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Whats New in Canada-Update on CA


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Sep 16, 2010
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Canada: A leader in resetting refugees.

January 16, 2012: Canada's leadership in the resettlement of refugees and protected persons is recognized throughout the world.

Refugees and endangered individuals are people who are privileged or exterior to Canada who fear recurring to their family state. Gritty to uphold its caring institution and admiration to its worldwide responsibilities, Canada delivers fortification to thousands of persons each year.

Over and done with the packages of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), refugees bring their involvements, confidences and thoughts with them to Canada to benefit and augment Canadian civilization and safeguard its wealth.

Canada offers guard to people in Canada who fear harassment or whose elimination from Canada would topic them to risk of being exposed to agony, intimidations to their lifetime or a risk to be topic to consequences or painful and rare sentence.

Canada relocates expatriates from everywhere and takes part in global labors to stop the appearance of circumstances making immigrants. CIC is also employed with investors in Canada to defend persons looking for refuge at this juncture.

Groups and persons can guarantor exiles from overseas that are careful eligible for relocation in Canada.

If you fear harassment or other hazards such as those labeled above if you return to your home, you may be able to apply for asylum as a refugee in Canada.

Some people have no right to seek asylum in Canada. Agents who receive asylum decide whether they can be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), an independent administrative tribunal that makes decisions on immigration and refugee protection. The IRB decides who is a refugee within the meaning of Conventional a protected person. Your claim may not be referred to the IRB if:

-You already have refugee status under the Convention in another country where you can return.
-You have already been documented as an endangered being in Canada.
-You emanated to Canada from the United States
-You are not allowable to enter Canada for motives of security, corruption or defilement of human rights.
-You have made a preceding refuge request that could not be mentioned to the IRB.
-You have made a preceding asylum request was professed prohibited by the IRB.
-You have made a preceding request, but you have uninhibited, or you have detached.

In a covenant with the United States, an expatriate must seek refuge in the first safe country they reach. For example, if you came to Canada at a harbor of admission from the United States, you cannot seek refuge in Canada. Some exclusion is likely (as the case of some people’s family followers at present breathing in Canada).

There are two ways to apply for haven as an exile in Canada:

You can apply to your influx in Canada, to the opinion of entry. This admission point can be an airport, port or perimeter crossing on the Canada-US border. At ports of admission, requests are acknowledged by managers of the Border Services Agency of Canada.

You can also apply at an office of Citizenship and Immigration Canada in Canada.
If a Citizenship and Immigration Canada or the Border Services Agency of Canada adjudicates your sanctuary request allowable, the appeal is sent to the Division to defend immigrants from the Immigration and Refugee (IRB) for appraisal by a law court. You must thorough an individual info form and return it to the IRB afore the limit that has been decided. The IRB will advocate you to tell you what date and where the trial will take place.

So if your submission is accepted you will get the prestige of sheltered expatriate and vice versa.

Refugee rights:
The Canadian Charter of fingers and Freedoms protects all people in Canada.
When you apply at the point of entry to Canada, authorities will ask you to fill in the form of personal information for the Immigration and Refugee Board and a medical examination.

In some cases, you can also request employment authorization until a decision about you. Generally, only applicants that cannot survive without public assistance may be allowed to work.

You can also request a study permit to attend school until a decision about you. If you have minor children, they will automatically have the right to attend school upon arrival in Canada.

Notably if you are in Canada and that your application for asylum as a refugee or your permanent residence application was rejected, as other remedies available to you perhaps.

Canada does not want to send someone to a country where this person might be in danger or subject to persecution. However, the use of the following measures may not ensure the eligibility of the person.

Review pre-removal risk:
If you are asked to leave Canada, it is possible that you can use in this process. In this case, an officer reviews the documents and supporting documents in your file.

Application for judicial review in the Federal Court of Canada:
Your lawyer can ask the Federal Court to review the decision in your case.

Humanitarian grounds:
In exceptional cases, some people get the permanent resident status on such grounds.

Source: (CIC)


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Sep 16, 2010
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US to feel the pinch of tight Canada immigration rules

Canada, 17th January: Canada’s recent attempt to introduce tougher immigration rules for asylum-seekers will have a significant impact on the United States too.

Canada’s gain-America’s bane-- For the last several years, Canada has been known for being quite generous to a large number of asylum seeking foreigners. But that seems to become a matter of past, at least for now, thanks to Canadian government’s new policy.

That’s because the new policy of Canada government will make it difficult for asylum applicants to seek refuge in Canada.

No wonder, being a neighbor of Canada, the US will seem an obvious choice for such asylum claimants, warns an immigration lawyer in Vancouver, Richard Kurland.

