+1(514) 937-9445 or Toll-free (Canada & US) +1 (888) 947-9445

Thoz who got 6-12 months wait letter


Hero Member
Jan 31, 2009
Curmudgeon said:
Hi Everyone! I am facing a weird problem while filling in and updating forms. Form IMM5562E Supplementary information Your Travels and form IMM5669E Schedule A background declaration are not working. Couldn't fill IMM5562E at all. The cursor simply doesn't go to spaces where I have to type. I could fill half of IMM5669E but the cursor doesn't go to the rest of the fields. I restarted my computer as well but to no effect. What to do? Plz help!
To whom it may concern

The travel form is not fillable SIMPLE
The other forms if you keep these on your system for couple of days the feature FILLABLE becomes inactive and there is no other way else than to download a new one and refill

So simple way is fill one form in a day and dont save too much once you have gone through the details print it and get rid of it (FOR ANOTHER YEAR UNTILL YOU ARE AGAIN ASKED BY CANADIANS TO RESEND THE NEW FORM SO THAT YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS COULD KEEP GOING).

Hopefully this will be of help THOUGH DEPRESSING



Hero Member
Jan 8, 2011
Vancouver ....Canada
Visa Office......
CHC LONDON UK-----Transferred to PVO 7Feb 2013
NOC Code......
3152 ( Registered Nurse )
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
26 May 2010
Doc's Request.
18 October 2010
CHC London 15 Jan 2011...
AOR Received.
1st AOR 18 Oct 2010 / 2nd AOR 16 June 2011..
IELTS Request
All Done..
File Transfer...
Med's Request
13 March 2013
Med's Done....
10 April 2013
Medicals Results Received 15 Aug 2013...
Passport Req..
29 Sep 2013 Submitted @ Abu Dhabi U.A.E
01 Oct 2013
Celebrated White Christmas in Vancouver..2013.
Though I have applied for the caips notes still waiting for the reply....all my friends are getting medicals...i am bit confused.


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2008
cuccoo0 said:
Hello All,

Please don't misqoute me.
First thing is i am not abusing anybody (what are being taken as abuses are expressions in my language Punjabi and these have nothing to do with abuses)
Second thing is if e.g. i am abusing then i am not abusing any person
Thoz who understand punjabi could easily understand these are expressions for CRITICIZING the system

Look what we have done to ourselves?
Let me explain for thoze who just understand English with the below Analogy

In Pakistan, in the city of Gujrat there is a shrine (Dargah) thats called Shah Dola Shah. This is famous among infertile people. Infertile means who can not bear a baby. Majority of the women go there and commit that if Shah Dola blesses them with a baby (which Shah Dola Can not) the first one shall be donated for the Shrine.

There is a berry tree (local berry). After prayers every woman stands under the tree with her veil spread between two arms. If the leaf falls down to his veil from the tree its a gaurantee that she shall bear the child. Once that is born they give it to the Shrine.

Those who live in Pakistan and have come across these children they know what they look like. These have very small heads and they stay their whole lives like this and their job for the rest of the life is to go with their (administrator) in this case (Agent working on our applications appointed by the Canadian Government) and BEG arond all the day long. The whole earning goes to the SHRINE (The F******* Baustards). All such kids dont have a name but ''Shah Dola's Rats''.

They are in every city, town, village of Pakistan and their job is to wake up with their Admins every day (each has been assigned one guard) and walk around in the streets and BEG Money. They dont ask a question at all no matter what.

Few years ago it was discovered by some journalists (the ones who care) that when a Shah Dola's rat is born he/she was born like a normal baby. The shrine administrators devised a way of shrinking their brain growth and to keep them mentally a child (and that was years and years ago) and to give them their RAT like appearance. This involves tightning their heads (Right from the first day once they are delivered to the shrine) in IRON Claws which limits brain and skull growth.

