If there's one thing I've learned in this process, it's not to expect any kind of timeframe.
Our application showed in process as of Nov/10 and we've still made no headway. We thought our app would be simple - we're both mid 20s, educated, no children, no exes (not even common law). But, nothing yet.
It's beyond frustrating, but all we can do is hurry up and wait. My advice is don't expect anything in terms of a turnaround. It can be slow or it can be fast. I'm starting to think it's luck of the draw.
We're sure it'll be fine; we've always had lovely luck when applying for extensions to his visitor's visa. He's back in Vegas now, but when he was here from May/10-Feb/11 we had applied for an extension so we could spend Christmas together for the first time. We had only requested it be extended until mid Jan/11 and had applied in October, but when we received it, they had approved him until Dec31...of 2011.
We can only assume that everything is fine, it's just a waiting game. Good luck to all! Can't be much longer now...right?