Leon said:
Who's supposed to sign your photo, a doctor or dentist or something? Can you take it to your doctor or dentist?
From the application form it says:
• Accountant
• Bank/building society official
• Barrister
• Broker
• Chairman / Director / Manager / Personnel Officer (limited company)
• Chiropodist
• Commissioner of Oaths
• Councillor: local or county
• Civil Servant (permanent)
• Engineer (Qualified)
• Fire Service Official
• General Practitioner
• Minister of a recognised religion
• Nurse (SRN and SEN)
• Member of Parliament
• Merchant Navy Officer
• Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers of the Armed Services (active or retired)
• Optician/Chemist/Dentist
• Police Officer / Police Staff
• Post Office Official
• Solicitor
• Teacher or Lecturer
and then in the FAQ section at the end it says:
• I don’t know anyone from the list of guarantors, who can sign my photograph?
The list is not exhaustive, but you must ensure that the certifying individual is a professional. A professional who could sign your photograph for a passport application would be acceptable.
I could go doctor, but I work Monday-Friday, and the doctor isn't open on a weekend. I just don't see how my mum/her colleagues would be allowed to sign it, but the person I currently got to sign it isn't, seeing as they basically do the same kind of job, which involves looking after kids, but in my chosen endorsers case, the difference is that it's young adults not kids, and she also helps to teach them.