Same is the case with this Canadian Immigration. I have been reading through threads and found lots of interesting things couple of which are

-People have stopped going for kids (to be explicit so that everyone could understand alike) stopped going to bed least not they bear a baby that could delay their appliction progress

-People have kept money in Bank accounts since last 3 4 years no matter how urgent they need these and beg around in the forums asking questions ''I have to make a payment for my house lease or certain such issues and can not touch the money in the bank as Canadian Immigration process will be slowed''

-Whenever the agents ask for any thing new people start tunning across forums to sort out that thing and literally beg for a solution

-People don't speak on the forums they are scared or have RAT heads though this forum or any other forum is not owned by Canadians. They dont express their feelings least not the Immigration is denied or slowed down. I have read even comments where people advise others please don't say this as Canadian Government Officials visit these sites and make note of such things.

-People put their (To be newly borns) on stake by going for X-Rays with Lead Shields on so that their Immigration progress is not effected and guess what the Administrators even despite this keep hold of their cases untill that BABY is born and is no more a burden (on Canadian Economy).

AND WHAT NOT???????????????????????????????????????

Like Shah Dola's RATS though WE ARE NOT (We are literate)

-We never challenged this F***********(SAMA this means *censored word*ing) immigration system
-No body questioned the creditability of this system
-No body even dared to ask this KK thing (Jason Kenny) who is in this role since years and is SLAUGHTERING the whole system and exploiting the applicants.
-No one even challenged his credentials that ''HOW SUCH AN INCOMPETENT PERSON BECAME at first place a citizen of Canada and above all a MINISTER (Though i think the MINISTERS around the world share the common property of being Incompetent and mentally retarded)
-No one challenges why the agents is asking us for filling out all the forms from anew after three years
-No one challenges the competence of these agents that why they are not capable of deciding an application with briliantly filled forms in three years
-No one dares to think if this system is so screwed and has been designed by the CANADIANS then what about the other systems workig in their country
-No one dares to think why we WALK, TALK, SLEEP, EAT Canadian Immigration

-The whole land is of ALLAH's or GOD's or Bhagwan's then why these CANADIANS have become our GODs WHY?

BTW I am no exception to all this. Having said that, i would like all to pay attention to this fact that i once sent such a letter to the office of this KK thing and am yet waiting for a reply. I wrote such article to couple of Canadian news papers as well but no luck yet

But question is why we are doing this? To go to another place which does not seems promising as far rights are concrened. Rather it looks like same like our own country?

IS IT THAT WE TOO ARE ''SHAH DOLA SHAH's RATS''???????????????????????????????? Think

Hopefully this will clarify many issues raised in my first post (in Punjabi that some of the English could not understand)

I shall be going now as I am not an English and am running short of words.

But i would like to take a promise from you all that once you reach their (which you will Allah Willing) please try to challenge and change this once you are settled there for the coming generations

I shall now take your leave

Thanks and Regards

Cuccoo and i am a guy not a Girl

Take it easy you look really angry, immigration is a hard way to get anywhere in the world it takes a lot of time. U.S. immigration is based on family unification and it take years for the kids to see their parents in the U.S., its all about the visa quota, if you look at the CAIPS/GCMS the IO made his decision on the same day and printed the letter but the file is just lying there for visa


Hero Member
May 6, 2010
Job Offer........
Med's Request
March 2013
4can said:
U sent an email or through the webform as a case specific enquiry?
I have sent an email, not through the web-form. Is the web-form more faster than dropping an email?


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
who's managing below list? cna you add me also?

below is my detail:

0213 jadedgeek 23-11-10 6to12 M.wait 22-4-2012 None No No No No

Arsh Ali said:
Courtesy StarAliHaider Bro [Below list is mainly extracted from Staralihaider's list]
Sorted as per Blitz letter date

