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Whats New in Canada-Update on CA


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Canada job market improves with fall in EI claimants

Canada, 21st February: The job scenario in Canada is perking up and has shown signs of significant improvements in the last month.

This has resulted in an increase in the number of job opportunities in Canada while bringing down the number of recipients of EI (employment insurance) in the nation, Statistics Canada has revealed. Saskatchewan showed significant increase in the number of new jobs.

As per the statistics for the month of January this year, the rate of employment went up in nearly 21 out of the total 27 major cities of Canada.

And the job prospects in Canada are going to show improvements in the coming times too, the Metro Help Wanted Index of the CBC(Conference Board of Canada) forecasts.

The employment scenario is bright in 16 Canadian cities and is showing stability in six Canadian cities with the West, namely Saskatoon and Regina, emerging to be the strongest in terms of new job opportunities in Canada.

Meanwhile, the job scene is yet to show improvements in TroisRivieres, Quebec, Sudbury, Ontario and Kingston. As per the statistics for December 2010, the number of those getting government jobless benefits witnessed a fall for the third month in a row.

December showed a fall of 1.4 percent over November in the number of EI recipients making a total decrease of 9,400 and taking the figures to 659,700, federal agency maintained.

And the decline has been clearly visible in almost every Canadian province, StatsCan added. By registering a fall of 1.7 percent, Ontario was leading in terms of making biggest decline in the EI recipients.

Figures show there have been 3,600 fewer EI beneficiaries in Ontario while Quebec followed by making a decline of 1.1 percent, StatsCan clarified.

Another interesting fact that was revealed by the StatsCan figures is that the number of male EI claimants was declining faster as compared to those of female EI beneficiaries.

While the number of women EI claimants went down to 250,100 by making a decline of 6.5 percent between December 2009 and December 2010, the number of men EI claimants showed a higher decline of 14.9 percent taking the figures down to 398,800, StatsCan figures show.


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Pilot project launches in British Columbia to offer more opportunity to international graduates

Vancouver, February 22, 2011 — International students at some of British Columbia’s private educational institutions will have the opportunity to gain Canadian work experience after graduation, thanks to a new pilot project.

The announcement was made today by Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism and Member of Parliament for Richmond, and B.C. Minister of Regional Economic and Skills Development Ida Chong. It marks the next step in the Government of Canada’s strategy to attract international students. Since 2005, the number of foreign students coming to Canada has increased by 25 percent, with a total of 85,140 entries in 2009.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to attract international students to Canada and retaining them after they graduate,” said Parliamentary Secretary Wong. “With this pilot project, we are continuing to build Canada’s standing as a destination of choice for international students.”

“In the next decade, B.C. will have more than a million job openings, and immigration is going to be a key factor in our ability to fill them,” said Minister Chong. “By expanding this program to private institutions, we’re giving more international students an opportunity to work and potentially to choose British Columbia as their place to call home.”

The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program already allows students who have graduated from an eligible program at a post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience. Under the program, graduates can apply for open work permits for up to three years, depending on the length of time they studied. Until now, only international students at public universities and colleges and private degree-granting institutions were able to apply.

With the implementation of this two-year pilot project on January 31, graduates of private post-secondary institutions with career training programs that have received the British Columbia Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation are also able to apply for an open work permit.

“International graduates with Canadian education, Canadian work experience, and an ease and familiarity with Canadian society are often excellent candidates to apply for permanent resident status through the Canadian Experience Class,” stated Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney.

The Government of Canada is committed to giving Canadian educational institutions a competitive edge in attracting international students and recent initiatives, including online application services, the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program and the Off-Campus Work Permit Program, have been very successful in doing so.

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Aug 21, 2010
Canada welcomes largest number of immigrants in 50 years

Canada welcomed the largest number of immigrants in 50 years in 2010, according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). This included applicants under the federal skilled worker program as well as the provincial nominee program.

280,636 gained permanent residence in Canada during this period, six percent more than the Government's planned range of 240,000 to 265,000 new permanent residents. The Canadian Government adjusted its immigration plan in 2010 to increase skilled immigration.

"While other Western countries cut back on immigration during the recession, our government kept legal immigration levels high," said Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. "Canada's post-recession economy demands a high level of economic immigration to keep our economy strong."

"In 2010, we welcomed the highest number of permanent residents in the past 50 years to support Canada's economic recovery while taking action to maintain the integrity of Canada's immigration system with the introduction of the Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act," he added.

"It's important to understand that the ranges are for planning purposes only. The key number is how many immigrants Canada actually admits. For 2010, that number is 280,636, with the growth coming mostly from skilled economic immigrants," said Dr. Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary.

