Well I got my visa for 2 years ( 2 1/2 year actually).
Let me detail what I did step by step.
My profile
10 th = 70.14 %
12 th = 66.18 %
BBA = 51.44 % ( 1 backlog, cleared in next yr)
ielts = 7.5 bands (r-8.5, l-7.5, w-6.5, s-7)
My present location - Ahmedabad
work experience = 3 yrs sales and sales training (Bose corporation)
College - North Island College (2 years Post Degree Diploma in Business Mgmt.)
Location - Comox Valley, Vancouver Island - BC
Potential issues in my profile
- 4 years gap between 10 and 12 ( yes, I was young and wasn't serious about studies)
- Less marks in BBA ( apparently mine was less than 50 %, however it is implied that Visa officials look at the overall university percentage which is summation of theoretical and practical marks)
- Work ex might be potential deterrent as it shows I may not be a serious candidate in eyes CIC owing gap in studies.
- I dont know how much it matters, but when I applied I was 27 and well its always generically understood the more the age the lesser the inclination of studies .
Potential Strong points on my success.
- Good IELTS score - 7.5 bands ( got re-valuated later on and it came to 8 bands )
- Although I said earlier work-ex may be taken as a potential gap in studies but mind you, I didn't work in lala / aaltu faaltu company.
I worked with Bose corp, which is a North American company and hence my work ex doesn't look fake or non credible.
- Although I wanted to take up HR however took up a course which is more relevant to my earlier education and overall work related.
- I applied on 28 May, full 3 months earlier of the programme initialization.
Agent Details.
- Canam
- Satisfaction score - 7/10
- Would I recommend them - Yes and No
Yes - If you are informed student and knows CIC rules and regulations
- If you want the paper work done optimally.
- He didnt charge me a penny.
- Canam is an authorised CIC consultant.
No - If you are not a informed student and would be completely laid back thinking any agent would sail you through.
- You think agent is the messiah and will do all you paperwork.
- You supply forged, inaccurate documents.
I got my Visa in 4-5 days and honestly I wasnt really that excited. I felt at this age this may not be a right decision rebooting my entire career and I am still in that dilemma.
However honestly Canadian visa is straight through if papers are complete and your IELTS is fine
Key pts to success.
- Correct paperwork and right balance showed (GIC and 1 sem fee showed)
- I cannot stress enough to apply earlier as much as possible ( my file was ready by April for May intake and agent pushed me to apply asap but I thought that period would be too short)
- Good IELTS score, I sincerely believe my score offset / balanced any disadvantage on my overall education profile
- Lala company = failure, avoid showing faaltu work ex. Visa officials are experienced enough.
How much funds I showed ?
- GIC + 1sem fee approx 16000 CAD
Can GIC be forego-ed ?
- No
Why BC ?
1) Easier residency relative to Ontario.
2) Much better weather.
Why NIC and this programme ?
1) I am expecting this college to be less multicultural = more Canadian experience rather than home away from home experience.
2) 2 years course = 3 PGWP
3) Course is directly related to my field of study and work ex.
4) Has 1 semester internship component.
I believe SOP is more overhyped than how necessary it is. Canam gave me a generic format which they give it everyone and I just spent 5 minutes and wrote something. Majority of the stuff was allready written which would have been used by thousands of students who would have gone through them. I didnt even explain my gap, just wrote why I chose NIC and my current profile & rewrote some stuff ,thats about it. Dont fret over sop, just keep it condensed. Plagiarism of SOP can lead to your visa rejection hence I am not sharing it.
Is canam really authorised by CIC, CHC, CBA......inshort Canadian govt ?
Since someone point this, well for the info of others
P.S. According to canam mine was a 50-50 case and chances were not bright. They told me to look at Australia and New Zealand as alternatives. And now they credit my success to above success factors.
Update - They just called me to advise their future students on what to do and not to while applying. My future looks bright as a consultant ;D faaltu mai Canada jaake paisa gavara hun 
I am flying on 27 august via jet airlines. People going ahead for the same can connect with me. Kindly message me your numbers or alternatively connect with me on tushar.nayyer @ gmail.com
Feel free to ask relevant questions. Ill update important questions on the topic itself.
Thank you.