NOCName Full Doc Ecase/Date Letter Issued on 2AOR Updated Doc Req. Medical

[td] PPR [/td]
[td] VISA [/td]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 16-3-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 20-3-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]ali green[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 21-3-2012[/td]
[td] 20-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 21-3-2012 [/td]
[td] 09-10-12[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]Arsh Ali[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 21-3-2012 [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 22-3-2012 [/td]
[td] 09-08-10 [/td]
[td] 05-10-12[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]Ashrafbwn [/td]
[td] 06-07-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 22-3-2012 [/td]
[td] 15-09-10 [/td]
[td] 25-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 22-3-2012[/td]
[td] 23-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-3-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-3-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 26-06-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 26-3-2012 [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 01-18-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 27-3-2012[/td]
[td] 25-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]Kashif Shah [/td]
[td] 24-11-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 30-3-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 02-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 02-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 02-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 04-4-2012[/td]
[td] 30-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 04-4-2012[/td]
[td] 24-10-12[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 05-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 01-02-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 25-05-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 01-08-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 24-4-2012 [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 25-4-2012 [/td]
[td] 10-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 26-08-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 26-4-2012[/td]
[td] 24-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 01-11-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 26-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]Zeshan Anis[/td]
[td] 08-09-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 26-4-2012 [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 27-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 27-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]ZaLateef [/td]
[td] 22-05-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 30-4-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 01-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 01-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]Kashif Nizami [/td]
[td] 01-09-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 02-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 08-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 08-5-2012[/td]
[td] 24-10-12[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 11-5-2012[/td]
[td] 24-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 11-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 11-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 14-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 22-5-2012[/td]
[td] 23-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 22-5-2012[/td]
[td] 24-10-12[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-5-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 23-5-2012[/td]
[td] 24-10-12[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 19-6-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 04-7-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] 29-7-2012[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]Cuccoo0 [/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td]27-07-10 [/td]
[td] 18-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 19-07-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] 02-11-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] 30-10-12[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 01-09-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 01-01-11[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 18-01-11[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]

[td] 29-04-10[/td]
[td]6to12 M.wait[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No[/td]
[td] No [/td]
[td] No [/td][/tr]



Hero Member
Jul 21, 2011
cuccoo0 said:
Hello All,

Please don't misqoute me.
First thing is i am not abusing anybody (what are being taken as abuses are expressions in my language Punjabi and these have nothing to do with abuses)
Second thing is if e.g. i am abusing then i am not abusing any person
Thoz who understand punjabi could easily understand these are expressions for CRITICIZING the system

Look what we have done to ourselves?
Let me explain for thoze who just understand English with the below Analogy

In Pakistan, in the city of Gujrat there is a shrine (Dargah) thats called Shah Dola Shah. This is famous among infertile people. Infertile means who can not bear a baby. Majority of the women go there and commit that if Shah Dola blesses them with a baby (which Shah Dola Can not) the first one shall be donated for the Shrine.

There is a berry tree (local berry). After prayers every woman stands under the tree with her veil spread between two arms. If the leaf falls down to his veil from the tree its a gaurantee that she shall bear the child. Once that is born they give it to the Shrine.

Those who live in Pakistan and have come across these children they know what they look like. These have very small heads and they stay their whole lives like this and their job for the rest of the life is to go with their (administrator) in this case (Agent working on our applications appointed by the Canadian Government) and BEG arond all the day long. The whole earning goes to the SHRINE (The F******* Baustards). All such kids dont have a name but ''Shah Dola's Rats''.

They are in every city, town, village of Pakistan and their job is to wake up with their Admins every day (each has been assigned one guard) and walk around in the streets and BEG Money. They dont ask a question at all no matter what.

Few years ago it was discovered by some journalists (the ones who care) that when a Shah Dola's rat is born he/she was born like a normal baby. The shrine administrators devised a way of shrinking their brain growth and to keep them mentally a child (and that was years and years ago) and to give them their RAT like appearance. This involves tightning their heads (Right from the first day once they are delivered to the shrine) in IRON Claws which limits brain and skull growth.

Same is the case with this Canadian Immigration. I have been reading through threads and found lots of interesting things couple of which are

-People have stopped going for kids (to be explicit so that everyone could understand alike) stopped going to bed least not they bear a baby that could delay their appliction progress

-People have kept money in Bank accounts since last 3 4 years no matter how urgent they need these and beg around in the forums asking questions ''I have to make a payment for my house lease or certain such issues and can not touch the money in the bank as Canadian Immigration process will be slowed''

-Whenever the agents ask for any thing new people start tunning across forums to sort out that thing and literally beg for a solution

-People don't speak on the forums they are scared or have RAT heads though this forum or any other forum is not owned by Canadians. They dont express their feelings least not the Immigration is denied or slowed down. I have read even comments where people advise others please don't say this as Canadian Government Officials visit these sites and make note of such things.

