Hi Morena,
I'm in the exact same situation. I'm a US citizen, husband is Canadian PR card holder. Got married in April 2012 and filed outland (Buffalo) end of April. In the meantime, I live with him in Montreal under a tourist status. We have not yet gotten any confirmation from CIC about our application b/c it's too soon. Even when we do, it will be another 12 month minimum to get my status.
And we just found out we're pregnant, no coverage. We are thinking of purchasing an US private insurance policy for me and have me travel to Philadelphia (my permanent address) for the check-ups and delivery. But you can see how that's far from easy or ideal, and the delivery date being always an uncertain thing, it's very risky, not to mention unforeseen accidents or complications throughout the pregnancy.
You mentioned $1,700 for medical costs throughout the whole pregnancy, which is not bad at all, and has me feeling very hopeful right now

Can you please tell me what city you were in, and how much the delivery was, and if you managed to get reimbursed once you became covered?
I have been trying to locate affordable clinics in Montreal, but so far have not found anything good. Even if you were not in Montreal, could you please give me the contacts of the people you used, and perhaps they can point me in the right direction?