This confirms that your application for Permanent Residence under the Spouse or common-law
partner in Canada class has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on
You will receive further correspondence once your application is under review by an agent.
Passports for yourself and your family members must be valid for the duration of your stay in
When should I contact else?
You must also notify GIG of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Change in status in Canada: you must submit a written statement to this office and include
evidence to indicate the status in Canada of all persons listed in your Application for
Permanent Residence;
• Changes in your personal circumstances, including birth or adoption of a child, death of a
family member, a marriage or a divorce;
~ If you have a child, you must specify whether or not he/she is to be added to this
application. If that child is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, please provide
a copy of their document which details his/her status in Canada.
• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number);
• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual; and/or
• Decision to withdraw your application.
You have the option to withdraw your application at any point in the process, provided that a
final decision has not been made on the Application for Permanent Residence (APR)