Oh man, I was hoping to visit the forum and see ScottishMaple with DM by now. Glad they located your medicals though.
To those people having trouble finding work... Don't apply at Tim's! Apparently, they prefer to hire foreign workers because they don't have to pay them minimum wage. I can't remember the ins and outs of it but I was like... Won't be applying there then.
I found a job as soon as I landed, but I don't have a proper job or a "field" or anything like that so it was pretty easy because I was going to do anything that was offered to me. It's so backwards that people with experience and educations and actual careers are having a hard time.
I can't remember who said they were a programmer... You have to get downtown (Toronto). There is SO MUCH work right now, they're crying out for people. My husband is a software developer and he finds jobs all the time. Definitely get yourself hooked up with some recruiters, too. If you're on Linkedin they'll find you and bombard you with messages. It seems that tech companies are way less interested in the "Canadian experience" thing and care more about your work experience after talking to a bunch of immigrants in the industry, so it's a good place to be.
Glad to see lots more red on the spreadsheet