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Want to move to Canada

Ok, I nearly have everything ready for the police check, just need to get a picture signed by someone saying they have known me two years and one more proof of address.

It says on the forms, a letter from my doctor can be proof of address, how would I go about getting that? Just go see my doctor and ask him for a letter?

I have everything ready for the other form (except my police check) so everything seems nearly sorted out.
Hey again Leon, I emailed the site regarding my police check and they told me

"It is acceptable to use 2 bank statements providing they are for different months and no more than 6 months old"

so I don't have to get a letter from my GP now, as I have two bank statements, but I need to know ... when I scan them to my computer, do they require the whole statement or just the page with address on it?


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Ask them. I would assume the address page is enough but if you want to be safe, maybe send all of it.


Apr 21, 2009
Are you sure the flights you found on the air transat site were not one way? I did a search (as I will be bunac'ing at about the same time as you) and it looks like the flights show up as one way if you search next years flights.
skideh said:
Are you sure the flights you found on the air transat site were not one way? I did a search (as I will be bunac'ing at about the same time as you) and it looks like the flights show up as one way if you search next years flights.
I'll check again later on when I am home from work.

Also, my girlfriend's family want her to marry me now too, to make sure I can stay, so it looks like the marriage could be on.

Do I need any forms or anything to get married over there? (such as Birth Certificate etc...) or not?

I'm still in the process of completing my other forms (police check taking awhile to get as I have not got my photograph signed yet) but after that it should be all easy to do.

Hopefully it's all done soon, and thanks Leon for all the help you have given me.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Yes, you will need your birth certificate to get married. I think that's all though.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
You can get it here: http://www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates/ but I don't know if you need an original or if a copy is ok.
Thanks Leon, I will order one soon.

This will sound like a stupid question, but I shall still ask to be sure. When my photograph is being signed for police check and it requires full name, this includes my middle names, yeah?

Once the police check is out the way, the rest should be easy to do, and fingers crossed everything goes to plan so I can be there in August as planned.


Star Member
Apr 27, 2009
Police certificate

Hi Friends
I want to know that, regarding police certificate
either we should submit original ones or attested copy of that?
Please clear me on this
I can't get anyone to sign my photograph. :(

I emailed them and asked if the person who did it was ok, and they said no (occupation: care support worker.)

I have emailed them back though, asking why not, because the person who's signed it currently, basically has the same occupation as my mum/her colleagues who I was told were suitable (they work in a nursey.)

Both of the jobs require looking after children and the person who currenty signed it, her job also involves helping to teach them, so I don't see why she isn't suitable.

Any ideas?

Or shall I just send it to them currently the way it is? and hope for the best? =/


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Who's supposed to sign your photo, a doctor or dentist or something? Can you take it to your doctor or dentist?
Leon said:
Who's supposed to sign your photo, a doctor or dentist or something? Can you take it to your doctor or dentist?
From the application form it says:

• Accountant
• Bank/building society official
• Barrister
• Broker
• Chairman / Director / Manager / Personnel Officer (limited company)
• Chiropodist
• Commissioner of Oaths
• Councillor: local or county
• Civil Servant (permanent)
• Engineer (Qualified)
• Fire Service Official
• General Practitioner
• Minister of a recognised religion
• Nurse (SRN and SEN)
• Member of Parliament
• Merchant Navy Officer
• Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers of the Armed Services (active or retired)
• Optician/Chemist/Dentist
• Police Officer / Police Staff
• Post Office Official
• Solicitor
• Teacher or Lecturer

and then in the FAQ section at the end it says:

• I don’t know anyone from the list of guarantors, who can sign my photograph?
The list is not exhaustive, but you must ensure that the certifying individual is a professional. A professional who could sign your photograph for a passport application would be acceptable.

I could go doctor, but I work Monday-Friday, and the doctor isn't open on a weekend. I just don't see how my mum/her colleagues would be allowed to sign it, but the person I currently got to sign it isn't, seeing as they basically do the same kind of job, which involves looking after kids, but in my chosen endorsers case, the difference is that it's young adults not kids, and she also helps to teach them.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
I think you need to take a half day off work to go to your doctor/dentist and get him to sign it. You could also try the police station and ask one of them to sign it. It's mostly for somebody official who has seen your ID and can verify that the picture is of you to sign it. They don't actually have to know you as far as I know. I had to get some signed pictures for my PR card and when you do that, you get a commissioner of oaths to sign it, you don't actually know them, you just go to their office.