Hey everyone,
So good to see that so many of you completed your landing. I did too. Sharing my experience below.
We drove from New Jersey to Scarborough via Peace Bridge in Buffalo using a rental car on 26th December. We stayed at a friends place, who along with her family, drove to US with us 2 days later.
Landing at POE
When we reached Peace Bridge at around 2:00 PM, the office at the POE was very nice, asked us a few questions of what we were there for, whose car it was, etc. No cross questions whatsoever. He did kid around with us a bit - asked if we had hidden anyone in the back of the trunk since he couldn't see it.

Then he asked us to park the car in any one of the spots nearby and go into the building behind him. In there, there was no line. We went straight to the officer, presented out COPRs and passports. She was very polite and asked us to be seated. Then an officer called us, asked us some basic questions, took our address and soon enough, made us sign the COPRs and told us we were now officially Canadian PRs.
I had to ask him about the Good Accompanying list and the Goods to Follow list. He directed us back to the officer who we spoke to earlier. There she took a look at what we had (which was very very detailed - B786 form with 7 excels sheets, jewelry pics printed and all). She stamped and signed all of them, printed us a copy and provided it to us. That was it. We were in and out in 25 minutes.
The next day, we applied and received SIN immediately at a local Service Ontario office. There was line and it took about an hour, probably since it was the day after boxing day.
Bank Account
Out friend took us to CIBC where my wife got her account opened, since she would be moving in February, 2017 and I don't have a solid plan yet.
She got a good deal - opened a checking account, with no minimum balance requirement until a year and a savings account. She also got a credit card.
Address Issue
My friend informed that she had given us the wrong zip code over whatsapp - but only the last 3 digits of the zip code. We called IRCC, stayed on the line for 35 minutes and when we finally reached there, we found that the office had put in another part of the ZIP incorrectly as well. When I gave the correct zip to the agent, she informed that she could not see that apartment in the zip code I gave (Not sure what that meant). She gave us a link to a web form where we could request for address to be changed. I did that on Thursday (12/28) but no reply yet. I cant call the IRCC number since there we are now in US, but hopefully I get a reply over the webform. I still cant search our PR card application online, maybe because processing of the application hasn't started.
Hope this post helps someone out there. Any suggestions on the address change issue is appreciated.