My relative who works in FIA told me that whenever they get this b/g check/security check request, they give the clearance in 8-10 days it doesn't take 1-2 years....this reply is rubbish yar...there is no such thing as a 1 year bacground check!! How come BG check of only one group (oct 2012) is taking so long, and all the rest r clear?? Not like oct 2012 udr people r criminals.....if they had such an elaborate international sytem, they would not be asking us for police clearance from every country we ve lived in

they would ve simply gotten it themselves

its just that your files have been put in some damn cupboard to which they lost the keys

meaning, the whole OCT 2012 group is on delay, not just u....but PLZ, whenever they tell u BG check, just smile and say SURE
Told u, one of forum friends got the BG check reply even after PPR2

so this is just a copy paste reply, and It doesn't mean anything except "keep waiting and don't bug us"...
Just pray they open that damn cupboard where they ve put your group files....totally unfair...hope u get it soon..
I ve had a lot of international travel...and I know an oct 2012 udr guy who s never gone out of the city, yet he is waiting for MR...2calgary, mailed them after 9 months of MR and they sent him BG check reply....and after 4 hours he got PPR-1

how can his BG check get completed within the last 4 hours of the reply

just pray your group 's turn comes soon...this BG check reply means one thing : "don't bug us"....