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TEL AVIV-2015 Outland Spousal Sponsorship Applicants


Star Member
Apr 1, 2015
Vancouver, BC
mariahvais said:
ours was only sent there in june!
that office has a wonderful mazgan lol
We got a confirmation email today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that our case was received in May and if we do not have any response in 6 months we should contact the office. It means that we might get an interview notification any time now before October.
Your confirmation is on it's way:))))))))


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015

big huge congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

can you show me what it look like?


Star Member
Apr 1, 2015
Vancouver, BC
Thank you. There is no change in eCAS-we still have "application received" status. Below is how confirmation letter looks like (2 pages). I cut it a liitle bit in size by taken off references to IRPA and common information:

[size=10pt]Application: XXXXXXXXXX

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada which was received at this office on ______2015.

We have created a file with the application number provided above. You must quote this application number in any future correspondence.

Processing time
Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied require on average 9 Months to process at this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office within 6 months from the date of this letter, you are requested to contact this office directly.

You will be notified of the appointment for your interview, if required, approximately 2 months prior to the date of the interview, and you will be provided with further instructions at that time...............

Interpreters must be arranged in advance for any family members who will be interviewed and who are unable to communicate well in either of Canada's official languages of English or French. Instructions for the provision of interpreters will be provided to you prior to your interview appointment............

Non-resident applications
If you or any of your accompanying family members are not normally resident in the area of responsibility of this office, then you should be aware that there may be additional delay in the processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada...........

Let us know
If your circumstances change you have to let us know..........

Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada
Your application has just been received at visa office and some months will probably pass before you know the final decision on your application. We nonetheless encourage you to use these months to gather information on Canada...........

We trust that this information is helpful.


Canadian Embassy- Immigration and Visa Section


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
can you post your info like im posting mine.. just take out the name

omg i am so excited! LOL i want be able to compare accurately I have a hard time figuring it out any other way.., i also noticed you are not on the spread sheet?

On-Line Services
FAQ | Security
We received your application to sponsor RVS on March 27, 2015.
We started processing your application on April 27, 2015.
We sent you correspondence on May 26, 2015 about the decision on your application.

On-Line Services
FAQ | Security
Permanent Residence
We received RVS application for permanent residence on March 27, 2015.
Medical results have been received.


Star Member
Apr 1, 2015
Vancouver, BC
mariahvais said:
can you post your info like im posting mine.. just take out the name

omg i am so excited! LOL i want be able to compare accurately I have a hard time figuring it out any other way.., i also noticed you are not on the spread sheet?

On-Line Services
FAQ | Security
We received your application to sponsor RVS on March 27, 2015.
We started processing your application on April 27, 2015.
We sent you correspondence on May 26, 2015 about the decision on your application.

On-Line Services
FAQ | Security
Permanent Residence
We received RVS application for permanent residence on March 27, 2015.
Medical results have been received.
No problem.

This is what eCAS shows:

Sponsorship-Status "decision made"
We received your application to sponsor ХХХХХХХХХХХХ on February 18, 2015.
We started processing your application on April 8, 2015.
We sent you correspondence on April 17, 2015 about the decision on your application.

Permanent Residence-Status "in process"
We received ХХХХХХХХХХХХ application for permanent residence on February 18, 2015.
Medical results have been received.

I am on spreadsheet- line 71 :D

Time difference is about a month between our cases, so do not worry-you are very close to final stage. :D :D :D


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
are you in israel? where do you live?
where are you moving in canada
how long have you been together? i feel like we probably wont get an interview i've been living in israel with him for seven years.. lol


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
oh i just remembered your in canada sponsoring your husband from lod :p
you should come visit a little bit its perfect beach days


Star Member
Apr 1, 2015
Vancouver, BC
Yes, you are right, I am in Vancouver, he is in Lod :D

We are married for three years, however lived together for only 6 months. It is a long story, I hope happy end is coming :D

He has dual citizenship. I flied to visit him twice last year to his native country and we met twice this year-I was in Israel in January to visit him, in June we both met in Paris. It is very expensive to be in long distance relationship :mad:

I am going to fly to Tel-Aviv for interview, hopefully in September or October. We are in contact almost every day, but so tired..

From one side I wish the interview to be ASAP, better yesterday ;D

from another-if I had to be there now for interview....I do not know if I would survive in such a hot weather...on beach or not-I feel I could be melted out ::) regardless of mazgan..

What is your status in Israel? Do you have dual citizenship? We were thinking about living together in Israel but according to the law we have to apply for sponsorship, he will be my sponsor there and we have to submit the same paperwork to the Ministry of Interior with all confirmations that our marriage is genuine. It is too much-to go through two sponsorships at the same time :eek: :eek: :eek:

Can not wait when we will be together, really hope before Christmas everything will be done.


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
he has duel citizenship to what countries?

im Canadian born sponsoring my husband who ive lived with in Israel for the last 7 years.. we have a three year old son
life in israel is really hard living is expensive and your pay check isnt any better.. i find mostly we work to live here and if we get a little night out once in a while its luck
we both have great jobs and neither of us make minimum wage, we would never be able to buy a house here,
i cant wait to get out of here, not to mention the wars, and the random acts of terrorism that go on around the country daily, plus im not interested in my son going to the army lol
my husband sponsored me so to speak i landed as a tourist and we did everything that had to be done while i was here, it wasn't so difficult.. but i did have to fly to canada once in order to get a specific stamp lol was an expensive stamp

anyway i wish our laywer would calllllll :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\


Star Member
Apr 1, 2015
Vancouver, BC
He has permanent resident status in Georgia and he is citizen of Israel.

I know about living expenses and pay rate in Israel. My husband works ridiculous hours every week and still gets less pay compare to what he would have here, in Canada.

We both were thinking if we should move in during the time when our application is in process. However, to our bad luck, Israel recently changed rules for foreign spouses and now I have to ask for specific permission to stay there (I am not talking about tourist visa, I meant spouse visa). It is a lot of paperwork involved.

In Georgia government changed rules as well last September and in order to get a spouse visa, we need to provide them with confirmation how he is going to support me there. He kept looking for a job and got nothing so far. Unemployment rate is very high, so there is a small chance we will take a risk and move both to Georgia.

Since January I applied for each and every possible contract position under UN umbrella all over the world to be able to move to any country during my contract-still no luck.

Taking into consideration mortgage here, my full time position, and all financial obligations plus following all immigrations rules make our goal to move in such a challenge.

So, we keep waiting now. I beg he can get a visa, we are so tired of long distance relationship.

I wish you good luck. In your case you have to convince immigration officer about your intention to move back to Canada. Did you start looking for a job? Do you still keep ties with Canada?


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
i think canada is probably your best bet.. Georgia is a pretty poor country ...
why are you not happy in canada why would you want to leave?
i feel like i dont need to prove anything to the immigration officer, im a canadian citizen and if i choose to live in canada with my family then its my legal right, like, we dont just do all this mess and pay thousands of dollars for for fun lol