my love found me in 2006 on a social network site; for months i kept receiving emails to accept his friend request but i have never talked to "strangers" before and i didn't want to start; still that year was a little harsh for me, i felt i need something different in my life so finally i accepted to be friend with him; soon after he sent me message asking me when i'm available to chat (there were 7h time difference); we exchanged emails, we set up a date and time and so it started; on May 8th 2006 we start talking and clicked right away; it was amazing for both and the strangest thing was that after our first talk i felt i miss him already and he felt the same too; 2 days after we talked again and also started to send each other sms; he was part of my every day life, although he was soo far away; i was amazed how much in common we had although we were from soo different cultures and background; i was soo happy i had someone i could share anything in my mind without worries that i would be judged
unfortunately soon after i had to go for 1 week trip which was planned long before and could not cancel; there i didn't have phone or internet and i missed him too much; it was there when i realized that he was always with me, always in my mind, that i fell inlove with him and all i wanted was to be with him; when i came back i shared my feelings with him which took him by surprise of course who wouldn't be? he didn't say anything but i knew in my heart that he feels the same it was just too strange to admit to himself; we continued being in touch every day - nice sms, emails and loooooooong chats; at the end of the month, he told me he has something to tell me but he wants to call me; he called, we heard our voices for the first time and said our first mutual 'i love u'
we had 1 whole year of long distance calls, emails, chats, ups and downs; we were soo inlove but we established that we have to first meet each other in person and then see what will happen; since he has a lot of travel restrictions cuz of his nationality i decided to go and visit him; crazy ha? in May 2007 i went alone 10h+ by plane in a place i have never seen before and i knew noone but him; but i trusted him 100% and my family too; they knew about my plans from the very beginning and i had their full support; and so i went to find my love; our first meeting was at the airport: i recognized him from far and from the first hello and first touch i knew he was the one i'll spend my life with
we spend 1 whole magical month and when i left it was the hardest thing i have ever done in my life; that day i promised myself that our next meeting i will do my best to never leave him again; so i went back to Canada with that thought and we both knew what to do: me to finish my studies to find a good job where he was and him to get a better situation where he was; in exactly one more year i went back (May 2008) and we have been living together since then

the life here is not easy but we have one another, we take care of each other and at the end of the day we r soo happy together; we r all the time amazed from where we started (just a dream) and how much we achieved (a dream come true)
now our next challenge is to go back together to Canada (i'll not go anywhere without him) and make ourselves a brighter future there
sorry everyone for this long post, i tend to be taken away

it's nice to read ur stories and nice to see so many met online like us; so here is mine and it's first time i write about it; i'll save it for the application file which i'm currently preparing

good luck to all of us!