With all due respect, I don't think it has anything to do with how many points u scored. I see people with 73 points with wait letter. Whereas, people I know who got 67 and 68 points got medicals SIMPLY coz they applied 8-10 months before us and sent FULL docs in 2009 or first half of 2010, before june 2010.
Cock n bull (a senior member and a good friend) thinks "people who r pending (with or without wait letter), are the ones they have doubts about being genuine. I personally don't believe that too. People who they did not belive or had doubts, they simply could ve rejected them by the good old "jd mismatch"...they don't give shady cases a chnace....they don't have that much time to review and further reveiw again, as they do not spend too much time on one file...and LOTS of people have gotten wait letters, even people from UK, middle east and europe...
Kher, LVO was forced to give all applicants a decision because of that famous Tim Leahy case, as 1000 applicants sued the immigration dept for making tham wait without any decision, and asked for money compensation...the court denied their demand for money compensation, but ordered the immigration office to give every one a decision, either a yes or a no, ....THIS IS A FACT, not a theory.
Now here s MY theory/tukka : if we notice, everyone got a hurried decision in between March-May 2012 and EVERYONE s case went into processing, even MI-1 people who had applied with full docs, as late as 2011....some got jd mismatch rejection, some got medical, but there were some who although were a yes, still had not completed the processing time of 2 years from full docs by that time and could not have been given medical. MY THEoRY is , I think this is when they 'invented' this wait letter.
Technically, if the wait letter did not exist, we would ve been simply waiting by now, and would ve gotten medicals directly after 2-2.5 years, like the people who applied in 2009 got medicals in 2012 directly. So this wait letter is just a thing Lvo had to do to show to the court that "Abbu jee, as per your order, we have "processed/given decision" to ALL applications and have finished our job" !!!
Baat wohi baat hai...this is all MY THEORY (part about Tim Leahy court case is a fact though).....jitnay moon, intee batein....no matter what I say, or what anyone else says, the ACTUAL amswers will come in a few months, and then all these specualtions/tukkas will be over....abhi its just playing time

so keep those tukkas coming

time pass he sahi