CanadaCanary said:
Glad to see the flurry of activity after the slow frustrating few weeks it seems to have been.
Quick question :
My wife as sponsor was sent ECAS log in details when she received AOR and since being approved we know the application was sent to London. I, as principal applicant have not received any correspondence or log in info for ECAS.
We know it is in London and all is well (she sent them an e-mail to change her surname from maiden to married and it has been changed) but I was wondering if I should have heard anything by now? I can't see anything in the FAQ that specifically mentions principal receiving notification that the application is received and ECAS log in details.
I've tried logging in but no dice, I assume I won't be able to for a while (possibly until it is IN PROGRESS) but wanted to double check!
You won't receive any notification at all that the application made it to London. Not everyone is able to log into ECAS either, most people just log in as the sponsor as then the sponsor can see both "sides" of the application. As others have said, you may have to play with different combinations of numbers to get it to work. The same UCI won't work - the sponsor and PA have different UCIs, but the file number should be the same. Also make sure you are selecting the right country of birth as the PA, I can't remember which order it goes in, but it's answered in the FAQ.
NVJ said:
It seems that a few people have been getting medical requests recently. We did another enquiry on the weekend (After sending our medical results twice, once with application and one as a case specific enquiry, we received an email saying we had 30 days to do a medical). This was the response we got today:
Please disregard the latest letter requesting you to complete another medical. Because the letters are automatically generated and sent, when we correct the issue and linked your medical number (IME), another letter was generated and sent.
So if you have a current medical,but have been asked for another, it may just be another CIC 'Glitch'. Frustrating, but at least we don't have to spend another £300 (just yet, anyhow)
This is useful, thanks for sharing. Others who receive requests for remedicals should still confirm with CIC whether or not it was a glitch instead of assuming, just in case. But glad you don't have to have it redone!
sharren said:
Hi, just a quick update we received COPR in the post on July 17th

quick question, we are going over to see my family for a few weeks in august, but dont want to activate PR until we move in January. Is this possible?
Spreadsheet updated!
Read this:
jaxxon said:
Im really worried guys..., I got an email from CIC that they mailed my CORP on July 8th but I still havent recieved anything in the mail. I feel like It should be here by now...
CIC won't consider COPR lost until I think 6 weeks after it's been mailed, or something like that. I'd sit on it a bit longer then once you hit 4 weeks drop CIC an email, but right now it's still too soon.
Hopen said:
SchnookoLoly, you are 100pct correct, it is on the checklist, and specifically mentioned in the immigration guide as well. Not sure where I got the idea doing the medical upfront was an option, think this little passage from IMM3999 might have been the culprit. It reads:
"Note: When medical results are submitted up-front, routine cases benefit from faster processing since we do not have to request them at a later date. If you choose to have an upfront medical exam, you must submit proof that you completed the medical examination with your application. Failure to do so may result in processing delays."
It does state elsewhere, however that the medical must be submitted up front with the application. Thanks for catching that one.
Cheers, Hopen.
I think that's because IMM3999 is used for multiple streams, and not all of them require the up-front medical. For family class, the medical is certainly required up front.