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Temporary Resident Permit"


Feb 13, 2013
Hey guys

brand new to the forum and just looking for some advice..

I'm from Australia but live in Canada on a Working Holiday Visa and have been here since March 2011 and expires on March 5th this year. I went home for a short time in December 2011 and was caught drink driving (stupid!) and came back and re-entered Canada completely unaware that my DUI made me ineligible.

I work full time, have a long term gf here (2 and a half years) and also play an active role in the daily care of my girlfriends grandparents (we live upstairs from them) and with the help of my lawyer i'm applying for a temporary resident permit!

Just wondering if anyone here has applied for one before and if so how was it? Was it a very long process? Were you denied/approved? What was your story? I have rang CIC and looked online to find processing times but can't find them anywhere..does anyone have any idea how long it takes?

I know it's a long shot me applying but its my only option and I've got nothing to lose!


Feb 13, 2013
Anyone at all? I know its an uncommon permit and rarely given, but i thought at least someone must've gone through it!