thank u all for your reply and help, here is the reference letter from my employer;
May 11, 2012
To whom it may concern,

This letter is to confirm that David has been employed with our company since June 13, 2011. His job title is Food Store Supervisor and he has been full time since he started with us. He works 40 hours a week, his job duties include supervising the staff by providing direction and training as well as ordering, maintaining records, sanitation and organization of the stock. He is a key holder and he also assists with balancing the money. He is paid hourly and his annual salary was about $29000. The annual salary will remain similar this year, the only change will be the amount of overtime worked.
Our company name is 1234567 Alberta LTD operating as XXXX (a famous fast food restaurant). If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time.
XXXX(employer's Name)
XXXX(company address)
xxxxxx(phone number)