You kindly explained what happens later during security checks and how some might undergo further screening
Do you have an idea in regards to why some applicants sit longer than others at CIO sydney NS? As far as I know they only perform r10 check and criminality based on the provided PCC am I right? Or is it possible that they sometimes finish other stages as well before sending to LVO.
So what makes some applicants pass in few hours while others might sit 2 weeks or a month?
I was scrolling down through immitracker and noticed something that might be random, but if you look closely, most people that sit long at IP1 go through NA quick, for others finishing IP1 quick they sit relatively longer at NA.
I know that you dont deal with predictions and you prefer assessing cases from GCMS notes, but is there anything you might know about CIO sydney that might be a relieve for us sitting longer there?

Best regards