moment is the task of clearing the backlog of applicants as a part of their plans for the years ahead.

Up to a Decade of Lingering Hope: "There's an unlimited number of people who want to come to Canada," he said also adding that around 255,000 applicants would be accepted this year, which is down from the previous year’s figure of around 280,000. He emphasized that the department had hundreds and thousands of applications more than they could possibly process. He also said that it is stupid and unfair for the people applying to migrate to Canada that they be made to wait for seven, eight or even nine years for them to get the nod or the reject.

The Great Migration of the Two Legged Kind: The Minister was given authority two years ago, for determining the capping limit on the number of applications that can be accepted. This year, Kenney has decided that the number of applications that can be accepted be limited to just around 10,000 in the federal Skilled Workers Program. However, he also clarified that Canada would still accept 65,000 skilled workers for entry in to Canada. Most of the applications to be considered out of these would be from the backlog that was already created. Hence, being fair to the applicants that have been waiting so long to get into Canada for a shot at a better life.

Consultations began across the country around a fortnight ago considering a solution to arrive at a ‘right mix’ of applicants that can be processed and subsequently accepted that can enhance the economy of Canada in the long run. Also important on the list of priorities of the minister is the question of how best to deal with the question of an aging labour force and at the same time not burdening the country’s housing healthcare and education systems because of the new arrivals.

In Hope of a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow: Close to 40,000 refugees, in both privately sponsored and assisted by government categories are already waiting to enter Canada. And the list, especially applications from the dark continent is growing with every passing day.


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Keep visit and share if you find any news on canada immigration.
rosellyalung said:
This is a nice thread


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Canadian Immigration Numbers May Soon Change
July, 2011

Earlier this month, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney launched a series of consultations with stakeholders and the public to discuss the issue of Canadian immigration levels.
The purpose of the consultations is to seek feedback on how many immigrants should be accepted into Canada each year and to determine a reasonable mix between economic, family class and protected persons (refugees). When determining the levels of immigration, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) takes into account input from provinces and territories, the capacity of the economy and communities to welcome newcomers, and current and future economic conditions.

CIC also considers its ability to process applications in a timely manner, which has increasingly become a problem as many Canadian immigration offices are experiencing large backlogs. There is currently a backlog of nearly 165,000 parental and grandparent sponsorship applications alone. The Montreal Gazette recently hinted in an article that the Government of Canada may stop accepting immigration applications altogether in an attempt to clear the massive backlogs.

“There’s an unlimited number of people who want to come to Canada,” said Mr. Kenney in the Gazette article. “We used to have hundreds of thousands of applications more than we could process, and it’s stupid and unfair to make people wait seven, eight, nine years for their application to be even looked at. That’s the rationale for limiting the number of new applications.”

In the last few years, Canada has limited the number of immigration applications being accepted. On June 24, 2011, CIC announced that a total of 10,000 applications would be accepted for the Federal Skilled Worker Program with a limit of 500 applications being accepted per eligible occupation. This is a 50% reduction from the number of applications accepted in the Federal Skilled Worker Program last year. It is important to note that new applications are being processed more quickly than those submitted prior to the first Ministerial changes in 2008. Applicants who submitted their Federal Skilled Worker applications prior to February 2008 may submit a new application if they qualify under the new instructions.

With so many applicants wanting to enter Canada as economic immigrants, CIC has suggested that this would be a good opportunity to set higher standards for their Federal Skilled Worker Program. Earlier this year, CIC also held consultations regarding the Federal Skilled Worker Program and suggested that the selection criteria should be changed, including raising the level of language proficiency needed to qualify for the program and favouring younger applicants.

Attorney David Cohen commented on the recent speculations, “We’re still unsure which immigration programs will be capped and at what levels. For individuals who are qualified now, I would encourage them to submit their immigration applications as soon as possible as they may not be able to do so in the near future.”

The consultation period is expected to last until fall. While CIC has not yet announced when any changes will be made, Canadavisa.com and CICNews.com will report on any changes to immigration programs as soon as they are revealed.

Are you interested in immigrating to Canada? Only Campbell Cohen can assess your eligibility across 60 different immigration programs. Find out if you qualify for Canadian immigration by completing our free assessment form!


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CIC News » 2011 » July » More Immigrants Being Accepted under Provincial Nominee Programs

Print Email Share More Immigrants Being Accepted under Provincial Nominee Programs
July, 2011

While consultations are being held by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) regarding the number of immigrants Canada should accept each year, the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) are accepting more immigrants than ever. CIC plans to admit approximately 40,000 immigrants under the PNP in 2011, more than five times the number accepted in 2005.
“We understand the desire of provinces and territories to identify their own economic immigrants and that is why we have continued to increase our projected admissions for nominees each year,” noted Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney. “At the same time, we are committed to working with our provincial and territorial counterparts to continue to improve the program design, integrity, selection standards and management of the nominee programs.”