The increase in skilled immigration visas actually being issued has helped Canada reduce a backlog of immigration applications in the federal skilled worker category, Canada's points based skilled immigration scheme.

"Last year, the backlog of people who applied before the [Action Plan for Faster Immigration] was drawn down to 335,000 applicants, which represents close to half the number of people who were awaiting a decision in 2008," said Kenney.

"I'm very pleased that a higher number of admissions in 2010 means that more people are now out of the lineup and well on their way to beginning a new life in Canada," he added.

In addition, Canada increased its provincial nominee program by twenty percent. The provincial nominee program allows Canadian provinces and territories to sponsor skilled immigrants.

"Since 2006, our government has allowed for the provincial nominee program to expand significantly, from 8,047 people in 2005 to 36,419 in 2011," Kenney said.

Source: http://workpermit.com/news/2011-02-22/canada/canada-welcomes-largest-number-of-immigrants-in-50-years.htm


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Can10 thanks for posting here. But i advise you to make sure that the information you post is not already posted here. If i am not wrong then this information is already posted.


Can10 said:
Canada welcomes largest number of immigrants in 50 years

Canada welcomed the largest number of immigrants in 50 years in 2010, according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). This included applicants under the federal skilled worker program as well as the provincial nominee program.

280,636 gained permanent residence in Canada during this period, six percent more than the Government's planned range of 240,000 to 265,000 new permanent residents. The Canadian Government adjusted its immigration plan in 2010 to increase skilled immigration.

"While other Western countries cut back on immigration during the recession, our government kept legal immigration levels high," said Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. "Canada's post-recession economy demands a high level of economic immigration to keep our economy strong."

"In 2010, we welcomed the highest number of permanent residents in the past 50 years to support Canada's economic recovery while taking action to maintain the integrity of Canada's immigration system with the introduction of the Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act," he added.

"It's important to understand that the ranges are for planning purposes only. The key number is how many immigrants Canada actually admits. For 2010, that number is 280,636, with the growth coming mostly from skilled economic immigrants," said Dr. Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary.

The increase in skilled immigration visas actually being issued has helped Canada reduce a backlog of immigration applications in the federal skilled worker category, Canada's points based skilled immigration scheme.

"Last year, the backlog of people who applied before the [Action Plan for Faster Immigration] was drawn down to 335,000 applicants, which represents close to half the number of people who were awaiting a decision in 2008," said Kenney.

"I'm very pleased that a higher number of admissions in 2010 means that more people are now out of the lineup and well on their way to beginning a new life in Canada," he added.

In addition, Canada increased its provincial nominee program by twenty percent. The provincial nominee program allows Canadian provinces and territories to sponsor skilled immigrants.

"Since 2006, our government has allowed for the provincial nominee program to expand significantly, from 8,047 people in 2005 to 36,419 in 2011," Kenney said.

Source: http://workpermit.com/news/2011-02-22/canada/canada-welcomes-largest-number-of-immigrants-in-50-years.htm


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Vancouver tops, Calgary named 5th most livable city

23rd February: Vancouver has been named as the top livable city the world over by an annual survey undertaken by Economic Intelligence Unit.

Toronto and Calgary have come at the fourth and fifth positions respectively as per the list of top livable cities released this Monday.

The survey included Australia, New Zealand and Canadian cities to arrive at the top ten list. Australian city Melbourne came second after Vancouver.

Apart from Melbourne, some of the other Australian cities emerging on top of the ‘Top 10 list’ include Sydney, Adelaide and Perth. New Zealand’s city Auckland also featured in this list.

Nearly 140 cities are selected in the annual survey of the EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit)on the basis of 30 factors including health care, education, stability, culture and environment and infrastructure.

The ratings given to each participating city include accepted, tolerable, uncomfortable, undesirable or intolerable.

It’s for the fifth consecutive year that Vancouver has won the rating of best livable city in the world. Vancouver got the score of 98 out of 100.

According to the EIU, Vancouver owes its top ranking, at least partially, to the successful hosting of the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in the year 2010 which gave a big boost to the culture, infrastructure and the environment categories.

EIU happens to be the business arm of economics magazine based in the UK and provides livability ranking to different cities on the basis of lifestyle challenges beyond cost-of-living or income considerations, the authors of the study maintained.

Talking of the bottom ten cities in the annual survey, Harare, Zimbabwe comes at the top of the worst cities for living. And much of this could be attributed to the activities of Dictator Robert Mugabe.