Reforms introduced in Canada refugee program—Canada has vowed to curb the number of aliens fleeing their native nations and seeking asylum claims here. Coming June, the new reforms introduced in Canada refugee program costing $540 million will fast-track the review system of asylum applications.

As per reforms, all asylum applicants will be provided a hearing within a time period of 90 days or lesser.

And those who don’t manage to furnish sufficient proof will be liable to persecution. According to an official spokesperson of the US Customs and Border Protection office in Seattle, Mike Milne, all asylum seekers not given refugee protection by Canada will face detention.

And, he or she will enjoy rights similar to asylum seekers for a hearing, he adds. The pact aims to target new foreign arrivals who have not undergone asylum process of Canada and have faced imminent deportation.

Meanwhile, officials of the US don’t expect any noticeable increase in applicants crossing the borders legally.

That’s because Canada is going to provide exemptions to failed asylum applicants to stay in Canada. And those unlikely to get persecuted in their native nations will be deported.

Kurland, however, seems to differ on the issue. He feels that if large number of asylum seekers are rejected by Canada, they will obviously be looking for some nation to move in and the most viable target will be North America when new rules for asylum seekers will become effective in Canada this June, he maintains.


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Sep 16, 2010
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New Canada immigration norms open to abuse—Documents

Canada, 17th January: Canada’s immigration rules aimed at making the system more efficient and streamlined are open to misuse, findings of latest internal documents show.

Hence, the government needs to introduce stronger immigration rules if it wants to put a noose on the potential fraudsters.

Chinese abusing AEO program—Phoney documents are being used by Chinese fraudsters for the AEO (Arranged offer of employment) program, confirmed an official spokesperson of Canada immigration minister Jason Kenney.

Admitting happening of such incidents, Candice Malcolm said the immigration department-CIC (Citizenship and immigration Canada) is aware and is really concerned to control such things from happening in the near future.

Recent steps taken by the immigration department aim to strengthen the process of AEO and the onus must be given to the Harper government for ensuring integrity of Canada immigration, she maintained.

Out of the total foreigners gaining Canada permanent residency in British Columbia, nearly one third hail from China, reveal documents pertaining to 2009-10 obtained by Richard Kurland, a Canada immigration lawyer. And the fact that Canadian missions in several nations are quite understaffed make things worse for controlling fraudulent incidents, Kurland admits.

Steps to control child smuggling in Canada—Taking a serious clue from recent happenings, Canada government is using DNA to thwart child smuggling attempts by Chinese fraudsters through phoney documents. Apart from the DNA testing, several other steps introduced by Canada government also aim to target child trafficking by Chinese under Canada family class system.

Meanwhile, Malcolm added that there was no link between child trafficking taking place in China to human trafficking. Meanwhile, bogus birth certificates for children were being used to sneak into Canada under Canada family class system, she maintained.

She asserted that Canada has already introduced tougher process of document verification involving requirement of written correspondence, interview, submitting timeline of photos, financial support proof along with DNA testing where verification of birth certificate cannot be done.

In order to restrict attempts to misuse Canada family class system, around 10 percent of birth certificates were verified by anti-fraud unit.

The report by the anti-fraud unit of Canada immigration department CIC said the element of risk was certainly high in case of Canada child application program. Malcolm warned that Canada citizenship is certainly not for sale and the recent steps of tougher language requirements along with new Canada citizenship test is aimed to target those trying to abuse the system.


Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012
This was bound happen due to the fact that CIC had suspended processing of all pre-Feb 2008 applications indefinitely. The applicants felt they were being cheated and hence resorted to this kind of tit-for-tat behavior.
CIC needs to wake and treat all applicants with due credit for their qualifications, experience and their intention to immigrate to Canada.


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Nov 30, 2009
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Mancilla said:
This was bound happen due to the fact that CIC had suspended processing of all pre-Feb 2008 applications indefinitely. The applicants felt they were being cheated and hence resorted to this kind of tit-for-tat behavior.
CIC needs to wake and treat all applicants with due credit for their qualifications, experience and their intention to immigrate to Canada.
Misrepresentation and fraud are not the answer to the problem.


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Sep 16, 2010
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Canada immigration launches website for foreign worker credentials

Canada, 18th January: Canada immigration has launched the International Qualification Network for recognition of foreign credentials.

This was revealed by Canada immigration department CIC (Citizenship and immigration Canada).

IQN website for recognizing immigrant credentials--- Immigrants wanting to apply for work in Canada can now look forward to easier and quicker recognition of their foreign credentials in Canada.

The new IQN (International Qualification Network) website is going to be a big boon for immigrants coming to Canada.

It will help newcomers with easier integration into the labor market of Canada. Giving details about the new initiative of Canada immigration department, Jason Kenney, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister said the federal government remains committed to improvise the system of recognition of foreign credentials.

