Myself and my spouse met in an internet chat room in March of 2003. He had just gone through the breakup of his previous relationship, and so I spent a lot of time messaging him to make sure he was doing okay. As time progressed he got over it and moved on.
In February of 2004, I split with my ex. It was a bitter split with a lot of problems, and my (now) husband is the one I turned to for support, the fact that he lived in Canada and I lived in the UK was never a factor. In April of 2004, I told my Husband that I had feelings for him, we started a long distance relationship and then two days before my birthday in August, I flew out to Canada for a visit. We hit it off instantly! Right from meeting at the airport, it was instant sparks!
6 years later, we're married and have just sent in our application for PR a week and a half ago
It's been a long hard road at times, and we've struggled, but our experiences as a couple have only made our relationship stronger. I wouldn't change a single thing, good or bad, about our six years together. When we first started talking all those years back though, if someone had told me at that time that I'd end up marrying a Canadian, and living in Canada, I would have laughed outright in sheer disbelief. Funny yet amazing the twists and turns your life can take sometimes!