unless she has gone through the process herself, i would tell her to not give you any further advise. and also, is she an immigration officer? does she process applications? how does she know how cic will handle your file? to say they will just reject your file if something's not there proves she doesn't know what she's talking about. CIC doesn't just outright reject applications. they either make document requests or schedule interviews. legally, they have to give the applicant a chance to fix the problem before rejecting an application. she clearly doesn't know much about spousal sponsorship. tell her thanks, but no thanks, i'd rather us to just be friends and not discuss immigration processes/applications. and then when you get approved without all her nonsense "advice", you can show her your application and advise HER she may need to study up a bit about how the process actually works before giving advice that can be detrimental to people's livelihood. (ok, that last line is my venting about immigration "consultants" and their increasingly stupid advice - i doubt you actually want to tell your friend that - unless you don't want her to be your friend anymore

i also would not recommend adding the stat declaration since it's not required. your relationship should be detailed and outlined in the application, so it is completely unnecessary to your application. there is no reason to submit something that isn't required or is duplicating facts already provided. the checklists show what is required. stick to the checklist, this forum and take advice from people who have actually filled out and sent in spousal sponsorship applications and have been approved.