And the launch of IQN website is a step forward in finding best ways to help facilitate successful integration of immigrants into Canada labor market, he affirmed.

IQN- a platform for employers and organizations in Canada--The IQN website will serve as a platform for employers, organizations, regulatory bodies and governments wanting to optimize the full potential of immigrants coming to Canada. Almost everyone will be benefited from the latest information posted at the IQN website.

The website has been created under the guidelines of nearly 20 stakeholders and partners representing different employers, post-secondary educations institutes and various provinces throughout Canada forming part of IQN Advisory Council.

Stakeholders will be facilitated to share relevant reports, pilot projects, studies, evaluation practices, tools, videos.

Moreover, they will also be able to post relevant information on conferences and workshops. The step of creating the IQN website is a step by the Canadian government to offer support to the efforts of the stakeholders, territories and provinces to make recognition of foreign credentials better in Canada.

The Foreign Credentials Referral Office, which happens to be a branch of CIC, administers the IQN website. It is involved in providing immigrants with referral services after coming to Canada.

It also helps in designing tools for regulatory bodies as well as employers in Canada to facilitate better integration and settlement of immigrants into Canadian labor market and Canadian workforce.


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Sep 16, 2010
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Canada: General info about Employers in Canada.

January 19, 2012: Canadian managers can employ overseas workforces in definite circumstances.

Canadian Companies can appoint an overseas hand momentarily or they can offer a permanent occupation to a capable wage earner and sustenance on his arrival to Canada.

This Article describes the role Canadian Management has to play in the employment process of a foreign worker.

Hiring a temporary foreign worker:

Establishments in all productions can hire employee trained overseas on certain grounds to fill their short term requirement of staff.

The Canadian employers would need establish that:

-They are unable to find Canadians or enduring inhabitants fit for the locations;

-The influx of labors in Canada will not have a bad influence on the Canadian labor market;

-They fulfill all other requirements and circumstances.

The package for provisional distant labor is together managed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Service Canada and the Canada Border Services Canada.

The employers would need to declare that if they are considering for a permanent solution to skills shortages and if they have checked up with their provincial or regional administration for info on migration packages.

Therefore if the Canadian Companies feel obligatory to plug a full-time situation within their Firm, they can brand a suggestion of enduring service to an accomplished employee.

CIC is occupied with Human Resources and Social Development Canada and Service Canada to guarantee that distant labors care financial development and advantage all Canadians.

As an employer, they should submit a request to Service Canada to measure the job offer. CIC is accountable for claims by staffs.

To immigrate permanently to Canada, skilled workers must furnish an application under the skilled worker category (federal).

The announcement date of the scheme needs for sentiments on the labor market (AMT) available initially arranged in June 2011, was suspended to January 2012. Throughout this epoch, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada showed motivation to make promotion to the structure to confirm it is reachable, harmless and protected for all users.

Some residents have to meet principles established by their nation state if they need to toil in Canada. They must have commitment, let's say, agreement to consent the realm and owners requisite to wage the costs of transport and medicinal coverage. They should request the distant worker to check whether the standards apply in the country, contact its consulate in Canada or visit their website.

Employers may still give in wishes for AMT in paper format by postal or by fax to the apt Canada Centre Service. The dispensation of requests for AMT in the Caregiver Package will continue existing online and deprived of break.

Before hiring a temporary foreign worker:

Employer’s necessity is to encounter assured requests earlier they can rental a foreign worker.

Opinion on the labor market:

To employ an extraneous employee, Canadian companies normally develop estimation on the labor market (LMO) from Service Canada.

They may request an LMO:

-For a worker or a particular position;

-For prior approval, under which a series of posts are subject to approval in principle. This option can be useful if you want to recruit a large number of workers.

Units of temporary foreign workers:

The provisional overseas worker elements are considered to help owners discourse skill famines and labor.

These units:

Escort Firms over the migration process or their demonstrative if they are looking to hire a foreign worker;

Facilitate the entry of provisional foreign labors that are excused from the procedure of opinion on the labor market;

Make a preliminary review of documents in support of the employer in order to simplify the application process for workers and provide advice to officers at the port of entry.

After hiring a temporary foreign worker:

Once companies have finished the signing procedure and the request of work licenses of distant workers is being treated, it is important that you know certain things:

-Obtaining the essential attention under the health insurance and recompense of service valid to protect foreign workers upon arrival in Canada.

-Make sure their staffs have the essential documents. Foreign workers obtain a Social Insurance Number beginning with a nine (9). This is not evidence that the worker has a valid work permit;

-Make sure that everyone at their service meet the circumstances, counting span of visit, set in their work permit. Equally they are accountable for obedience with the circumstances under the law. The companies’ are bound to get educated with every terms and conditions of hiring employees.

