@ FloridaNative - Hi there.

Welcome to the forums! And more particularly, welcome to the December applicant thread. Congrats on getting your application in. I hope you'll receive your Sponsorship Decision soon!
I'm not really sure what the best answer to your question is. It's one you may want to ask to the general forum. There are a lot of factors involved. One thing, you always want to maintain your legal status regardless of what you decide. For another, with your application in progress the boarder guards will be sure to know you're coming up to be with your husband. They may decide to not let you across.
The best way around that is probably to show up at the boarder with your husband and evidence that you have submitted your application. Then you should explain to them that you would like to stay in Canada with your husband while you wait out the duration of your application process. At that time, they may give you the standard 6 months, or perhaps an extended stay visitors pass.
Another factor is, of course, finances. Can you afford to be out of work for the duration of your process?
Personally, I am here in Canada with my husband while we wait for my application. I came across the boarder in August before we were married, and now I'm looking at filling out the application to extend my status. I volunteer with my spare time to make contacts here in Canada and to help out my new community. Our budget is a little tight, but we're getting by. It's great to be with my husband rather than away from him.
I'm sorry that my reply is so rambling. It is possible for you to be in Canada with him legally, but there are many things to consider. I wish you the best! Please keep us up to date on the progress of your application.