-People put their (To be newly borns) on stake by going for X-Rays with Lead Shields on so that their Immigration progress is not effected and guess what the Administrators even despite this keep hold of their cases untill that BABY is born and is no more a burden (on Canadian Economy).

AND WHAT NOT???????????????????????????????????????

Like Shah Dola's RATS though WE ARE NOT (We are literate)

-We never challenged this F***********(SAMA this means *censored word*ing) immigration system
-No body questioned the creditability of this system
-No body even dared to ask this KK thing (Jason Kenny) who is in this role since years and is SLAUGHTERING the whole system and exploiting the applicants.
-No one even challenged his credentials that ''HOW SUCH AN INCOMPETENT PERSON BECAME at first place a citizen of Canada and above all a MINISTER (Though i think the MINISTERS around the world share the common property of being Incompetent and mentally retarded)
-No one challenges why the agents is asking us for filling out all the forms from anew after three years
-No one challenges the competence of these agents that why they are not capable of deciding an application with briliantly filled forms in three years
-No one dares to think if this system is so screwed and has been designed by the CANADIANS then what about the other systems workig in their country
-No one dares to think why we WALK, TALK, SLEEP, EAT Canadian Immigration

-The whole land is of ALLAH's or GOD's or Bhagwan's then why these CANADIANS have become our GODs WHY?

BTW I am no exception to all this. Having said that, i would like all to pay attention to this fact that i once sent such a letter to the office of this KK thing and am yet waiting for a reply. I wrote such article to couple of Canadian news papers as well but no luck yet

But question is why we are doing this? To go to another place which does not seems promising as far rights are concrened. Rather it looks like same like our own country?

IS IT THAT WE TOO ARE ''SHAH DOLA SHAH's RATS''???????????????????????????????? Think

Hopefully this will clarify many issues raised in my first post (in Punjabi that some of the English could not understand)

I shall be going now as I am not an English and am running short of words.

But i would like to take a promise from you all that once you reach their (which you will Allah Willing) please try to challenge and change this once you are settled there for the coming generations

I shall now take your leave

Thanks and Regards

Cuccoo and i am a guy not a Girl

fukk off with your cheap shyte illustration and explanation..you look like one of those shah dola rats,, time you have spent in writing this rubbish should have better spent some where else..never seen a garbage like like that before..get lost...

people are fukkin going mad with this long wait...have some mental checkup


Full Member
Oct 21, 2011
cuccoo0 said:
Hello All,

Please don't misqoute me.
First thing is i am not abusing anybody (what are being taken as abuses are expressions in my language Punjabi and these have nothing to do with abuses)
Second thing is if e.g. i am abusing then i am not abusing any person
Thoz who understand punjabi could easily understand these are expressions for CRITICIZING the system

Look what we have done to ourselves?
Let me explain for thoze who just understand English with the below Analogy

In Pakistan, in the city of Gujrat there is a shrine (Dargah) thats called Shah Dola Shah. This is famous among infertile people. Infertile means who can not bear a baby. Majority of the women go there and commit that if Shah Dola blesses them with a baby (which Shah Dola Can not) the first one shall be donated for the Shrine.

There is a berry tree (local berry). After prayers every woman stands under the tree with her veil spread between two arms. If the leaf falls down to his veil from the tree its a gaurantee that she shall bear the child. Once that is born they give it to the Shrine.

Those who live in Pakistan and have come across these children they know what they look like. These have very small heads and they stay their whole lives like this and their job for the rest of the life is to go with their (administrator) in this case (Agent working on our applications appointed by the Canadian Government) and BEG arond all the day long. The whole earning goes to the SHRINE (The F******* Baustards). All such kids dont have a name but ''Shah Dola's Rats''.

They are in every city, town, village of Pakistan and their job is to wake up with their Admins every day (each has been assigned one guard) and walk around in the streets and BEG Money. They dont ask a question at all no matter what.

Few years ago it was discovered by some journalists (the ones who care) that when a Shah Dola's rat is born he/she was born like a normal baby. The shrine administrators devised a way of shrinking their brain growth and to keep them mentally a child (and that was years and years ago) and to give them their RAT like appearance. This involves tightning their heads (Right from the first day once they are delivered to the shrine) in IRON Claws which limits brain and skull growth.

