TedStankovich said:
Hi everyone, I've got the e-mail from Vienna this morning and it says:
"Dear XXX:
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. We are missing the following information and/or documentation in your application:
-Proof of ongoing communication between you and your sponsor (via skype/sms/e-mail, proof of funds transfer, visitations etc.)
The information and/or documentation we have requested must be provided to us within 60 days of the date on this letter. If documents have been requested, please provide originals or certified true copies. All documents not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified English or French translation."
So what do you think of this, does this mean I don't have to redo medical or attend the interview? My wife and I communicate in Bosnian, do we have to translate our Facebook and Whatsapp chat? Has anyone before been asked to send this kind of info to Vienna? Thanks.
Hi TedStankovich, for now you don't have to redo the medical or attend the interview. Once you send the information they ask for, then they will make the decision on whether you need to redo this or go to Vienna for an interview. Basically, they find the proof of ongoing communication insufficient and they need you to send more. Unfortunately, this part is the hardest because most of us use Skype and Facebook. When I sent my proof, I didn't translate the chats because that would take forever. Some chats were short "Come on Skype" and so on. Most of my Skype calls were on camera so there was no text to translate. However, I did download a Skype log viewer http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/skype_log_view.html. You install this and that took all my outgoing and incoming calls and arranged them by date, how long the call lasted, who called who...etc. I highlighted my husband's name and it was 15 pages long, it looked exactly like a cell phone statement with the calls listed. Maybe you could do that. I would print screen all your chats, leave out ones you think are too personal (we all have those) print them and then maybe write the translations next to it. It would cost you tons of money to get it translated & certified by a professional and they never said that you had to do it. It really is a tough situation. Has your wife visited you recently? have her send her plane tickets to you so you can send those to Vienna.
Here's what I did for Facebook: If you and your wife both have FB, log in to yours and go to your wife's page. At the top, across the cover photo there are options: Friends, Following, Message and then ... click the three dots and an option called "see friendship" will appear. Click on that and it will show you all the posts between you and your wife, as well as your pictures together if you post on facebook. Hopefully you post on each other's FB. I basically print screened our entire FB relationship, printed it and then translated what we were saying and why he posted that picture or why I posted the video clip. Sort of detailing our relationship. Everyone has their way of doing things, this is what I came up with.
My bro had this info requested but he basically sent everything the first time, so he sent more Skype calls and wife's plane ticket and he got his PR 5 months later, he did however have to go to an interview

I hope I've been of some help, this is probably the hardest thing to fulfill once they ask for it. It is difficult to prove a relationship with the technology we have these days.