I found this online. It's older, but some of this might help. I also read that CIC does not want you to sign the form if you are submitting online. It will let you sign it electronically towards the end of your submission.
Re: Anybody experienced an error in the MyCIC when applying the PGWP?
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 02:53:15 pm »
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Hey Guys,
I know this might have been resolved but no solution has been posted.I'm replying nonetheless for those who might come across the same problem somewhere down the line.
I too kept receiving the 'Invalid pdf' error for almost 2-3 weeks. CIC sent me an email with a couple of questions but I had already tried all that, besides, the questions in the email seems to basic. I've pasted the email anyway. Don't forget, that you can get in touch with MyCIC via the MyCIC site itself. Just log into MyCIC and there's a link you can use called 'Share with..' or something.
Here's what I did to get things working.
1. You have to understand that these are intelligent forms and you can't mess around with the .pdf, else you wont be able to upload it or it wont be read.
2. Close all your browsers
3. Open ONLY IE, not Firefox, not Opera
4. Go to cic.gc.ca
5. Search for the form you want, open in a new tab. Don't download yet
6. Fill the form completely in one go (you can have another one that you can copy paste from)
7. Now save the form on your desktop
8. Navigate to MyCIC and upload.
It worked 10/10 times for me. I tried editing the form on my desktop because I noticed a mistake, and it didn't let me upload it. I had to download a new one and follow the steps above.