Greetings all -
I know the wait is excruciating, and I know it's hard to hear about people who are finally moving through (at least it was for me), but I thought I could share my own experience landing today and perhaps it will be helpful for someone else, as a few points stressed me - so if I can help alleviate that stress for someone else, that would be nice.
As I'm already living in Canada while in law school, I drove from the Toronto area today to Buffalo to pick up my visa. I arrived at 8:15, submitted my paperwork by 8:30 (the two photographs, my height/eye colour word document, and a copy of my PPR request e-mail), and then waited... and waited... and waited... I was called up at 11:30. They asked me to check to make sure everything printed was correct before leaving. It was, so I left. I mentioned I would be landing the same day, and was not instructed to wait any amount of time, but I did hang around for three hours as others have mentioned they did the same.
At 2:45, I crossed at Rainbow Bridge (barely any traffic!) in Niagara Falls. I told the border agent that I was landing and he directed me to the building. I waited a few minutes, and then was helped. She took my passport and confirmation of PR document and said she just needed to place a call to my husband to confirm that he knew I was landing (he was working today, so I just drove down). The problem - though I doubt for most of the world it will be - is that he just moved to Toronto to start a job and is cell-phone less; worse, he has no direct work number and is working in court all day and thus unable to be reached easily. Naturally, given my ability to fret, I became the guy standing there picturing how I would be denied entry into Canada and imagined stranded in America - on the wrong side of my home, things, and husband. She started to ask a few questions about his job, how we met, etc. and I guess she decided I was genuine enough because she started processing things and didn't continue to pursue trying to contact him. Since my belongings are already in Canada, they didn't even ask for a list, and she said that for those already in Canada, it's not necessary to bother. So I literally initialled here and here, signed here and here, and I was finished. She handed me the document and said, alright; you're finished; welcome home sir! After the whole wait; it was almost underwhelming, but then it sank in as I left the building and realized that I was now legally and technically in my "permanent", rather than "temporary" home.
One note: it takes 40 days to receive your PR card. I have to go to Colorado for my sister's wedding next week, and so I asked how to travel since I wouldn't have my PR card, as CIC's official policy is that you require a travel document to re-enter without a PR card. She told me that if travelling by car or boat, the confirmation of PR they staple in your passport is sufficient; if by air, she said to enter simply as a "visitor" as the US is visa-exempt and thus there is no need for the document. As she keenly pointed out, "why would we require CANADIAN permanent residents to have documentation that we DON'T require NON-RESIDENTS to have?" That made sense, even in light of the contradictory official policy online.
And so - with that, here I am: home.
It really will come, and it's almost seamless when it does; I'm rooting for everyone!