Same is the case with this Canadian Immigration. I have been reading through threads and found lots of interesting things couple of which are

-People have stopped going for kids (to be explicit so that everyone could understand alike) stopped going to bed least not they bear a baby that could delay their appliction progress

-People have kept money in Bank accounts since last 3 4 years no matter how urgent they need these and beg around in the forums asking questions ''I have to make a payment for my house lease or certain such issues and can not touch the money in the bank as Canadian Immigration process will be slowed''

-Whenever the agents ask for any thing new people start tunning across forums to sort out that thing and literally beg for a solution

-People don't speak on the forums they are scared or have RAT heads though this forum or any other forum is not owned by Canadians. They dont express their feelings least not the Immigration is denied or slowed down. I have read even comments where people advise others please don't say this as Canadian Government Officials visit these sites and make note of such things.

-People put their (To be newly borns) on stake by going for X-Rays with Lead Shields on so that their Immigration progress is not effected and guess what the Administrators even despite this keep hold of their cases untill that BABY is born and is no more a burden (on Canadian Economy).

AND WHAT NOT???????????????????????????????????????

Like Shah Dola's RATS though WE ARE NOT (We are literate)

-We never challenged this F***********(SAMA this means *censored word*ing) immigration system
-No body questioned the creditability of this system
-No body even dared to ask this KK thing (Jason Kenny) who is in this role since years and is SLAUGHTERING the whole system and exploiting the applicants.
-No one even challenged his credentials that ''HOW SUCH AN INCOMPETENT PERSON BECAME at first place a citizen of Canada and above all a MINISTER (Though i think the MINISTERS around the world share the common property of being Incompetent and mentally retarded)
-No one challenges why the agents is asking us for filling out all the forms from anew after three years
-No one challenges the competence of these agents that why they are not capable of deciding an application with briliantly filled forms in three years
-No one dares to think if this system is so screwed and has been designed by the CANADIANS then what about the other systems workig in their country
-No one dares to think why we WALK, TALK, SLEEP, EAT Canadian Immigration

-The whole land is of ALLAH's or GOD's or Bhagwan's then why these CANADIANS have become our GODs WHY?

BTW I am no exception to all this. Having said that, i would like all to pay attention to this fact that i once sent such a letter to the office of this KK thing and am yet waiting for a reply. I wrote such article to couple of Canadian news papers as well but no luck yet

But question is why we are doing this? To go to another place which does not seems promising as far rights are concrened. Rather it looks like same like our own country?

IS IT THAT WE TOO ARE ''SHAH DOLA SHAH's RATS''???????????????????????????????? Think

Hopefully this will clarify many issues raised in my first post (in Punjabi that some of the English could not understand)

I shall be going now as I am not an English and am running short of words.

But i would like to take a promise from you all that once you reach their (which you will Allah Willing) please try to challenge and change this once you are settled there for the coming generations

I shall now take your leave

Thanks and Regards

Cuccoo and i am a guy not a Girl

Now I understand y CIC has issued new medical guide lines. They have included mental test for applicants like u.


Hero Member
Jul 21, 2011
Yahoo0 said:
Now I understand y CIC has issued new medical guide lines. They have included mental test for applicants like u.
lolzz...true.. ;D ;D

am sure he will fail the test


Full Member
Oct 21, 2011
kiala said:
so now shah dola's have also started applying for this immigration thing..uff Canada God bless you..
bhai jan tameez se cockoo0 jo ha yeh AzamDar sb hain. pls be careful.


Star Member
Feb 7, 2012
Yahoo0 said:
bhai jan tameez se cockoo0 jo ha yeh AzamDar sb hain. pls be careful.
shah dola bhaee busy hain shahd kaheen bheek mangnay gaye hain. :D ..answer nahee kar rahay.. :D


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2011
not looking good,,you people shouldn't make fun of it. :(

where is staralihaider. his help is needed..he always tells people to remain calm and cool.. :D


Full Member
Oct 21, 2011
azazaz said:
not looking good,,you people shouldn't make fun of it. :(

where is staralihaider. his help is needed..he always tells people to remain calm and cool.. :D
brother, we are not making fun of anyone, he is himself a funny character.