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Visitor record & letter of explanation


Aug 25, 2020

I submitted an application for a visitor record which is still in process in order to extend my Working Holiday Visa (WHV) for 6 months because I would like to stay with my boyfriend since non essential travels aren't allowed I prefer then staying here during the COVID time. In this time we will also become common law and I will be able to add him on my PR application.
  • I didn't send any letter of explanation regarding the pupose of my visit (because I didn't know about that practice) but I am not sure if I should send a message to IRCC or not in order to provide more information... I wrote in the visitor record form on Adobe that the purpose of my stay is to visit my boyfriend and that I will stay at his/our place (I wrote the same address as my current address as well as address of people I will visit=boyfriend). + I mentioned in current work that I am a self-employed person (don't know if that plays any role).
    Can you tell me what you think about it? Should that be clear enough for IRCC or should I send a complementary message? What else would they want to know about?
  • As well, I showed about 5000 EUR and 4000 USD of funds on my bank statements (so just a bit more than 13k but I wrote inadvertently 14k on the form o_O)
    Do you think I should correct that or am I overthinking?
- Visitor Record application: Aug. 1st
- WHV expiry: Aug. 29th.
- I applied for PR under FSW the last day of my WHV (in order to try and get a BOWP) but couldn't apply for BOWP probably because of time zone issue :mad:. They issued my AOR with the date of 30th whereas it was still Aug. 29th on canada.ca website and I was not suggested to apply for BOWP as I filled the temporary work IT form... Anyways this is an other problem.

Thank you in advance for your thought! I'm sooo lost in this ocean of visas.

I know you think I'm not born for paper stuff and you're right :rolleyes:.