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STUDY VISA for 46 yr old Student for Post Secondary Education with wife and son


Oct 21, 2014
Hello Everyone :) I would be grateful if you could give your advice regarding my interest in applying for study permit visa for a two year full time IT course (Computer System Technology) in any schools in Canada. I would like my wife and my nine year old son to join me while studying. I would be applying for study visa for my son in order to continue his studies as well. Will it be possible to give two study visa for myself and for my son? I am currently waiting for the response from Senecca College and Sheridan College. My IELTS total band is 6. I have been working in Saudi Arabia for more than ten years.

Any valuable input or possibility of acquiring a study visa ? Thanking you all for your kind reply and attention.

GOD bless us all!


Hero Member
Apr 19, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan 2010
Doc's Request.
March 2010
AOR Received.
JULY 2010
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
FEB 2010
Med's Request
09 FEB 2012
Med's Done....
27 Feb 2012
Medical received 12 March
Passport Req..
15 April 2012
30 April 2012
Sep 18 2012 Shuker Allah.
Why you want to apply for study visa for your son ? Won't he allowed to go to public school as TR.


Oct 21, 2014
KSA said:
Hello Everyone :) I would be grateful if you could give your advice regarding my interest in applying for study permit visa for a two year full time IT course (Computer System Technology) in any schools in Canada. I would like my wife and my nine year old son to join me while studying. I would be applying for study visa for my son in order to continue his studies as well. Will it be possible to give two study visa for myself and for my son? I am currently waiting for the response from Senecca College and Sheridan College. My IELTS total band is 6. I have been working in Saudi Arabia for more than ten years.

Any valuable input or possibility of acquiring a study visa ? Thanking you all for your kind reply and attention.

GOD bless us all!
You got 10 year of experience and now you are considering a Graduate Degree ?
How would you convince the VO about why you want to study ?
It isn't like you will be promoted in your job after your studies.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
I think you're going to have your work cut out for you convincing CIC that you are a genuine student given your age, the fact you want to take your wife and child with you - and the fact you are planning on just taking a graduate degree. Make sure you write a very strong SOP.


Oct 21, 2014
Thank you guys for your advices :) I have the intention of completing the two year diploma course in any other colleges in Canada. I have completed my three year program in the Philippines and I was fortunate that i was granted thru a scholarship program back home. I was given a great opportunity to work as OFW and trully blessed in many ways. I just think that the VO would require my son to enroll in a private school as an additional or valid point that we are only there to study. I am financially capable to support my family and would like to bring them with me as they are truly my inspiration! I also have business back home to prove that we will be returning to our home country.

May GOD bless us all and looking forward to hear more input about this. I am now preparing a strong SOP as per the suggestion here. Please accept my sincerest thanks to all of you.


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2014
Job Offer........
KSA said:
Thank you guys for your advices :) I have the intention of completing the two year diploma course in any other colleges in Canada. I have completed my three year program in the Philippines and I was fortunate that i was granted thru a scholarship program back home. I was given a great opportunity to work as OFW and trully blessed in many ways. I just think that the VO would require my son to enroll in a private school as an additional or valid point that we are only there to study. I am financially capable to support my family and would like to bring them with me as they are truly my inspiration! I also have business back home to prove that we will be returning to our home country.

May GOD bless us all and looking forward to hear more input about this. I am now preparing a strong SOP as per the suggestion here. Please accept my sincerest thanks to all of you.
just apply for visa once u get the visa and present ur case honestly to the VO. write an inspiring SOP and jst pray. but dnt b too hopeful. but do try, u have a 50-50 chance


Oct 21, 2014
As of now i did not received any offer yet as i have just started communicating with the schools. my papers are still for review.

Thanks many! GOD bless us always


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2014
Job Offer........
KSA said:
As of now i did not received any offer yet as i have just started communicating with the schools. my papers are still for review.

Thanks many! GOD bless us always
i hope u will certainly receive a offer letter from colleges but start writing a good sop, and maintain a healthy balance in ur bank account. also try to get a letter from ur current job that should address the visa officer stating that once u will finish ur studies in canada, u will immediately join ur company in KSA.

this will strengthen ur case to a great extent


Oct 21, 2014
Many thanks again! Could someone give me some tips on how to write a strong SOP please.

GOD bless us always


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2014
Job Offer........
KSA said:
Many thanks again! Could someone give me some tips on how to write a strong SOP please.

GOD bless us always
Yes i b pleased to help u in this regard. Firstly write ur passion about going for particular program in which u r interested.
2. reason why u r interested in that program
3. why canada?
4. why u want to travel with ur family to canada
5. any previous work related to the program u r interested to study in canada
6. ur ties in KSA (both financial and family)
7. ur proof that u r a Genuine student and have no intention to stay in canada after ur studies(should be a hard proof)

i will keep updating you if anything more strikes my mind.
u r most welcome to keep in touch with me


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2014
Job Offer........
KSA said:
Hi Shababz,

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kind assistance. Should I state in my SOP that i have bank account here as a hard proof?

GOD bless you more with your good deeds!

Again, thank u!
haha, firstly, name is SHAHBAZ. hmmm on SOP u should not i think but u can attach another letter addressed to the visa officer showing ur financial strength. for hard proof u should mention ur assets in KSA and ur job letter


Hero Member
Jul 23, 2008
If you get study permit and your son also get visa he can study in public school with cheap tuition fee and if your wife get visa she can work in Canada.

You can read the link below and find a person 52 years old who got admission and study permit.


KSA said:
My son is nine year old and currently enrolled in International School :)