Thank you Rossei and razerbalde to pick up on those questions.
I have follow up questions on the topic:
1. I know you suggested an affidavit from Indian Authority (it would be only Notary Public as per my understanding unless there is a better option?). However, I was wondering whether an affidavit from Canadian Notary Public better is preferable over an affidavit from Indian Notary Public (does even make sense for a Canadian Notary Public to write an affidavit for an Indian couple)?
2. Its interesting that you mentioned an Affidavit from Indian Authority/Notary and not from my parents? Which one would be preferable or adding from both would be an good idea?
I assume a letter from Notary/Authority is - Notary/Authority giving the conformation and from my parents is - My parents giving the conformation which would be different?. What would be preferred or affidavit from both would strengthen the case?
3. I observe that you sound reasonably confident but are not 100% certain on whether an affidavit would suffice. Given the time sensitivity and a lack of an opportunity to reapply I am wondering is there is any way to get full certainty on this topic? I completely trust your judgement and will be going with it but trying to do what I can

4. Final query:
you advise to explain why they do not have a marriage certificate. I am not aware of a solid reason behind that other than that is how it was in those days (kinda raw and rude to say). I am not sure how to communicate this; any suggestions?
Yes, my birth certificate (which has to be translated and certified) has my parent's name in addition to passports and school certificates etc. So, that could be some help.
Thank you share your experience with us.