The city got scores of 37.5 points out of 100. Bangladesh’s Dhaka was ranked at the second position in the top ten least livable cities by the EIU.

It was followed by Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Lagos, Nigeria and Karachi, Pakistan respectively. The US cities Pittsburg got a ranking of 29, while Los Angeles and New York City were ranked 44 and 56 respectively. All the 10 cities ranked in the bottom of the list are from Africa and Asia.


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New project for preparing foreign students for jobs in British Columbia

Canada, 23rd February: A new pilot program has been launched by British Columbia for helping foreign students get Canadian work experience after graduation in this Canadian province.

The new pilot project in the BC(British Columbia) will be available to students of the private educational institutes of BC.

Announcement about this new initiative was made by Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism and Member of Parliament for Richmond, Alice Wong and B.C Minister of Regional Economic and Skills Development Ida Chong yesterday.

The pilot project in the BC marks the next move by the Canadian government for alluring foreigners to come and study in Canada.

The total number of foreign students coming to Canada in the year 2009 was 85,140 showing an increase of 25 percent in the number of international students arriving in Canada since the year 2005.

Parliament Secretary Wong said that BC remains committed to attracting foreign students to Canada and keeping them in Canada after their graduation.

She said the aim of this pilot program is to strengthen the position of Canada as a destination for foreign students.

The coming ten years will witness nearly a million job opportunities in B.C. and immigration will prove to be a major source for filling them, informed Minister Chong.

It is through the expansion of this program to the private institutes that Canada can help in providing increased opportunities to foreign students to work here and to help them stay in B.C. permanently, Chong added.

Presently, graduates from any of the eligible programs at a post-secondary institute are provided opportunities to get Canadian work experience under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program.

The program is open to graduates for making application for Canada work permits for a maximum period of three years subject to the length of the study period of each international student in B.C.

Prior to this program, foreign students studying in private degree-granting institutes and public colleges and universities were eligible to apply for Canada work permits.

The two-year pilot program in B.C. was implemented on 31st January 2011 and has helped graduates of private post-secondary institutes offering career training programs who have already received the designation of B.C. EQA(Education Quality Assurance) to make application for open Canada work permit.

Foreign graduates having education in Canada, work experience in Canada and familiarity with Canada cultures are best candidates to be chosen as Canada permanent residents under the Canadian Experience Class, Jason Kenney, Canada immigration minister added.


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Young workers with no experience getting hired in B.C.

Canada, 23rd February: Young and fresh graduates from school with no experience at all are getting the opportunity of working in the Good Space Design Works group in British Columbia.

The opportunity provides young graduates to get the much needed first break for employment in Canada.

The institute already has on its rolls a couple of junior designers in the Gastown office.

According to the co-owner of the Goof Space Design Works, Dwaina Sprague, she cannot forget the experience of struggling in the job market after her graduation from the BCIT(British Columbia Institute of Technology) nearly 20 years ago.

Experience is what all the employers are looking for, quips Sprague adding that a university degree, loads of enthusiasm and an artistic flare are insufficient for any job seeker to land a job in this highly competitive job market.

Even her instructors at the BCIT told her straightaway that the degree will not be sufficient for getting a job and that she will have to work either in a furniture store or a tile store, a warning which has stuck in her mind for all these years.

So, she does not want those bitter experiences hinder the young BCIT passouts from getting jobs in B.C, says Sprague.

No wonder, she has already employed Lauren Webb and Josephina Purarich, the two young recent pass-out women graduates into her business.

The job of junior designers for these two women will provide them with the much needed hands-on experience in designing.

Benefits of hiring young, inexperienced workers—

Speaking about the advantages of employing inexperienced and young employees, a management and talent development expert with Meyers Norris Penny, Juma Wood states that such employees have not learnt bad habits.

And another good thing about them is the intuitive knowledge of latest digital technology and social media that the young workers bring along with them, adds Wood.

Moreover, the young workers do not work solely for making money.

The only drawback is the loyalty aspect of the young workers. It has been found that they are not as loyal as their counterparts were in the past, feels Wood.


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Aug 21, 2010
mayankpandya said:
Can10 thanks for posting here. But i advise you to make sure that the information you post is not already posted here. If i am not wrong then this information is already posted.

Sorry for my ignorance. Will be careful in the future.


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mayankpandya said:
Vancouver tops, Calgary named 5th most livable city
Yeah thats why many of us do dream about Vancouver although its a bit costly living down there.....


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Its.. fine..


Can10 said:
Sorry for my ignorance. Will be careful in the future.


