Hi Pochie and harvey.. Same lang yn, iba lang ung ngmit na term.. baka ung term lng ng ngrereply sa "Enquiry" varies from officer to officer.. Visa package = Result of application.. Sa email sila ngreply, cause we are worried na wala pang update before tayo ng DM..
To back up kaya ko nsbi: eto ung 2 emails
eto ung sinend kay frend Pochie:
Dear Ma'am,
Please be informed that this application has been finalized. The result of the application will be sent via WWWExpress in the coming weeks. Kindly allow enough time for the package to be sent as we cannot guarantee a specific date of delivery. Also, please do not make any travel arrangements until the applicant has the valid travel documents on hand.
Note that the applicant's medical result is valid until 18 August 2015
eto ung snend sa email ko naman:
Dear Applicant,
Your family member's file was finalized. The visa package will be sent to via WWW Express in the coming weeks. Please allow enough time for the visa package to arrive in your place. Please do not make travel arrangements as we are unable to guarantee a specific date of delivery of the visa package.
We trust this information is of assistance.
Thank You
_same ung content but di ung exact terms pagkakasabi,

so don't worry.
All is well.