Very urgent help required Hello everybody i really need your help . I got my pr application refused in feb 2020 due to insufficient settlement funds. I applied for gcms notes nd today i received the notes .i m attaching the screenshots of gcms notes . In my accounts i had one deposit of around 270000 (in 2018) from my brother and 2 deposits from my father in 2019 . After spending the money from my account i had left around 15000 in my account . After that i got 245000 INR as gift from my father ,and got 510000 from the sale of my car . I submitted both sale deed and gift deed of these deposits . In the gcms that i recieved visa officer mentioned that i did not provide an explanation of the desposits from my brother and my father . I did not provide the explanation because the money i got from them was already spent by me . And from that money i had only 15000 INR left in my account so those deposotis did not contribute my settlement funds ,so i did not provide explanation for those deposits because those were already spent . So m surprised to see the notes. Kindly help me what should i do . I had deposits from my father nd brother but that money i already used ,so i did not provide explanation for them because those funds did not contribute my settlement funds. Kindly help me what should i do . I did not recieve any PFL or any ADR just got rejection straight way.