Landing complete!
We crossed back into Canada at Coutts, AB. We got to the window, handed the fellow our passports and told him we wanted to complete my wife's landing process. He directed us to park and come inside. We handed over the COPR, the fellow asked a few questions, made her initial a few places and then sign. He had us sit down while he did a bunch of computer work, called us back up, asked about what goods we were going to bring to Canada and we handed over our B4 and our spreadsheet and he just smiled and said "Fantastic. You've done your homework. You'd be surprised how many people get to this point and have no idea what they are doing."
He took a quick read through the spreadsheet, signed and initialed each page, slapped the barcode stickers on it, and said "Congratulations and welcome to Canada."
What a relief that we are finally done! Now my wife can start hunting for a job so we can try to start climbing out of this deep hole of debt we find ourselves in.