Yeah it's annoying, everyone has been whining about this the last few weeks/months. Not sure what to tell you. We don't know why some applications go to London and some go to Mississauga. We do know it's happening to HELP London's work load. Your app was received in October so I'm going to guess you still have a few months to wait. However there is nothing to stop the non-Canadian from waiting in Canada as a visitor, or the Canadian from being in the UK either. Don't froget Canada is pretty much the only country that gets you straight to PR if you married a Canadian within about a year, and if you wanted to be able to work faster then you did have the option of applying inland and getting a work permit after 4 months. I know it probably doesn't help much but the waiting game is the waiting game and yeah it's annoying but you do have options ot be together. Good luck!
Thank you. Unfortunately the option for a work permit came after we had applied or we definitely would have gone for that Inland option. I guess we just wait. Financially it's too much of a strain to keep visiting each other while living in two of the most expensive cities but they are home and so we will just wait. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Do you want to be added to the spreadsheet? It's a great way to say thanks for the advice you receive on here and we always appreciate having more data as it makes the spreadsheet more accurate. If so then I need to know wher eyou're living, then I can get yo uadded as you've provided everything else. As for contacting London, send both an email and a cas-especific enquiry, instructions for both are in the FAQ linked in my signature. They often reply way faster than 30 days.
Not certain on this one as most applicants on the spreadsheet are visa-exempt, all i can say is check the Notes column for non-visa applicants on the spreadsheet and see if that gives any idea. I wouldn't want to guess because I'd be just guessing.