The PNP allow provinces to nominate individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada and who are interested in settling in a particular province. Provincial Nomination can be an important fast-track option to Canadian Permanent Residency. Each Canadian province and one territory have their own unique PNP. Quebec is not part of the PNP but has its own selection system.

Requirements for each PNP differ as the programs are tailored to meet the province’s/territory’s specific needs. Provinces select nominees based on current labour needs and select applicants who will be able to effectively contribute to the community. Applicants who apply through the PNP must first receive a Provincial Nomination Certificate from the province or territory. Once a nomination is successful, an application must be made to CIC for a Permanent Residence Visa.

Many applicants who do not qualify for the Federal Skilled Worker Program may be surprised to learn that they may qualify for a Provincial Nominee Program. Although the Federal Skilled Worker Program only accepts applicants who have eligible skilled work experience or a skilled job offer from a Canadian employer, many of the PNPs accept applicants who have work experience considered as semi-skilled. For example, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program accepts applicants who have a permanent full-time job offer from an Alberta employer in several semi-skilled occupations, including those in the Food and Beverage Processing Industry, the Hotel and Lodging Industry, and the Foodservices Industry. Similarly, the province of Saskatchewan accepts applicants who are currently working in the province in a semi-skilled position, specifically applicants are who Food/Beverage Servers, Food Counter Attendants/Kitchen Helpers, and Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff.

To qualify for some of the PNP, foreign workers must first obtain a job offer from a Canadian employer and then apply for a Temporary Work Permit. However, before a Temporary Work Permit can be issued, the Canadian employer who wishes to hire a temporary foreign worker may need to apply for and be granted a positive Labour Market Opinion (LMO) by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). HRSDC will grant a positive LMO if certain requirements are met and they are satisfied that the foreign worker will not have a negative impact on the Canadian labour force. Certain work permits may be issued without having to obtain an LMO; for example, work permits obtained under international agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

New rules were introduced in April 2011 to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and requirements for both potential employees and Canadian employers have become stricter. Foreign workers who need to apply for a Canadian Temporary Work Permit and Canadian employers who need to hire foreign workers are encouraged to use an experienced immigration lawyer to avoid making costly mistakes.

As the Federal Skilled Worker Program is accepting fewer applications this year, many applicants will have to find new programs in which to qualify for Canadian Permanent Residency and the Provincial Nominee Programs can provide a great opportunity for those applicants.

Find out if you qualify under one of the Provincial Nominee Programs by completing our free Canadian immigration assessment form.

Do you have a job offer from a Canadian employer? Campbell Cohen can assist you in obtaining a Canadian Work Permit. Contact us today to begin the process.


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Entrepreneurs: Canada Calling…!

With Unemployment on the Rise, Canada Prefers Readymade Entrepreneurs. Canada is facing an inevitable problem of stagnating and even negative growth in the future. The prime reason for this fear is the low birth rate. In order to offset this trend, Canada needs a fresh influx of talented immigrants who will help get the economy back on its feet.

Administrative Apathy: ‘We want skilled workers’ is the new mantra of success that the administration is harping on so that they can infuse a new sense of urgency in the economy. However, the skill set that is most likely to create jobs gets no attention by the authorities.

Immigrants from either sides of the border have been instrumental in the innovation of ideas and job creation that adds value to the economies. However rich the experience and the database of names, Canada has lost out in the race of roping in entrepreneurial talent to the USA. A further setback was experienced when the federal government recently suspended its entrepreneur class immigration program because waiting times started to increase which decreased the number of successful candidates since many withdrew their applications on that count.

Rules, a Deterrent to Progress: Earlier the rules stipulated that an applicant would need to have $300,000 in net worth before being accepted in the entrepreneur class. This deterred many an entrepreneur, especially the young entrepreneurs. In addition, another thing that shooed away potential immigrants was the waiting time. Applicants would have to wait for eight years. Sergio Karas, an immigration lawyer says that wait is instrumental in driving away the best and the brightest.

This review comes on the heels of a public debate over the mix and the level of immigrants that enter the country. The discussion though, isn’t just about immigration. It is about what kind of a resultant country Canadians want their nation to be. Mr. Karas opines that those entrepreneurs be given priority status who have a proven record of accomplishment in their home country over every other category of applicants. In fact, he suggests them to be listed even above skilled workers.

Even Heaven Needs To Be Marketed: Mr. Karas feels that they need to see the potential of the next RIM, or the next Magna. And strongly believes that Canada as a nation should commit itself to want just that from the immigration system. The first step would be to attract upcoming entrepreneurs. On that count, Canada has lost a bit of the edge in the last few years. This is the opinion of Andy Jasuja, Founder of a tech company, Sigma Group that is based in Toronto. He was addressing a conference in New Delhi. He said that Canada still has a good brand. However, other countries are gaining the upper hand in the race to attract the best talents.

Basics of Economics…Defied? As such, it is widely observed that entrepreneurs are already in very short supply. However, the premium does not seem increasing.