msmith1789 said:
Hi all,
I posted a couple of weeks back about my girlfriend and I applying for me to sponsor her, we are sending off the application by Friday 15th Feb. We are currently putting together our mass collection of bills/letters/photos/ etc together. I was just looking for feedback as to how/what you all found to be the easiest, most organized way of presenting your photos?? - We are thinking of going with referencing them in our answer to Questions 9 & 20 of IMM 5490, as that seems most logical to us, but any tips/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
One question I have is - we have asked both of our parents to write a letter confirming the facts of our relationship (dates/known relatives etc etc), my question is, are they
required to be Notarized??
It's all coming to the nervous tipping point of waiting for so long for the ball to start rolling and now your at the top of the hill ready to push the ball, it's feels quite nervous knowing whether it will be up or downhill from there. :
looking forward to hearing from you all.
Thanks in advance.
Hi there mssmith,
My husband and myself quoted from how we met and cross referenced our photographs. We also put our photographs onto chronological order. It may be over the top, but this is how we laid out our additional/ supporting documentation:
Section 1: Communication
Please note that not all emails sent and received are shown, but is purely indicative of communications sent back and forth.
A: Email
B: Cards and letters given to each other
C: Cards, letters and emails from friends and family
D: Letters of support from friends and family
Section 2: Joint Documentation
A: Apartment lease (Seascape Apartments)
B: Cellular bill (Rogers)
C: Electricity bill (BC Hyrdo)
D: Credit card statement (vancity)
E: Internet account (TELUS)
Section 3: Receipts, tickets and Miscellaneous
A: Receipts, tickets and various collected items
Section 4: Photographs Throughout Relationship
A: Robert and David meet in San Francisco, USA - June, 2010
B: David visits Vancouver - August, 2010
C: David visits Vancouver - September, 2010
D: Robert and David fly to England - September, 2010
E: Robert and David visit France - September, 2010
Section 5: Travel Documentation
A: International Experience Canada (IEC) visa
B: Various flight/ travel confirmation
Hope that gives a little help as to what we did