I saw on the spreadsheet that your application went through really fast.
I've met my husband and less than a year later we decided to get married. That seemed a bit rushed for some of people we know, so I expect that VO would think the same way. Anyways, we decided to do this while I'm still in Canada so that we could start the application process as soon as possible, since we know it takes months or even years. We figured if we'll postpone it, it will add at least another year because he's still in university. And now after the marriage we got plane tickets to see each other, as our wedding gifts.

So it seems like a good decision, so far.
Also, he hasn't met my family or friends yet, which I expect might be a little bit of a red flag.
Getting lots of photos of us together wasn't the easiest thing either. After reading that many applicants send hundreds of photos, I realized we will have maybe 20 photos in total, not counting photos that are more or less the same (from the same events, for example).
We didn't live together officially, it was more like - he stays at my house for a day, then we don't see each other for a few days (because i'm working and he's going to uni) and then whenever I have a few days off in a row, I would go to his place and stay there. On days like that you don't think 'oh we should take a picture of us together because we will need them later', you know

Also, we've met on a dating app. Not sure how VO would treat this fact either.