I am in need of some advice on my application to sponsor my girlfriend who lives with me in Canada.
Here is where were we are at this point,
My girlfriend was in Canada on a 1 year working holiday from Ireland, we met the second month she was here and moved in together shortly after.
After her first year was up she activated her second 1 year visa that was approved and we then decided I was going to sponsor her to become a permanent resident.
Our application for Permanent Residence Sponsorship from Inside Canada was received April 5th 2013 and the online waiting time for a sponsorship inside Canada was 6months, this was extremely misleading and caused a lot of stress as every few months the wait times were extended by the same amount of time that had passed

So I contacted CIC after countless phone calls every day I finally got through to get some advice, they recommended we apply for a open work permit as the application wait times were only getting longer and her Working Visa was going to expire before the application would be looked at. We applied for the work permit but I was not told and I didn't check that there as a fee to this application, this was my fault for not checking but these things are new to me so the Visa has now expired and we have no working permit.
Now we have just received a letter from the processing facility saying they are not satisfied with our proof that we have lived together, this is where I have the big issue. My girlfriend has been living with me for 2+ years, at first in my house that I own, and now in a house that we purchased together. But I cannot prove this because when we purchased our home the bank would not allow her to be on title of the home because she does not have residency in Canada.
I have been trying to call CIC every day for hours on end on two separate phones but I cannot get through, I enter my information then a recording comes on saying there is no one to answer my call and it hangs up, I have repeated this process hundreds of times now and I don't know what to do.
Is there someone I can contact or a building I can go to in Canada that has someone who will receive me? I don't mind flying to Calgary or Toronto if needed(we live in Saskatoon).
I don't mind waiting for the processing time to take as long as it needs to, money is not a restriction as I can support both of us comfortably, the big thing for us right now is my sister is getting married out of country in May and it would be horrible if we cant go together because I fear if she leaves the country she will not be able to get back in.
I know that is a mouthful of information, but I am lost with what to do at this point and all I want is someone to talk to that can give me direction.
Thank you for reading!