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Immigrants should join mainstream society-Kenney

Canada, 24th February: Canada immigration minister Jason Kenney has asserted that the children of newcomers in Canada must come forward to join the society if the nation wants to avoid the fate of several other European nations facing multicultural collapse.

The minister added that Canada should focus towards successful integration of new immigrants into the Canadian society.

Canada has been quite successful in its approach in managing diverse cultures till now, but we cannot commit the mistake of taking things for granted, Kenney stated.

So, Canadians should not have any fears from the recent failure of ‘multiculturalism’ in Europe, Kenney maintained.

Immigrants in Canada must be provided with sufficient opportunities and education required for better integration into Canadian society, he said, while quoting the recent failure of multiculturalism in Germany and the UK.

Citing the example of Somali immigrants coming to Canada in the 1980s and the 1990s, Kenney said that they had been unable to join the mainstream culture and had been taking to crime.

So, the Canadian government is focusing on Canada immigration through private sponsorships since the sponsors help the new immigrants to Canada adjust successfully in Canadian society and way of life, Kenney quipped.

That is done through provision of all the required essentials to these newcomers in Canada by sponsors.

It’s the sponsors who ensure to provide basics like clothing, education opportunities, helping them overcome the language barriers etc., the immigration minister clarified.

While the UK is primarily a class-ridden society, Canada, on the other hand, has a significantly higher social mobility.

Although Canada does have problems in integration of newcomers into the Canadian culture and way of life, but there is nothing to panic for Canada since the attitudes and the histories of the country are entirely different from that of European nations, Kenney clarified.

Canada is known to be a multicultural nation having a history of welcoming people from various cultures. It wants people to become Canada citizens so that they have a sense of belonging in their new homes. This goes a long way in helping the immigrants adjust better in the Canadian society and culture, Kenney asserted.


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News Release

Canada and Yukon sign agreement on Temporary Foreign Workers

Whitehorse, February 23, 2011 — The Governments of Canada and Yukon have signed an agreement that gives Yukon a role in managing the Temporary Foreign Worker Program within the Territory.

Senator Daniel Lang made the announcement today with Patrick Rouble, Yukon Minister of Education and Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources. Senator Lang spoke on behalf of Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.

“The Government of Yukon has a role to play in protecting temporary foreign workers from exploitation and in identifying how immigration can help address gaps in its labour market,” said Senator Lang. “This agreement formally recognizes these roles.”

The agreement will improve the responsiveness of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program by providing Yukon with a greater role in helping these workers come to Canada. The Government of Yukon will be able to recommend the entry of some temporary foreign workers without requiring a Service Canada assessment of whether there are Canadians or permanent residents available to fill the vacant positions. Such exemptions will be determined according to criteria to be set by the territorial government, in line with its economic plans and priorities.

“This agreement provides one more tool for Yukon’s labour market stakeholders to address Yukon’s labour market opportunities, both now and into the future,” said Minister Rouble. “Our first priority is to work with underrepresented groups in Yukon to meet labour force demands and turn to temporary foreign workers when the need arises.”

“Today marks an important step in making the Temporary Foreign Worker Program more responsive to Yukon’s particular labour needs. Meeting those needs translates into more opportunities for all Yukon residents,” the Senator added.

The agreement provides a framework for closer cooperation between the two levels of government to better educate employers and potential workers about their rights and responsibilities.

A number of innovative pilot initiatives are also planned as part of the agreement. These initiatives are designed to respond to region-specific issues concerning temporary foreign workers, and are aligned with the economic and social development priorities of Yukon.

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program is driven by employer demand and aimed at filling identified labour shortages where no suitable Canadian workers or permanent residents are available.

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Yukon signs to fast-track foreign temporary workers in Canada

Canada, 26th February: Yukon will finally be able to fast-track foreigners wanting to come and work in Canada as temporary workers following a recent agreement between the Yukon government and the Federal government.

Under the federal Temporary Foreign Worker Scheme, employers can bring foreign workers in Canada for a temporary period provided they provide sufficient proof of the fact that the workers with required skills were not found within Canada.

Yukon Conservative Senator Dan Lang, on behalf of Jason Kenney, the Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister, announced the signing of the agreement between the Federal government and the Yukon government.

Giving details about the new deal, Lang said the idea behind this agreement is that the concerned province or the territory in Canada has certainly better knowledge about the skills in demand.

The new agreement gives a formal recognition to the Yukon government to protect temporary foreign workers from any exploitation and in finding the role of immigration in addressing the skills gaps in the Yukon labor market.