Meanwhile if the companies want to extend the employment of temporary foreign workers beyond the date on the work permit, the worker must apply for an extension of work permit. In addition, it is possible that companies had to first get a new opinion on the labor market.


Champion Member
Jun 5, 2011
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New Delhi
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May 2012
Hey L7,

THANK YOU for the wonderful information provided by you.
It helps to keep ourselves informed about the current state and norms in CANADA

You are doing a fantastic job.
+1 for that.



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Sep 16, 2010
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U are welcome. Thanks for the +1 ;) appreciated.


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Sep 16, 2010
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Foreign grad students to benefit from relaxed Canada student visa norms

Canada, 23rd January: Canada’s changed student visa rules will prove beneficial for foreign graduate, masters and PhD students.

According to information, new Canada student visa rules will help international grads in finding jobs in their chosen fields as their complete their postgraduate degree courses in Canada.

Canada lifts restrictions for foreign students—Canada is going to lift restrictions on foreign students wanting to work off campus in their respective fields. So, as per new rules for Canada student visas, foreign grads will be allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours in their respective field of job while living in Canada.

And they become eligible for getting a Canada work visa for three years to help them make get a full-time employment in their chosen fields quite easily after completion of the requirement of 20 hours job in Canada.

New Canada student visa rules- a welcome step for foreign students--This is certainly a great step forward for foreign workers having education in Canada to get settled by gaining a full time job here.

Prior to this new Canada student visa rule, majority of international post-grads including PhDs were compelled to move back to their respective native nations for finding work there along with completion of their PhD thesis.

That’s because they found it difficult to fund their stay in Canada as the government provides funding for a maximum of three to four years to international post-grads while it does take longer duration for completion of their thesis as well as their post-graduate degrees in Canada.

So, it’s a big relief, admit many foreign post-grads currently in Canada.

One such is Hamid Omran who immigrated to Canada in 2008 from Iran for studying here. He was recruited by Stantec Consulting Ltd., an engineering firm based in Edmonton, as he was still pursuing his doctorate in structural engineering at University of Calgary.

The changes in Canada student visa rules are benefiting not just foreign post-grads but even employers wanting to tap the potential of high-skilled immigrants, admits Gerd Birkle. A practice leaders with Stantec, Birkle says many foreign students as well as employers are, however, not aware of this opportunity in Canada.


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Sep 26, 2011
Dubai - U.A.E
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mayankpandya said:
Dear all forum members.

In this new thread i request all of you to post any update related to canada .

Hope this thread will be useful to all .

really interesting topic


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Sep 16, 2010
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Processing Delays in the Age of Increased Scrutiny

January 24, 2012: Why processing delays still exist?

If you are a foreign national waiting with persistent patience for your Canadian Immigration process to be approved and completed and have often felt quite flustered and agitated with the prolonged procedures, you are not alone. There are hundreds like you, who are waiting in the queue in hope of getting through and taking their flights to the Canadian nation, many among them being left out in the process. Blame it to the era which has been witnessing escalated scrutiny procedures to attenuate the incidences of forgery and consequent illegal immigration to the state. The other side of the matter comprises obtaining a work permit by employers in Canada which is equally a time taking process. Although much lauded efforts are being taken up by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Service Canada to lessen the process time, the results shown up do not depict any drastic metamorphosis to be expected in the immigration market in the near future.

The Process at a Glance
The process of Labor Market Opinion encompasses two-step program, the completion of which will guarantee you a work permit in Canada. The first stage entails the application of the Labor Market Opinion by the employer in Canada in order to recruit foreign nationals in the said company. The in depth scrutiny procedures on this step has been carried on for ensuring that the employer is not involved on any fraudulent affairs and is done by going into deep about the particular employer compliance with immigration issues. The second step comprises in the auditing of the employer which is the actual lengthy procedure that can span up to 13 weeks or even more. Such delayed scrutinizes make the employment matters worse for employers who cannot recruit the potential employee at the desired time, even if it is a case of urgency. Even if the employer wishes to renew the work permit to allow the worker more time in the company, the same tedious and prolonged process is to be followed.

Added to this is the augmented step of putting up advertisement and reasons for keeping the said employee in the company. On the other hand, the foreign national worker requires applying and extending the Visa and work permit which encompasses the passage of almost 4 to 5 months. The whole process therefore, comes to around 8 to 9 months.

The Scenario at Present
In spite of the efforts by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Service Canada, the process is not reflecting any positive glimpses. In an attempt to keep a close watch on the foreign nationals and at the same time protecting their rights as well as scrutinizing the activities of the employers, business houses in Canada and the foreign nationals are suffering at the cost of both financial and productivity drainage and the lapse of time.