And, for good measure, I'm going to post this now before I get wrapped up in things and forget to do it tomorrow! I've reorganized it based on the Visa Office you're going through, so you can compare your progress to others from the same office (if there are any others).
Name VO App Sent App Rec. Spn. Decision In Progress AOR PPR Landed
Kelyaeq Beijing 04/12/10 07/12/10
Jeff Buffalo 06/12/10
quakingaspen Buffalo 01/12/10 06/12/10
Karla718 Buffalo 05/12/10 08/12/10
palamr Buffalo 16/12/10 17/12/10
Sparkle Buffalo 23/12/10 29/12/10
Rathika Colombo 29/11/10 01/12/10
garytheoiler Guatemala 13/12/10 14/12/10
abisehiyo Inland 02/12/10 06/12/10
asif_786 Inland 14/12/10 15/12/10
whitehorsejk London 25/11/10 01/12/10
MandP London 03/12/10 15/12/10
Kililit Manila 26/11/10 03/12/10
missinghim New Delhi 14/12/10
etoile Paris 06/12/10 10/12/10
gally Sydney 20/12/10
chrimano Vienna 03/12/10 06/12/10
maja22 Warsaw 03/12/10 06/12/10
If I have missed anyone, or anyone needs to be updated, please let me know!

Thanks, guys!
Have a happy new year! May the next one bring us all that our hearts desire.