Sectors to be included—

Although, a decision about the industries or the sectors to be chosen by Yukon government for fast-tracking foreign workers is yet to be taken, but, some industries are obvious examples for getting selected, Patrick Rouble, Yukon’s Minister of Education, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, maintained. Among the probable industries likely to be selected under this program by Yukon include mining and hospitality, Rouble added.

Features and aim of the program—

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program enables to immigrate to Canada and to undertake employment in Canada for a short period, stated Lang.

However, foreign workers coming to Canada under this program can apply for permanent residency in Canada and for Canada citizenship using some channels, Lang clarified. Nonetheless, the scheme is meant for those who aim to work temporarily in Canada and then move back to their respective nations, Lang asserted.

The agreement is aimed to improve the responsiveness of this program. The Yukon government will have the powers to make recommendations of some temporary foreign workers even without needing an assessment by Service Canada regarding whether Canada permanent residents or native Canadians are available for such job positions.


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Canada Homes Sell Cheaper while Mortgage Rates Go Up

Real estate prices have gone down with the rising mortgage rates in Canada – does it augur well for the ordinary Canadian?

According to Canadian Mortgage National Press Releases says on February 19, 2011 the GTA of Toronto saw a 13 percent decrease in home sales in the first two weeks of the month as compared to the same month last year.

The press release also cited some concerns about provincial vulnerability as expressed by the TD Economics on February 9, 2011. The parameters for this study are based on ‘'substantial correction in housing prices, a major disruption in incomes or an unexpected large increase in borrowing rates.''

As per the report the most susceptible regions are British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan. Manitoba households are reported to be the least vulnerable to the increased borrowing rates; Atlantic and Quebec regions fall in between in the risk parameters.

The upside of the new mortgage rates is that there are a number of homes available in the market at affordable prices. Homes you dreamt of are now within your reach as realtors are busy putting their wares out in the open for all prospective buyers.

While you hop on the bandwagon and identify the property you really want to buy there are few points you must be aware of before you plunge in. The euphoria may be catching but if you are realistic about your real estate purchase you may save yourself from falling flat on your face when the excitement dies down.

The closing costs must be taken into account when you proceed; the earlier the better so you do not have any surprise extra costs creeping up at the last moment. The closing costs may include the utility connections, education levies, closing adjustment and the lawyer's fees.

A few tips to help reduce your mortgage rates are – one if you engage a broker which automatically lessens ‘the search costs'. If you are new to the mortgage market a broker enables you to get the best deals without exposing yourself to the lender, otherwise you may be taken advantage of due to your limited knowledge on the field. Second if you can pay more than the minimum 5% down payment that will help to reduce the rates in the coming years.


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Employment Equity in Federal Jobs in Canada to Set the Trend

The Employment Equity will tip the balance in favour of the four classes identified to be given a fair chance on available federal jobs.

This has raised many questions in the past and will do so even now. You may need to go over the realities of this legislation before you take a stand.

The four classified groups are – women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and visible minorities. Most often the people belonging to these groups have been less fortunate in getting a coveted post due to their category. The federal government seeks to correct this trend in the society and the job market with the employment equity program.

The Employment Equity Fact Sheet clarifies the program resourced from the Canadian Government Policies on Employment Equity, Federal Contractors Program, Canadian Human Rights Commission – Employment Equity and other renowned sources.

First this equity means ‘treating everyone with fairness, taking into account people’s differences.’ This includes different religious beliefs and technically outfitted workplaces to accommodate people with disabilities.

Second, this enables equal opportunities for all by removing barriers faced by certain groups in the employment field. However, it does not mean people will lose their jobs due to this legislation.

Third, the program prohibits quota system, but gives the employers time and achievable goals to integrate this legislation into their business practices.

Fourth, it does not mean employers are bound to employ unqualified people from the classified groups. Only individuals who are qualified for the job shall be employed, irrespective of whether he or she belongs to any group.

Five, the program does not intend to lower the job standards, rather match the requirements of the job with the candidate’s abilities. For example, to realistically decide whether the post requires the so called “Canadian experience” or whether the job needs a driving license, etc. .

Six, it has been found the expense to set up a work station to accommodate a physically challenged employee is minimal – less than $500.

Seven, the Employment Equity seeks to lead the path to equal employment opportunities and remove the jinx (may not be intentional) for certain people in gaining profitable employment even in the private corporate sectors.

If you fall under any one of the above groups or if any of your family members do so this could mean opening of doors that were closed for so long. Opportunities will come your way and situations in life will undergo a major change. The diverse and multi ethnic and multi cultural population of Canada may well prosper or have a set back depending on your opinion.