For Tax return documents, which page or document is needed for the application of Canada visitor visa for an Indian person?? There are so many documents in the tax return file.
Bryanna is right you don't need to submit tax return file or actual tax return documents. After submitting tax return to govt they must have gave you a assessment. You need to submit a copy of entire tax assessment.
Bryanna is right you don't need to submit tax return file or actual tax return documents. After submitting tax return to govt they must have gave you a assessment. You need to submit a copy of entire tax assessment.
I am have no knowledge of the documents of Indian Tax documents. I am sturggling to find out which part is the assessment. Like in Canada, we have NOA.
I am have no knowledge of the documents of Indian Tax documents. I am sturggling to find out which part is the assessment. Like in Canada, we have NOA.